Paper 2 Flashcards
What is natural numbers and its symbol?
All positive numbers whole numbers (integers) including zero
Symbol: N
What is integer numbers and its symbol?
All whole numbers including negatives and zero
Symbol: Z
What is rational numbers and its symbol?
Numbers that can be expressed as fractions
Symbol: Q
What is irrational numbers?
Numbers that cannot be expressed as a fraction
What is real numbers and its symbol?
Any number that isn’t infinity or imaginary
Symbol: R
What is ordinal numbers?
Numbers that can describe the position of an object
Why is hexadecimal used?
- Easy to represent a byte with two digits
- Easier for humans to remember
What is Unsigned and signed binary?
Signed binary - Binary values that can store both positive and negative values
(We use two’s compliment to represent this)
Unsigned binary - Binary values that can only store positive values
What are the advantages and disadvantages of fixed point(Signed Binary) and floating point(2s Complement) forms in terms of range, precision and speed of calculation?
Fixed point
+Allows for much faster processing compared to floating point numbers as no processing is required to move the binary point
+The absolute error will always remain the same, unlike floating point numbers
Floating point
+Wider range of numbers can be produced with the same number of bits as the floating point system
Why is floating point numbers normalised?
Allows the maximum possible precision with a given number of bits
Explain underflow and overflow and describe the circumstances in which they occur.
Overflow - When the number is too large for the number of bits allocated
Underflow - When the number is too small for the number of bits allocated
How does bit patterns represent sound?
This can be done by measuring and recording the amplitude of the sound wave, using a microphone, at given intervals. The more frequent the samples are taken, the more accurate the sound will be presented.
What’s the difference between analogue and digital?
Involving data and signals
Analogue data - Data that is infinitely variable and are often represented in the form of a wave
Digital data - Represented as discrete values
Describe the principles of an analogue to digital converter (ADC)
A microphone converts the sound energy to electrical energy. Regular samples are taken of the analogue signal at a given frequency, measuring the amplitude of the wave at each point and converting it into binary value according to the resolution or bit depth.
Explain how bitmaps are represented.*
An image made up of individual pixels, arranged as a grid
What is resolution for images?**
The number of pixels per inch
What is colour depth?
The number of bits needed to stored each pixel
Advantages of normalised floating point format over fixed point format?
- To allow a wider range of values to be stored
- To minimise rounding errors
- Greater accuracy
What is metadata and what data might it contain?
Extra information about an image.
- Dimensions (h*w/ radius ect)
- Colour depth
- file type
- Gps coordinates
- Time and date of photo taken
What is the formula for pixel resolution?
resolution = height (in pixels) * width (in pixels)
What is Nyquist theorem?
In order to produce an accurate recording, the sampling rate must be at least doubled that of the highest frequency in the original signal.
The average human can hear frequencies up to 20,000Hz
What is MIDI and a event messages and how is it represented?
A protocol that allows electronic instruments and other digital musical tools to communicate with each other.
Event messages specifies the pitch and duration of a note
MIDI represents sound as sequence of event messages // MIDI stores properties of the
notes played;
Advantages of using MIDI files for representing music over digital audio formats?
-MIDI files tend to be much smaller, therefore requiring less memory which leads to faster load times
-Completely editable
-Can support a wide range of instruments
Can produce very high quality reproduction of the instruments
What is the formula for the file size of sound?
Sample rate x Resolution x seconds
What is the formula for the file size of a bitmap image?
Number of pixels * colour depth
How to calculate the range of a given number of bits of 2^8?
find the biggest number and range of values you can have
2^8 = 256 values as you can also represent 0 2^8 = 255 is the biggest number that you can represent
Describe the principles of an digital to analogue converter (DAC)
- convert binary into electrical energy
- that then vibrates the speaker
- that creates pressure waves which are the analogue sound
What is sampling rate?
Represents the number of samples that will be taken per second
What is sample resolution?
The number of bits allocated to representing the sound
Explain why both fixed point and floating point representation of decimal numbers may be inaccurate?
They both have rounding errors
What base is decimal, binary and hexadecimal?
Decimal - 10
Binary - 2
Hexadecimal - 16
Describe sampled sound:
- Sampled sound records measurements of the amplitude of a wave
- Samples are taken at regular intervals
- Each sample is stored in a fixed amount of memory
How is sampled sound represented?
Sampled sound records measurements of (the amplitude) of a wave;
Samples are taken at regular intervals;
Each sample is stored in a fixed amount of memory; A. each sample is the same size
What are the two types of classification software?
System Software, Application Software
What are the 4 types of System software?
Operating System, Utility Programs, Library Programs, Programming Translators
What are the 3 types of Application Software?
Bespoke Software- made for a custom tasks
Generic off the shelf software-Designed to complete a broad range of tasks
Special Purpose (ready made)-Made for one particular task
What are operating systems and what is the function of it?
