PARA MTAP Flashcards
The agent of Chagas disease
Kissing Bug
Human infection with larva stage of Solium?
Adult Schistosome that resides in the inferior mesentery vein?
- S. mansoni
A case of fish nematode infection that can be recovered during endoscopy?
The female worm migrates to the skin surface producing blister and diagnosis is made by finding the female worm emerging in the skin at the surface with larva in the discharge fluid?
Dracunculus medinensis
Ciliated trematode larva is capable of penetrating the tissue snail host?
Development of Cholangiocarcinoma?
Clonorchis sinensis
The egg has the characteristics flattened operculum, can be isolated in the stole or the sputum?
Paragonimus westermani
The egg has resemblance with trichuris with gurgling stomach?
Capillara pilipinensis
. Pear-shaped organism, exhibiting falling-leaf motility?
Gardia lambia
The presence of protozoan commonly in vacuolar form and the nuclei are found in the periphery?
Blastocystis hominis
Toxoplasma gondii infection can be acquired through the ingestion of ?
Both (Oocysts and Tissue Cysts)
A disease affecting the reticuloendothelial system which you can find the amastigote and promastigote forms?
The fusion of the male and the female gametocyte occurs in what host?
Definitive host
The identifying malarial parasite on the thin blood film one should look in the following except?
Appearance in the infective WBC
IS of H. nana
embryonated egg
IS of N. americanus
Filariform larva
IS of Taena spp.
IS of of c. philipipinensis
infected larva
The helminth with a buccal orifice with three lips?
adult ascaris
Find the incorrect systoms and diagnosis
Iron deficiency anemia for D.latum (because it is pernicious anemia)
Sensitive to alcohol
Taenia saginata
The only human tapeworm that completes its life cycle in the single host
H. nana
Resembling like a whipworm
Trichuris trichuria
Causing protracted diarrhea among immunocompromised individuals such as those with AIDS except?
Chilomastix mesnili
What is the drug of choice in the treatment of tapeworm infection
What do you call a layer of cells between the plasma and the red blood cell after centrifugation?
buffy coat
What do you call a layer of cells between the plasma and the red blood cell after centrifugation?
buffy coat
Parasitic autoinfection with specie of hymenolepis happens when
Parasitic autoinfection with specie of hymenolepis happens when
Parasitic autoinfection with specie of hymenolepis happens when
Dependent on the specie of the parasite
. Sheep microfilariae, numerous nuclei contain in the body, cephalic end is blunt and round, and tail-end culminates in a point that is free of nuclei
Wuchereria bancrofti
The only nematode that is known to present problems among individual
Cresent shapes, two-sides
P. falciparum
A parasite that appeared as rounded globular jerky tumbling motility
T. vaginalis
Lectins of Gardia lambia once activated is able to facilitate attachment?
intestinal cells
A parasite which is originally describe as an amoeba but it is actually a flagellate
Dientamoeba fragilis
Dientamoeba fragilis
look to intraerythrocytic parasite in the giemsa stain blood film
Encysted metacercariae in pickled undercooked fresh water fish ingested human host may transmit this
Clonorchis sinensis
Classified as pseudo parasitic infection, the body will not manifest any disease
What is reffered to as the immature fluke that losses its tail once its inside the body
What is reffered to as the immature fluke that losses its tail once its inside the body
Effective means in controlling the transmission of clonorchiasis
Irradiate the fish
parasite is not transmitted by eating raw or undercook fish
echinostoma ilocanum
Transformation for the cysts into trophozoite occurs where?
Small intestine
Identify the parasite: Glanders pseudopodia, sluggish, undirected movement, and more vacuolated but with no red blood cell
e. coli
Free-living pathogenic amoeba penetrating by nasal mocusa, migrate to the brain through the olfactory nerve causing what type of infection
PAM (Primary amebic meningoencephalitis)
Considered as the Gold standard means of diagnosing Trichomonas infection?
How many stages is involved in classical malarial paroxysm
The age of the erythrocyte in P.vivax and P.ovale infection
What is the Gold standard test in assessing malaria?
- Blood smear (thick and thin)
What is the Gold standard test in assessing malaria?
- Blood smear (thick and thin)
Presence of 6 to 12 merozoites in rosette
Quantitative diagnosis in terms of the intensity of helminth infection
This allows the hatching of the larva utilizing your filter paper
- Harada-Mori technique
A comprehensive control of STH infection
True among Stercoralis where the female produce eggs without fertilization
. Intractable, painless intermittent diarrhea accompanied by watery and bloody stool
The female worm migrates to the perianal area, one side is flattened, while the other side is convex
A symdrome experience with body fatigue, malaise, fever reffered to as a snail fever
Katayama fever (cause by Japonicum)
Wuchereria in the pheripheral blood circulation where it is pick up and ingested by the appropriate mosquito vector during a blood myth
What is being release when your Saginata egg are ingested by catodes
Human cysticercosis occurs in infection with
Taenia solium
The indirect cycle of H.nana is usually via
- The ingestion of the intermediate host
Mode of transmission of heterophyes
Fish carrying the Metacercariae
The natural release of cercaria for Schistosome usually happens at
Morphological forms of pinworm that can be isolated using Scotch tape?
adult and egg
trichinella spiralis
The vector responsible in carrying medinensis which can be ingested by human in contaminated drinking water
The vector responsible in carrying medinensis which can be ingested by human in contaminated drinking water
second ih of ilocanum
susong pampang and kuhol