Para lab 5 Flashcards
What is the size of a Cryptosporiudium oocyst?
5-8 microns
Which genus has sporulated oocysts with 4 free sporozoites
Which genus has sporulated oocysts without sporocytes?
What are the characteristics of cryptosporidium meleagridis oocysts?
5 um, spherical
Which form is not characteristic of avian Cryptosporidiosis?
Hepatic fprm (cyptosporidiosis has intestinal respiratory and renal form)
Host range of cryptosporidiosis?
Host range of Cryptosporidium baileyi?
Life cycle of cryptosporidia parvum
Homoxenous (via air/water/ dust)
Which is the method used to detect Cryptosporidium?
Kinyoun staining (also Ziehl Neelson, Safranin methylene blue staining and Giemsa)
What do the oocysts of cryptosporidia contain?
4 sporozoites (no sporocysts)
What organ is not involved during C.baileyi infection of poultry?
Brain (organ affected -> respiratory system, small and large intestine, cloaca and bursa Fabricius and rarely in kidneys)
Which species of cryptosporidium occurs in birds?
C.baileyi (or C.galli or C meleagridis)
Where is cryptosporidium mainly found?
Small intestine (ileum) or abomasum in case of C.muris and C.andersoni
Which bird species are susceptible for C.bailyei infection?
Many species especially young chickens
What is the causative agent of cryptosporidiosis in mammals?
C.muris (and C.parvum, C.andersoni and C.bovis, C.felis, C.canis and C.hominis)
Which parasite are homoxenous but not host specific?
Cryptosporidium parvum
What are the clinical signs for C.baileyi?
Dyspnea and diarrhoea (also: coughing, sneezing, nasal discharges and conjunctivitis)
What are the characteristics of Cryptosporidium baileyi oocysts?
6-7um, oval
What form of cryptosporidium can be found in fresh faeces?
Oocysts containing 4 sporozoites
How do we detect usually the oocysts of cryptosporidia in faeces?
with flotation
Which form of cryptosporidiosis has the most severe outcome in broilers?
In which location will Cryptosporidium baiileyi not establish?
Which animal species can be infected by toxaplasma gondii?
many mammals and birds
How many sporocysts do the Toxoplasma oocysts have?