A program that designed to hide the complexities of hardware from the user.
Manages the operations of the computer for the user, acts as a bridge between the user and computers hardware.
Eg. Windows, MacOS, iOS
- Moving data into and out of Ram
- Allocate I/O devices to processes
- Decides which process to carry out
- Disk fragmentation
Allocate processors/cores to processes // schedule processes // decide which process to
carry out when;
Allocate memory/RAM to processes // moving data into and out of RAM / to a paging file
for virtual memory // ensuring processes can only write to memory that they have been
Allocate I/O devices to processes // manages communication between processes and I/O
devices // automatic installation of drivers for new I/O devices; A. examples of devices
NE. manages I/O devices
Allocate space on a storage device to files // organising files into directories // determines
where on a device to save a file // recognising storage devices when they are connected;
A. defragmentation of disks NE. saving a file
Installation of new software // automatic/managing updating of software;
A. “programs” or “tasks” for “processes”
R. handling interrupts
R. hides complexity
Note: Students must describe the type of resource management – phrases such as
“processor management”, “allocating memory” etc are not enough.
Define Software and Hardware?
Hardware is all the physical components that make up a computer
Software is the programs that run on a computer
What are Utility programs and examples of it?
Small programs with one specific purpose that is designed to optimise the performance of the computer.
- Disk Defragmenter
- Virus Checker
- Backing up files
- compressing or decompressing data
- encrypting data
- providing a firewall
What are library programs and examples of it?
Ready compiled programs which can be run when needed.
-Maths calculations
What are programming translators and examples of it?
Converts program code by a programmer into machine code which can be run by the computer
-Compilers, Interpreter, Assembly
What is System Software?
- Software that is needed to run the computers hardware and application programs
- Software that performs tasks to run computer;
- Layer of software which enables user to operate computer;
- Software that hides complexity of computer from user/provides virtual machine;
- Software that lets user communicate with/manage hardware;
- Software to run applications/hardware/programs/computer/ packages;
- Software required to make computer work;-
What is Application Software?
Software that carries out tasks that the user is interested in doing such as writing a letter, creating graphs, sending an email or downloading a webpage.
Performs tasks for the user
How does a operating system manages memory management?
It manages how much RAM a program has access to which allows multiple applications to run simultaneously.
How does a operating system manages processor scheduling?
Involves deciding what order to execute each instruction in. Only executes one instruction at a time
How does a operating system manages peripherals?
The OS uses device drivers to communicate with I/O devices connected to the computer system.
What is 1st generation language and its level?
(Low Level)
Machine Code - A line of code (1’s & 0’s) split into opcode and operand
What is 2nd generation language and its level?
(Low Level)
Assembly Language - The opcode is mnemonics and the operand is decimal/ hexadecimal
What is 3rd and 4th generation language and its level?
(Both High Level)
High level language - E.g. C#, Java etc
Declarative Language - You state what you want, not how to do it
What are the advantages and disadvantages of high level languages compared to a low level language?
+Relatively easy to learn
+Easier and quicker to write in high level language
+Capable of running on multiple different computers
-Requires a compiler to run
What are the 3 different types of programming translators?
Compiler, Interpreter, Assembler
What is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter?
- A compiler produces object code whilst an interpreter does not
- A compiler translates the whole of the source code into object code whilst an interpreter translates line by line
-The object code produced by a compiler will execute faster, (once it is compiled) than
interpreting the source code (every time the program is run)
-An interpreter can run (syntactically correct) parts of a program whilst there are
syntax errors in other parts of it, which a compiler cannot;
What is inputted into a compiler and assembler and outputted?
Source code goes in; object code comes out
What is an assembler? i.e. what does it do?
It converts low level language into the correct machine code
List advantages of a compiler over interpreters?
- Object code executes faster than interpreted code
- Object code is more secure as it cannot be read
Compiler and interpreter. Describe situations in which each would be appropriate.
Compiler -Games/ Movies - Interpreter -To debug code -
What is a edge triggered D type flip flop and what is it used for?
A flip flop is an elemental sequential logic circuit that can store one bit and flip between two states, 0 and 1.
Used for creating registers and counters
What is the data protection act?
Specifies the rules on collecting and holding data
- Data must be accurate & up to date
- Data must be protected
- User has the right to see the data thats being hold
What is the computer misuse act?
Designed to prosecute hackers who gain unauthorised access
What is ethics?
Decisions based on an individual
What is morals?
Widely shared decisions about right and wrong
What are machines good and bad at?
Good at:
- Machines are accurate
- Consistent
- Doesn’t require breaks
Bad at:
- Shape detection
- Processing qualitative data
- Poor with unexpected circumstances
What is the copyright, design & patents act?
Protects an owners creative work from being illegally copied
What is the regulation of investigatory power act?
