what element do all biological molecules contain?
calcium ions Ca2+
involved in muscle contraction and nerve impulse transition
sodium ions Na+
involved in co-transport, reabsorption of water in the kidney and nerves impulse transmission
potassium ions K+
involved in stomatal opening and nerve impulse transmission
hydrogen ions H+
involved in chemiosmosis, pH determination and catalysis of reactions
ammonium ions NH4+
involved in nitrogen cycle, where by bacteria convert ammonium ions into nitrate ions
nitrate NO3-
mineral ion absorbed by plants to provide a source of nitrogen to make amino acids
hydrogencarbonate HCO3-
maintains the pH of the blood
chloride ions Cl-
provide a negative charge to balance to positive sodium ion and potassium ions in cells
phosphate PO4 3-
involved in the formation of phospholipids for cell membranes, nucleic acid and ATP formation and in making bones
hydroxide ions OH-
positive ions
negative ions
water as a biological molecule
- polar, due to uneven charge distribution
- hydrogen bonds form between oxygen and hydrogen atom as the positive and negative regions interact with each other
- covalent bond within molecule, hydrogen bond between multiple molecules
- individual hydrogen bonds are weak, collectively provide strength
water: solvent
polar (hydrophilic)
can interact with other polar molecules
slight positive charge on hydrogen atoms will attract any negative solutes and slight negative charge of oxygen atoms will attract any positive ions in solutes
non-polar molecules (hydrophobic)
cannot dissolve in water
repelled by water