Paper 1: Psychology Must Know Research Flashcards
Memory: Who researched the Multi-Store Model?
Glanzer and Culnitz (1966). Supports the existence of separate memory stores.
Memory: Who researched the Central Executive in the Working Memory Model?
Baddeley (1996). Couldn’t perform two tasks simultaneously.
Memory: Who supported the Working Memory Model?
Penny (1975) saw better STM recall on verbal words than visually.
Smith and Jonides (1997) greater hemisphere brain usage.
Memory: Who’s research weakens the Working Memory Model?
Logie (1995) suggests the visuo-spatial sketchpad should be divided further.
Memory: Who drove the research into forgetting due to lack of cues?
Tulving and Thompson (1973).
Memory: Who tested State-Dependant failure?
Darley et al (1973) using cannabis.
Memory: Who had supporting evidence for forgetting due to lack of cues?
Godden and Baddeley (1975) Divers learning words.
Memory: Who tested the effects of leading questions?
Loftus and Palmer (1974), car crash test.
Memory: Who researched the Weapon Effect?
Loftus et al (1987)
Memory: Who had evidence supporting the eye witness testimony in the cognitive interview?
Geiselman et al (1985)
Social Influence: 3 types of conformity?
Kelman (1958)
Social Influence: Who experimented conformity?
Asch (1955) Line test.
Social Influence: Who researched explanations for conformity?
Deutsch and Gerard (1955)
Social Influence: Who researched conformity to social roles?
Zimbardo Stanford Prison Experiment
Social Influence: Who studied obedience?
Milgram (1963).
Social influence: Who created the f-scale?
Adorno et al (1950)