Gives certain bodies the right to monitor communications and internet activity
What is the freedom of information act?
Provides the public access to information held by public authorities
What is the health & safety regulations?
This helps keep users using computing equipment safe
ie the positioning of the chair monitor ect
What is personal data?
Data that can identify a specific living person
What does OCR stand for and what does it mean?
Optical Character Recognition
Technology used to distinguish printed or handwritten text within digital images
What is DRM and what does it stand for?
Digital Rights Management
A way for protecting digital content
What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital rights management?
+Protects copyright
+Ensures creators receive payment for their work
- Relies on the company to exist
- Prevent uses on multiple devices
What is a hacker?
Someone who try’s to gain unauthorised access to a computer system
<p>What is serial transmission?</p>
<p>Serial - Single bits are sent along a single wire one after the other at a time</p>
<p>What is synchronous data transmission with an example?</p>
<p>When data is transferred at a regular intervals synchronised by a clock pulse<br></br><br></br>E.g Chats and video</p>
<p>What is asynchronous data transmission with an example?</p>
<p>When data is sent separately and as soon as they are ready<br></br><br></br>E.g keyboard and mouse</p>
<p>What is the purpose of start and stop bits in asynchronous transmissions?</p>
<p>They are a bit used to indicate the start and the end of a set of data in asynchronous data transmission</p>
<p>What is baud rate?</p>
<p>The number of times a signal in a communication changes state per second</p>
<p>What is bit rate?</p>
<p>The number of bits transferred between devices per second</p>
<p>What is bandwidth?</p>
<p>A measure of maximum capacity of a given transmission channel</p>
<p>What is latency?</p>
<p>The time delay between when a transmission data is first sent to when its delivered at its destination</p>
<p>What is a protocol?</p>
<p>A set of rules that govern communication between devices</p>
<p>What's the relationship between bit rate and bandwidth?</p>
<p>The relationship between bandwidth and bit rate is directly proportional: the greater the amount of data that can be transmitted over a channel, the more bits can be transmitted per second.</p>
<p>What is peer to peer networking and when they might be used?</p>
<p>No central server. All clients have equal responsibility so each computer can act as both a client or a server<br></br><br></br>E.g small businesses, home networks</p>
<p>What is client server networking and when they might be used?</p>
<p>When a device (client) requests access to resources and services from a central server<br></br><br></br>Eg schools - students as clients</p>
<p>What are the advantages and disadvantages of peer to peer networking?</p>
<p>+If a node goes down only the data on that node is lost<br></br>+Easily share files<br></br><br></br>-Less secure<br></br>-</p>
<p>What are the advantages and disadvantages of a client-server networking?</p>
<p>+Increased security<br></br>+Backups can be done for all clients<br></br>+Data can be shared<br></br><br></br>-Expensive to install and manage<br></br>-Professional IT staff are required to maintain the servers</p>
<p>What is the purpose of Wi-Fi?</p>
<p>Allows you to transfer data between devices without cables components being required for a wireless network</p>
<p>What components are required for wireless networking?</p>
<p>Each device must have a wireless network interface card (NIC) to be able to connect to a wireless access point (WAP). The WAP allows devices to connect to a wired network (internet)</p>
<p>What is the difference between thin and thick clients?</p>
<p>Thin clients - Majority of the processing and storage is done on the server<br></br>Thick clients - Majority of the processing and storage is done on the client</p>
<p>What is the transmission control protocol/ internet protocol (TCP/ IP) and the 4 layers?</p>
<p>It's 4 layers required to allow data to be transmitted across the internet<br></br><br></br>Application, Transport, Network, Link</p>
<p>What is the application layer in the TCP/ IP?</p>
<p>Selects the appropriate protocol for communication<br></br><br></br>E.g FTP, HTTP/S, POP3</p>
<p>What is the transport layer in the TCP/ IP?</p>
<p>Creates an end to end connection and splits the data into packets and numbers them</p>
<p>What is the network layer in the TCP/ IP?</p>
<p>Adds the source and destination IP address and routers use the IPs to route the packets to the destination</p>
<p>What is the link layer in the TCP/ IP?</p>
<p>The physical connection between the nodes and adds the source and destination MAC addresses</p>
<p>What are MAC addresses and where is it used in the TCP/IP?</p>
<p>A unique code that's physically hardcoded on every NIC during manufacturing.<br></br><br></br> Used in the link layer of the TCP/IP</p>
<p>What is parallel transmission?</p>
<p>Parallel - Single bits are sent along several wires simultaneously</p>
<p>What are the advantages and disadvantages of thin clients?</p>
<p>+Software updates can be done once on a server and automatically end up on every client<br></br>+Easy to set up and maintain e.g. adding a new terminal to the network<br></br>+Much more secure as all data is stored in one place<br></br><br></br>-Very reliant on the central server<br></br>-Can be expensive as it requires a powerful and reliable central server<br></br>-High demand on bandwidth</p>
