Paper 2 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of a good leader?
The characteristics of a good leader are confidence, knowledgable, trustworthy and open communication skills
What are the techniques for effective communication?
What is an Autocratic leader?
An autocratic leader is someone who makes all decisions without input from others, they also give orders and expect them to be carried out.
What is a Democratic/Participatory leader
Democratic leaders allow others to contribute to decision making but the leader makes the final decision as they hold the ultimate responsibility for the job.
What is a laissez-faire leader?
A laissez-faire leader leads with little instructions or providing minimum instructions to subordinates, the members handle their own decisions
What are the advantages of a democratic leader?
The advantages of a democratic leader are, employees feel more valued and heard when they are able to participate in the work, workers become highly motivated and require less supervision
What are the disadvantages of a democratic leader?
The disadvantages of a democratic leader are, decision making takes a longer time and sensitive discussion isnt allowed.
What are the advantages of an Autocratic leader?
The advantages of an autocratic leader are, decision making is done quickly, workers know exactly what is required.
What are the disadvantages of an Autocratic Leader?
The disadvantages of an Autocratic Leader are, workers will feel less motivated and undervalued, staff may not come to work because of lack of motivation and decisions wont reflect workers experience and skills.
What are the advantages of a laissez-faire leader?
The advantages of a laisezz-faire leader are, encouraging creativity, and increase of motivation.
What are the disadvantages of a laissez-faire leader?
The disadvantages of a laissez-faire leader are lack of clarity on the work, lead to lower motivation and disagreement, work also wont be completed on time due to lack of information and direction required to complete it
What is chain of command?
Chain of command is the flow of authority within the organization
What is unity of command?
Unity of command is when no subordinate should report to more than one boss.
What is span of control?
Span of control is the amount of employees reporting to the manager or those in authority.
What is Mediation?
Mediation is an independent 3rd party who helps negotiate and make conversation to recommendations and come to a solution between the arguing party’s
What is Arbitration?
Arbitration is an independant 3rd party that examins the conflict between 2 party’s and makes a decision, the 2 party’s must go along with the decision of the arbitrator.
What is marketing?
Marketing is the identifying and anticipating customer requirements in an efficient and profitable manner.
What is a market?
A market a situation where buyers and sellers meet for the purpose of trade both virtually or in a physical area.
What are the steps taken in establishing a business?
The steps taken in establishing a business are conceptualising, research, identification of resources, creation of a business plan, acquisition of funds and operation of the business
What are the reasons for preparing a business plan?
Reasons for preparing a business plan are to test the feasibility of the business idea, to set important goals for the business, to develop a marketing strategy, to determine your financial needs in the business, make operations within the company smoother when you have an idea of what you want and what needs to be done.
What is short term planning?
Short term planning is the process of setting goals and strategies for a short period of time, such as a year or a few months.
What is long term planning?
Long term planning is the process of setting goals and developing plans to achieve over a longer period of time such as years or decades.
What is collateral?
Collateral are items put up as security for repayment of a loan.
What is factors of production?
Factors of production is the process and methods of growing or changing raw materials and using it to make goods or services.
What are the factors of production?
The factors of production are land, capital, enterprise and labour.
What is extractive production?
Extractive production is the process of removing raw materials from the earth and manufacturing them into goods or services.
Industries that can be developed from agricultural produce in the caribbean?
What are the benefits of backwards linkage industries?
What are the benefits of a forward linkage industry?
What is capital?
Capital is the money invested in a business in order to acquire assets which the business needs to produce or trade.
What is labour?
Labour is people’s physical and mental contribution to the creations of goods and services.
What are the techniques of selling?
What are the terms of sale?
What is standard of living?
what is quality of life?
What are the indicators of someones /countries standard of life?
What are the indicators of someones/countries quality of life?
What is Gross domestic product?
What is gross national product?
What is international trade?
What are the benefits of international trade?
What is migration?
What in unemployment?