Pap smear Flashcards
When and whats the purpose of conducting pap smear
1st prenatal visit (within 6 months) for
- confirming pregnancy
- health history
- fundic height
- FHR @ 12 weeks
- PE
- lab test
Whats the reputation of pelvic exam
Pelvic exam is difficult to conduct to what kind of px
sexually assaulted px
Pelvic exam is conducted to determine
Early detection of cancer in the cervix, uterine, vulva, vagina
What happen during pelvic examination if muscles are tensed?
Procedure becomes painful and is difficult to do
Pelvic examination is taken at what site usually
Pelvic exam is characterized to be
Safe, invasive and cytological procedure
Frequency of pelvic examination
21-29 yrs old : 1 every 3 years
30- 65 yrs old: 1 every 5 years + HPV test
Nurses role in pelvic exam
Pelvic examination is indicated to (6)
6 factors that affect the pelvic exam
Position during pelvic exam
Pattern of inserting speculum
2 techniques in collecting specimen
Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy
- are least indicative
Morning Sickness
Changes in breast
Urinary frequency
Quickening (@20 weeks)
Probable Signs of Pregnancy
- can be examined by HCP
Positive Pregnancy Test
Uterine enlargement
Ballotement (return of fetus when pushed by a finger)
Chadwick’s Sign (pink to purple color change of cervix, vulva & vagina
Hegar’s Sign (softening of the lower uterine cervix)
Outline of fetus
Goodell’s sign (softening of the cervix)
Souffle, Contractions
Braxton’s Hick
Positive Signs of Pregnancy
- are confirmation of pregnancy
Heart Tone & Rate : 10 wks (doppler), 16 wks (fetoscope), 18-20 wks (stethoscope)
Movement that can be felt by the examiner (@20wks)