Paper 1 Structure Flashcards


Question 1


Description and Application of Concepts
Students are expected to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a given concept and be able to apply this to the provided ethnographic text. They are required to present information from the text in their own words rather than quote directly.

Question Template
Define ________(a term from this list) and explain how you would apply this term in the context of the________ (social group in the passage)

General Tips
Do not bring in outside ethnographies in this question
Paraphrase specific examples from the text. DO NOT quote.

Structure of response
Length: About 2 paragraphs (can vary)
Time: About 8 minutes
Paragraph 1: Define the term in your own words
Describe (give a detailed account) the term
Explain (reasons/causes) how this concept presents itself
Give examples of the concept
Paragraph 2: Explore the concept in the text
Give paraphrased examples (DO NOT QUOTE) from the text that show how the concept applies (At least 2 examples)
Explain how the concept applies to the text

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Question 2


Analysis and Interpretation
Students are required to demonstrate an understanding of the key concept and use it to illuminate certain issues evident in the text. Further to this, they must construct an argument supported by analysis and interpretation of the ethnographic text provided.

General Tips
Do not bring in outside ethnographies in this question
Paraphrase specific examples from the text. DO NOT quote.

Structure of response
Length: About 2 paragraphs (may vary)
Time: 10 minutes
Define the key concept.
Bring in related concept to make a mini thesis statement about the concept
Use at least 2-3 examples from the text to support your argument
Where you can, add valuable insights based on anthropological concepts and ideas
Explain the examples in terms of your argument
GIve a brief conclusion (1-2 sentences) that restates your mini thesis statement.

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Question 3


Paper 1 Question 3
Students must choose one of two possible options, 3 or 4. In both options, students are expected to show an ability to think about the text in relation to other contexts and to draw explicit comparisons. The principles on which such a comparison may be drawn should be made explicit and clearly linked to the anthropological issues raised by the text.

Comparative material must allow for both comparison (similarities) and contrast (differences) from the text. Ethnographic materials used in comparison must be identified and situated in terms of the ethnographic present, the historical context, the fieldwork location and the ethnographer.

In the first option (3), students must choose one of two key concepts and use it as a basis of comparison with any other group or society they have studied.

Structure of Response
Paragraph 1
Briefly define the concept you have chosen
Identify the outside ethnography you are using (must be fully identified with fieldwork location, time of study, group studied, and ethnographer)
Briefly describe how the key concept is present in the work showing knowledge of the ethnography
Paragraphs 2-4
For each paragraph present one similarity or difference between your ethnography and the text on the paper
These similarities and differences should be directly related to the key concept you chose
Include details of the paraphrased examples
Explain how they are different/similar
Make sure to talk about both ethnographies together in each paragraph
Use words and phrases to signal the differences and similarities (e.g. however, but, difference, similarity, the same is true in, etc.)
Paragraph 5
Brief conclusion (1-2 sentences)
Quickly sum up the differences and similarities

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Question 5


Understanding of a “big” anthropological question
Students must refer to the text and their own knowledge of a range of ethnographic materials to construct a well-developed argument that explores one of the following “big” anthropological questions.
What is culture?
What does it mean to be a person?
What does it mean to live in society?
How are we the same and different from each other?
Why does anthropology matter?
To what extent is knowing others possible?
Students should think with and through ethnographic material analytically and creatively.

What to include in your response
Your response should be based on a nuanced answer to the question supported by two ethnographies and the text
Your first paragraph should discuss the question connecting anthropological concepts to it.
You should show a nuanced understanding of the question
You should provide a nuanced answer to the question
Introduce the 2 ethnographies you will use. This does not need to be done in the same paragraph
Fully identify them: name, ethnographer, time studied, group studied, fieldwork location
State how they connect to the big question and your answer
Connect the paper 1 text to the big question using specific, paraphrased examples. Make sure to be explicit in how the connect
Look at how the response to the question might be different or similar in the different texts, using evidence from all three texts to support your answer
Conclusion: Summarize how the three texts support your nuanced answer

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