Paper 2 - Rise and Rule of Mao Flashcards
What weaknesses were present in China?
The Qing dynasty did not modernize like the rest of the world (Michael Lynch). It also lost to Japan. Later on, the GMD was weak against Japan.
What were the economic conditions in pre-revolutionary China?
Econ was almost all agriculture-based, 80% of the population was peasantry, large population growth happened –> famine.
If in doubt on a historian, quote whom?
Michael Lynch
How was China socially divided?
A new bourgeois entered. So did intellectuals.
What two wars contributed to an atmosphere that led to the rise of the Chinese authoritarian state?
WWI: China got nothing from the Treaty of Versailles and had territory taken and given to Japan. Chi. Civil War: led to Comm. victory. 2nd Sino-Jap War: Mao took advantage of GMD’s failures.
How did the Chinese authoritarian regime use persuasion and coercion in their takeover?
The GMD had loyalty and morale issues while the CCP said that they could solve all problems through Comm. the CCP won the “hearts and minds” of the people. (I’d say quote Michael Lynch on that)
How did Mao’s ideology appeal to the country?
During the Long March and Yanan years where communism was implemented, people liked it and Mao emerged the leader (Michael Lynch).
How was violence used in the rise of Mao?
After the GMD turned on the CCP in 1927, the CCP had to use force in the Chinese Civil War. Moreover, CCP had purges (Michael Lynch).
How was propaganda important in the rise of Mao’s authoritarian state?
Struggle sessions in the Yanan days (ppl. admitting to their personal failures). Rectification of conduct campaign (Michael Lynch).
How did Mao use legal methods?
He established himself as the dictator once the CCP won the Chinese Civil War (Micheal Lynch).
How did Mao use force in the consolidation of power?
The 100 Flowers Campaign (Michael Lynch)
What was the 100 Flowers Campaign?
Mao asked for criticism, but then realized his problem and purged the dissenters.
How important was charismatic leadership in Mao’s consolidation of power?
Mao made the people think that they had the power while he controlled everything behind a facade (Michael Lynch)
How was the dissemination of propaganda important in Mao’s consolidation and maintenance of power?
the Anti-movements tried to scapegoat the bourgeois (Michael Lynch).
How did Mao deal with opposition in his maintenance of power?
the 100 flowers campaign and Laogai (camps) (Michael Lynch)
What were the successes of Mao’s foreign policy?
The prioritization of China in every situation (resisted US and disliked Khrushchev’s cult thing) (Michael Lynch)
What were the failures in Mao’s foreign policy?
Sino-Soviet Split.
What were the aims and impacts of Mao’s domestic economic policies?
The Great Leap Foreward”: collectivization and urbanization. Led to the Great Famine 20-30 mil dead (Michael Lynch)
What were the aims and impacts of Mao’s domestic social/cultural/political policies?
Cultural Revolution: attacks on revisionism, Red Guards, Tiananmen Square Rallies, Mao attacks leadership, the Red Book, and anti-intellectuals. Led to: a rise in crime, a cult of personality, and 400k dead. (Michael Lynch)
What were the impacts of Mao’s policies on women?
Marriage Law of 1950: Eliminated concubinage, divorce was allowed. Women could buy and sell land (but collectivization made that worthless) (Michael Lynch)
What were the impacts of Mao’s policies on minorities?
Forced assimilation into Maoist culture. Oppression –> internment camps. (Michael Lynch)