<p>What are the advantages and disadvantages of thick clients?</p>
<p>+Reliable<br></br>+Can operate without a continuous connection to the server<br></br>+Preferred when running heavy duty software<br></br><br></br>-Expensive as each client may need a higher specification (better computer)<br></br>-Time consuming when installing new software</p>
<p>What are the advantages and disadvantages of serial transmission?</p>
<p>+Reliable over long distance<br></br>+Reduced cost as less wires are required<br></br>+Reduced chance of skew<br></br><br></br>-Slower than parallel transmission <br></br>-</p>
<p>What are the advantages and disadvantages of parallel transmission?</p>
<p>+Ideal for short distances<br></br>+<br></br><br></br>-Close wires can cause a corruption<br></br>-Prone to skew (Timing issues)</p>
<p>Synchronous V Asynchronous</p>
<p>-Asynchronous is slower due to the extra bits and gaps<br></br>-Asynchronous can transmit when ready as it doesn't need to wait on a clock pulse<br></br><br></br>-Synchronous may have to wait for a clock pulse before it can be sent<br></br>-Synchronous requires a synchronised clock between devices which can be difficult</p>
<p>What layer in the TCP/ IP stack does the router operate?</p>
<p>What is a router and where and why is it used?**</p>
<p>A device that connects two or more devices together and forwards data packets between networks<br></br><br></br>Used for:<br></br>Internet access<br></br><br></br>Where:<br></br>Homes<br></br>Offices</p>
<p>What is a gateway and where and why is it used?</p>
<p>A node that sits between different networks and converts data from one protocol to another <br></br><br></br>Used to:<br></br>Connect two different company networks together<br></br>Provide a house user access to the internet</p>
<p>What are the main components of a data packet and what does each part contain?</p>
<p>Header - Source and destination IP and Mac address, Packet and sequence number<br></br><br></br>Payload - The actual data itself <br></br><br></br>Trailer - A checksum to ensure that the data has been received correctly</p>
<p>What is the role of packet switching?</p>
<p>A method of sending data across a network to reach a destination</p>
<p>What is a uniform resource locator (URL)?</p>
<p>A method of identifying the location of resources on the internet</p>
<p>What is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN)?</p>
<p>The complete domain name that identifies a specific host on the internet. It includes the host server name along with the domain name</p>
<p>What is a domain name?</p>
<p>Identifies the location of the the resource on the internet. <br></br><br></br>Identifies organisations or groups on the internet</p>
<p>What is an IP address?</p>
<p>A unique address that is assigned to a network device</p>
<p>How are domain names organised?</p>
<p>They are organised in a hierarchy</p>
<p>What is a node?</p>
<p>Any system or device connected to a network</p>
<p>What is the purpose of a Domain Name System (DNS)?</p>
<p>To link a fully qualifies domain name (FQDN) to an IP address</p>
<p>What are the 5 components of a URL?</p>
<p>Host, FQDN, Domain Name, Location, Resource</p>
<p>What is the formula for bitrate?</p>
<p>Baud Rate * Number of Bits per Baud</p>
Describe one situation when a DNS query will not be sent to a remote DNS server.
The local computer already has a copy of the IP address in a host file.
What is normalisation?
The process of ensuring that a database is designed in its most efficient form
What is 1st Normal form?
Doesn’t contain repeating attributes and all values cant be broken into separate parts
What is 2nd Normal form?
Same as 1st but contains no partial key dependency
What is 3rd Normal form?
Same as 2nd Normal form but it contains no non key dependency
What is a database?
A collection of data in an organised and logical way
What are the 4 types of relationships in relational databases?
One to One
One to Many
Many to One
Many to Many
What is a relational database?
A collection of tables in which relationships are modelled by shared attributes
What is are attributes?
Describing characteristics of an object in a database
What is a primary key?
An attribute that can uniquely identify a row
What is a composite primary key?
An attribute that can be used to uniquely identify every record within a table
What is a foreign key?
An attribute in a table that is a primary key in another table and is used to link tables
Why are databases normalised?
To allow the database to be as efficient as possible by reducing the amount of redundancies (repeated data)
What is SQL?
A text based querying system. Used by a lot of relational databases
What are the two parts of SQL and what are they?
DDL - Used to create database tables
DML - Used to retrieve, Update, Insert and delete data in a database
What is an entity?
An object (person/event) that data is stored for
What is 0NF?
A table with no normalisation, all data and fields in one table.
What is the concept of a relational database?
A method of creating a database using tables of related data, with relationships between the tables
What is the full name given for the Copyright law.
Copyright, Design and Patient Act
What’s the difference between direct addressing and immediate assessing?
Direct addressing means that the operand is the (memory) address whereas immediate addressing means the operand is the value