Paper 1 Flashcards
nature of value
nature of knowledge
nature of reality
treating human interaction as real, or as an object.
“making into a thing” reification is the process of social relations being perceived as inherent attributes of the people involved in them. So human relations come to be identified with the physical properties of things., appearing natural. Objects are transformed into subjects and subjects are turned into objects.
problematic separation of a subject and object that properly belong together. for example, women might feel alienated by the government based on unequal laws. government is supposed to be for all people. or within my paper 2. people feel alienated from the political system, thus lower voter turnout recently
Sayers 2011 (page 3)
an entire book centered on Marxism and alienation specifically. Marx has a lot of dense, hard readings so piecing together this section was difficult.
Huspek 1997 (page 3)
communication scholar. normative theory: theory that offers basis for critique of existing institutional arrangements and ground for morally defensible emancipatory practices. we need to question tradition. gives a good basis for frankfurt school and habermas
Wiggershaus 1986 (bottom of 3)
same thing for the frankfurt school. tracking down basic information pertaining to them instead of just research using their theories was difficult. this source helped me understand the frankfurt school more.
MacDonald 2017 (bottom of 3)
gave me more insight on the frankfurt school and their beliefs. i did not have access to their original work, but sources like MacDonald allowed me to find direct quotes from them.
Thomassen 2010 (page 4)
this book helped me understand in much greater detail Habermas and his contribution to critical theory. again this is pieced together based on not having access to his original work
Fuchs 2016 (page 4)
I did not particularly seek out Fuchs’ work, but he is a critical scholar interested in the same things as me. This is mostly an introductory reading into the frankfurt school mostly
Fuchs 2018 (page 4)
I used this research because it is exactly what I am interested in looking at as a researcher. I introduced this research to update the frankfurt school and showcase research interesting to me.
goal? understand president trump.
The research goes through a lot of Marxist thought, delving into capitalism and labour within the United States. But what particularly interests me within this piece is the author discusses alienation from the political system within the United States. Fuchs (2018) states that people are feeling alienated from the system, a system that is supposed to be for them and work for them, which leads to the overall decrease in voting we’ve seen in the last few decades. This is where my interests lie and what I ultimately try to demonstrate in my research proposal. If individuals feel alienated because of scapegoating communication which as demonstrated leads to lower self efficacy, it leads to lower voter turnout and political participation.
Sprague 1994 (page 5)
I used this research in particular because it clearly defines critical theory apart from post positivism and interpretivism, making it easier to understand critical. Second, it is also interested in political power, so it’s a source I personally liked.
Boyle 2013 (page 6)
Per the library database, I did not have access to the original work by Giddens, so I used research from a more recent piece. This source allowed me to read some of Giddens original work (hence the use of a Gidden quote) and also break down structuration theory much more easily.