Paper Questions Flashcards
- What is being sequenced here?
- What does this figure show?
- What is C? TSS?
- What do the numbers mean?
What is being sequenced here?
- nascent RNA???
What does this figure show?
- GRO-seq captures the pieces of RNA that are being generated by active RNA polymerase.
- This confirms that active promoters and enhancer elements are generally transcribed bi-directionally.
What is C? TSS?
- The x-axis is the distance from either the enhancer center (C) or the transcription start site (TSS) in kilobases.
What do the numbers mean?
- Number of unique reads
Describe the figure
- Gene tracks for the Arid1a gene and enhancer showing ChIP-seq and CLIP-seq data for YY1 cells, as well as GRO-seq reads for mESCs.
- The ChIP-seq analysis in ESCs revealed that YY1 binds to both active enhancers and promoters, with some preference for promoters
- Crick is non-coding strand
- Watson is coding strand
Describe the firgures
- YY1 binds to DNA at both enhancer and promoter region with pref. for promotor
- YY1 binds to RNA at both enhancer and promoter region with pref. for promotor.
- YY1 binds with less affinity to enhacners in RNA
Describe the figures
Describe the figures
- Oct4, SOX2, Nanog
- TF binds to enhancer DNA and not eRNA
- ChIP
- Binding of YY1 to both eDNA and promoter region
- CLIP Crick
- Binding of YY1 to both eRNA and promtor RNA of the non-coding strand
- Clip Watson
- No binding of YY1 to both eRNA and promtor RNA of the coding strand
- Controls
- Only had biotin ligase
Describe the figures
Shows the YY1 bindign to both RNA and DNA prmootes gene expression and RNA is affecting the system.
Describe the figures
Which experiment(s) are in vivo? Which in vitro?
How does OCT4 compare with YY1 in terms of RNA and DNA binding?
Describe the figures
- Lefty1 DNA is a control from a different gene that Oct4 binds to
- Fig A
- YY1 has preference for promotors over enhancers
- OCT4 does not bind to RNA
- Fig B
- Competition EMSA to show if OCT4 binds to DNA and not RNA
- It shows specificity of binding
Which experiment(s) are in vivo? Which in vitro?
- in vitro
- Fig B (EMSA)
- in vivo
- Fig A (CLIP)
How does OCT4 compare with YY1 in terms of RNA and DNA binding?
- RNA->YY1
- DNA-> YY1 and OCT4
Describe the figures
- DNA and RNA contained a labled YY1 binding motif
- Increasing [YY1] showed more binding interactions that created more protein-nucleotide complexes
- YY1 binds to both RNA and DNA with preference to DNA
YY1 binds to DNA probes containing consensus YY1 binding motif in vitro in murine ESC nuclear extracts.
Describe the figures
- RPI30 os a ribosomal protein
- Used to show that YY1 works with more than 1 gene
- When binding motif is removed, no binding occurs .
- When present, the binding motif allows for the protein-DNA complex to be immunopercipitaed out.
- 1st lane probe just negative control
- 2nd lane shows that nuclear extract YY1 is binding to probe
- 3rd lane specific competitior is same as the probe but is NOT lableled. Shows that specific competitor binds to YY1 and makes the band disapear.
- 4th lane diferent sequence than the probe that shows that YY1 has sequence specitifity for binding.
How do recombinant and endogenous YY1 compare?
Describe these figures
A) Western blot used for invitro studies for later comparison
- In vitro competition EMSA between recombient YY1 with competitor DNA
- Lane 1: Negative control
- Lane 2: YY1 binds to DNA probe
- Lane 3: Supershifted band when antibody binds to YY1
- Lane 4: Specific unlabled dna sequence competes for YY1 with probe
- Lane 5: Non-specific dna sequence does not compete with DNA probe
- Conclusion
- Recombnant YY1 binds to DNA probe in similar ways to endogneous YY1
C) EMSA analysis that is similar to B except with a different gene and RNA competitor.
- Lane 1: Negative control
- Lane 2; recomb. YY1 binds to DNA
- Lane 3: RNA competitor DOES not comepete with DNA for binding
- Conclusion: YY1 binds to DNA and RNA
Describe these figures
YY1 binds to RNA at different affinities
Different regions in YY1 are responsible for binding to DNA and RNA.
Describe the figures
- These figures show that DNA on Arid1A gene binds to YY1 at YY1’s C terminus, which contains 4 zinc fingers.
- It also shows that it binds to RNA for Arid1A gene binds to YY1 at YY1’s N terminus.
Perturbation of RNA levels using transcription inhibitors affects YY1 binding to DNA
Describe the figures
Perturbation of RNA levels using transcription inhibitors affects YY1 binding to DNA
Describe the figures
Perturbation of RNA levels using transcription inhibitors affects YY1 binding to DNA
Describe these figures
Why did the researchers focus on Yin‐Yang 1 (YY1)?
- Yin-Yang 1 (YY1) is
- ubiquitously expressed in mammalian cells
- plays key roles in normal development
- and can bind RNA species in vitro
What did YY1 bind preferentially: enhancers or promoters?