Paradise Lost Flashcards
Sacrifice of morals
Our state cannot be severed, we are one flesh; to lose the were to lose myself
Sacrifice of the lower orders
I like to serpents all as accessories to his bold riot dreadful was the din of hissing through the hall
This man of clay son of despite… spite then with spite is best repaid
The position of women
Fairest resemblance of thy maker fair, thee all things living gaze on
Desire to be elevated in authority
From pole to pole traversing each colure
Role of male
Her long with Ardent look his Eye pursued delighted but desiring more her stay
trust within marriage
How art thou lost, how on a sudden lost, defaced, deflowered and now to death devote
Trust in faith
Terrestrial heaven
With what delight could I have walked thee around
Betrayal of trust
Rose up a fountain by the tree of life and with the river sunk, and with it rose Satan involved in rising mist
With an apple hath given up both his beloved man and all his world
Manipulative control over women through male dominance
So glistered the dire snake and into fraud lead Eve our credulous mother to the tress of Prohibition root of all our woe
Loss of manhood/women use their wit and sexuality to convince their male counterpart
So spake the patriarch of mankind but eve persisted
Such pleasure took the serpent to behold this flowery plat, the sweet recess of Eve thus early, thus alone, her heavenly form Angelic, but more soft and feminine
Punishment metamorphosis
Above all cattle each beast of the field
All the days of its life
Bruised I head, thou bruise his heel