P.A.P.A. Flashcards
the term used to describe the ability of a noncustodial parent to know about medical records such as school progress and the whereabouts of the child
Absent Parent
any individual who is absent from the home and is legally responsible for providing financial support for a dependent child.
alleged father
a man who has been named as the father of a child born out of wedlock, but for whom paternity has not been decided in court.
a legal form persons may sign voluntarily in order to declare legal paternity of a child
the amount of past due child support owed by the noncustodial parent
person who takes care of a child and helps provide for the childs basic needs and safety at any given time
child support
regualr payments of money in an amount set by a court paid to the custodial parent of a child
child support order
a court order for the payment of child support and mediacl support issued by a court
an official place or proceeding where legal rulings are made by a judge. the courts actions are enforcable by law.
custodial parent
person who has primary care, custody and control of child(ren)
DNA test
genetic test used to determine if man in question is the father. special swab is used and rubbed on inside of mother, father, and child cheek.
process or proving paternity and/or obtaining a court order to put a child support order in place
gross income
total income earned by a person before subtracting taxes ot deductions
gift a person leaves to a relative or other individual after the persons death
a way of getting child support by taking a part of non wage payments made to a noncustodial parent including federal tax returns unemployment benefits and lottery winnings
legal father
man named the father by a court who acknowledged paternity by signing AOP
net income
amout of a persons earnings that remains after taxes and deductions are subtracted. net income is used to determine the amount of child support the noncustodial parents is ordered to pay.
noncustodial parent
parent not legally responsible for the day to day care of the child. parent ordered to make child support payments to the custodial parent.
custodial parent; person whom child support is owed too.
noncustodial parent; person responsible for paying child support.
state of being a father; fatherhood
presumed father
man who was married to baby mama at the time of child birth
team parenting
mother and father being able to work together for good of the child even they arent in a romantic relationship.
time limited public assitance to poor or needy familes. provides parents with job skills training and other support to help them become self supporting.
right of noncustodial parent to visit or spend time with the child. time and dates a noncustodial parent can see or have possesion of the child.
abbreviation for Vital Statistics Unit also known as Texas Vital Statistics.