Para-testicular Adnexa and Spermatic Cord Tumours Flashcards
Adenomatoid tumor
- Benign tumor of mesothelial origin
- Most common benign paratesticular tumor
- Usually based in the epididymis and well circumscribed
- Expresses markers typical of mesothelial origin
- Third - fifth decade
- Testicular adnexa
* Typically paratesticular well circumscribed, white-tan firm nodule
* Almost always unilateral and solitary
* Generally firmer than seminoma
* Most commonly occurs at lower or upper pole of the epididymis
* Tubules, cords or small nests
* Composed of or lined with cuboidal cells
* Moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm with single to multiple vacuoles
* Signet ring cell morphology and lipoblast-like morphologies very common
* Other patterns: adenoid, angiomatoid, cystic, glandular, oncocytic, solid, tubular
* Thin bridging strands crossing glandular / tubular spaces
* Peripheral lymphoid aggregates
* Infiltrative growth common
* Can become infarcted
Mesothelial markers:
* Thrombomodulin
* HBME-1
* CK 5/6
* Calretinin
* Cytokeratin
Vasitis nodosa/Sperm granuloma
- Granulomatous condition of vas deferens that resembles spermatic granuloma of epididymis
- Usually post vasectomy or herniorrhaphy
- Occasionally associated with recanalization
* Proliferating ductules and dilated tubules containing spermatozoa in wall of vas deferens
* Also associated with small bundles of hyperplastic smooth muscle
* Vas deferens may show irregular thickening
* May see perineural or vascular invasion by proliferating ductules