paper 2 - memory police Flashcards
Role of memory in the memory police
- memory shaped the protagonist’s character
- her sense of self and identity is closely tied to her memories
- losing her memory is an emotionally destructive journey
(eroding memory reflects her eroding soul)
Quotes about memory in the memory police
- Without memories we are hollow. What we love, what we grieve, it all slips through our fingers.
- Memories are what bind us to the world. Without them, there is no us, only a void where meaning once lived.
- It was as though the act of forgetting had also erased the color of the world.
- With every dissappearance, the space in my heart where these objects once lived grows darket, emptier
What types of losses are mentioned in the memory police
- loss of family
- physical and emotional loss
- loss of personal identity
- loss as a collective experience - the reactions from different individuals
Why is loss in the book the memory police significant?
- disappearance of objects means that the personal connections tied to such items is lost (the cultural and historical contexts that give them each meaning is lost)
- loss of personal memories means that she loses ability to connect to her own past
- the society mournes when objects when they disappear- yet they move on and loss is shallow as they forget what they had been mourning
Quotes about loss in the memory police
- Who am I, if the pieces of my life that define me can disappear without a trace?
- We cried for the things we lost, but even our tears were stolen by time.
What kinds of isolation does the protagonist face in the memory police
- physical isolation
- social isolation
- self-imposed isolation
Quotes about isolation
- the village felt quieter, not just from the missing objects, but from the missing connections between us.
What is the importance of human connection in the memory police
- the role of human connection in maintaining hope
- resistance through connection
- memory as an element that keeps communities and individuals together (erosion of memory can lead to an erosion of culture and emotion)
About societal opression and power dynamics in the memory police
The memory police
- represents the dehumanization inherent in authoritarian regimes
- surveillence and fear
- erasure of memory as a form of control
- institutional vs. individual power
- fear leads to compliance
About story-in-story in the memory police
- it is an embedded narrative (meta-narrative)
- shows the fragility of expression and memory in an oppressive environment
- foreshadows the protagonists fate (gradual silencing)
Role of symbolism in the memory police (what symbolism is there?)
- generally a symbol of hope and peace - the disappearance of them can symbolise the loss of hope and peace
- memory, knowledge and individuality
- destruction of cultural identity
Control of Memory Police (an allegory)
- symbolises authoritarian regime
What irony is present in the memory police?
- memory serves as both a control of danger and power (R and protagonists mother)
- Contradiction between the memory police and the idea that individuals must lose their memory
“They remembered what we were supposed to forget” - hope in isolation
Examples of foreshadowing in the memory police
- the story-in-story (meta-narrative)
- protagonists mother hints at the dangers of resistance and retaining memory - the fate of individuals
- disappearance (disappearances foreshadows the complete erasure of individuality)
Role of setting - different settings in the memory police
The unnamed island cut off from the rest of the world
- absence of any outside world represents the authoritarian control and the distancing societal decay
- isolation of island mirrors the psychological isolation of its inhabitants
- Represents the passage of time and the uncontrollable losses
- objects are thrown into the river to signify their disappearances
- A metaphor for forgetting
“the river carried away the things we were meant to forget, until it felt like it carried pieces of us too”
- house was both a sanctuary (but safe) and prison
Changing Landscape
- The setting transforms as objects and memories disappear
- becomes more empty and surreal
“the streets grew emptier with each disappearance,until even the shadows seemed hesitant to linger”
- changing landscape is a parallel to the psychological erosion of the characters
- blurs the line between physical and mental