Panel Data Flashcards
Assumptions OLS
- Linear in parameters
- Strict Exogeneity
- No Multicolliniearity
- Spherical Error Variance
- Simple random Sample
Assumptions Random Effects
- Random Effect
- Strict Exogeneity
- Constant Variance
- No Seriell Correlation
- RE is homoskedastic
Additional Linearity, Ramdom Sapmling and Modified Rank condition
Assumptions Fixed Effects
- Stickt Exogeneity
And Linearity, Random Sampling and Modified Rank condition
First Difference vs. Fixed Effects
Homoskedastic errors and no seriell correlation - FE
if the errors follow a Random walk - FD
in policy evaluations FD is mostly needed
Hausman-Type tests
Two estimators. The assumptions of one are a subset of the other. Test checks the difference in the variance of the two estiamtors.
Uses to decide between RE and FD but it is only one tool and not the only basis for the decission.
Fixed Effects Instrumental Variable Approach
Same as FE just with the instrument instead of x_it
validity assumptions E(z,e) = 0
relevance assumptions E(z,x) neq 0
Random Effects Instrumental Variable Approach
same as RE just z instead of x and validity and relevance condition
Mundlak Approach
Assumes a functional form for E(v|X) i.e.
v = psi + x’delta + a_i
where a_i is the new error term and then we can use a Pooled OLS to estimate the model.
Test whether delta = to check fro RE assumption.
Hausman-Taylor Approach
Assuming, that there is a set of independent and a set of not independent covarities.
We want to estimate time-invariant effects thus we cant use a FE estimation.
Use those independent as instrument for the dependent ones and estimate the model
Anderson -Hsiao Estimator
Dynamic model.
FD and then instument the laged difference with one further level
requires 3 periods.
Can be estimated with 2SLS or a GMM estimator
Arellano-Bond GMM
Not only uses this first moment restriction rather all that are possible.
Problem: Weak instruments can cause a poor estimate.
high correaltion rho -1 will cause weak instruments
Blundell-Bover-Bond GMM
Additionall to Arellano-Bond GMM assumes initial condition.
Initial values are drawn from a steady state.
Binary Choice: RE-Probit
can integrate the Random effect out.
Fixed Effects Logit
Classical logit model. Under certain assumptions we are able to eliminate the fixed effect i.e. cornflakes purchases, think in conditional probabilities
Chemberlain Probit Model
Simillar to Mundlak Approach. Assuming an explicit functional form for v_i and plugging that in and assuming, that the remaining error is exogenous and homoskedastic.
survival time T is unobserved
either left or right censoring
probability of appearing in the sample depends on the survival time
in-flow sample
survey new entrens to a state, follow them for a fixed period (“observational window”)