paper 2- wrong q's Flashcards
two differences between light and sound waves (2):
- light waves are transverse, sound waves are longitudinal
- light waves travel faster than sound waves
describe how neutrons released in fission can cause a chain reaction (2):
- neutrons released by uranium-235
- neutrons absorbed by another nucleus
- nucleus splits, releasing more neutrons
explain how transformers are useful in the large-scale transmission of electricity (5):
- step up transformer used before transmission
- voltage in increased before transmission
- current is reduced before transmission
- less heating in transmission cables
- less energy wasted in transmission cables
- step down transformer used after transmission
- voltage is decreased after transmission for safety
name a piece of apparatus that could be used to measure the weight of the metal block (1):
- balance
- newton meter
explain what is meant by background radiation (2):
- always present everywhere
- radon gas
suggest why you can only be in a certain area of high background radiation for a short amount of time (3):
- excessive exposure can be harmful
- dosage is higher
- increased risk of cancer
- radiation is increased
explain how cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) supports the Big Bang theory (2):
- CMBR appears to be the same in all directions
- which implies that all parts of the universe were in contact a long time ago
explain the operation of a step down transformer (4):
- step down means secondary voltage is less than primary voltage
- current in primary coil produces a magnetic field
- the current is changing
- causing a changing magnetic field in the core
- the core strengthens the magnetic field
- the secondary coil experiences a changing magnetic field
- which induces a voltage in the secondary coil
state what is meant by the term absolute magnitude (2):
- a measure of brightness
- a star would be at a standard distance (10 perspecs)
explain how a plastic tube becomes positively charged (2):
- electron transfer
- loss of electrons
explain why there is a wire connecting a metal mast to the earth (3):
- electrons move through wire
- as they move through, they are attracted to metal mast
- makes metal mast neutral
describe how the student could use their apparatus to help determine the specific heat capacity of a substance (5):
- measure current and voltage to work out power
- use ammeter and voltmeter
- measure temperature increase and time taken
- find total energy E=Pt
- measure mass
- use a balance
explain what happens during nuclear fusion (3):
- creation of a large nucleus from small nuclei
- resulting in a loss of mass
- and release of energy
explain two conditions needed for nuclear fusion (4):
- high temperature
- higher kinetic energy
- high pressure
- so that nuclei are more likely to collide
describe how a student could determine the specific heat capacity of water (6):
- measure mass of water (mass of water and cup - mass of cup)
- use a balance
- time measured on a stopwatch
- find temperature change
- use equation energy supplied= voltmeter reading x ammeter reading x time
- repeat whole experiment and calculate averages
- stir water constantly
- plot a temperature versus time graph
- find gradient
explain how a transformer works (6):
- steps up or steps down the voltage
- current in primary coil produces a magnetic field
- current is changing/ alternating
- causing a changing magnetic field in the coil
- the core strengthens the magnetic field
- iron is a soft magnetic material
- field lines interact with secondary coil
- which induces a voltage in the secondary coil
- transformer won’t work with dc
how could the primary coil of the transformer be changed to increase output voltage (1)?
less turns
explain whether or not the energy in the kinetic store of the particles changes when the sample is changing state (3):
- kinetic energy stays constant
- temperature stays constant during state change
- speed of particles does not change
state the principal of conservation of momentum (1):
momentum before event= momentum after event