Pancreatitis Flashcards
What is pancreatitis?
Inflammation of the pancreas due to destruction via own digestive enzymes
What are the causes of acute pancreatitis?
Gall stones —> most common
Ethanol (alcohol)
Mumps and viruses (epstein-barr, CMV)
Auto-immune (polyarteritis nodosa, SLE)
Scorpion/snake bite
Hypercalcaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, hypothermia
ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde.
Drugs —> SAND - steroids and sulphonamides
- azothioprine
- diuretics
How does a gallstone cause acute pancreatitis?
Gallstone —> block pancreatic juice leaving pancreatic duct —> increase pressure in duct —> distension —> issues with membrane trafficking —> zymogen granules bind with lysosomes —> digestive enzymes activated
How does alcohol cause acute pancreatitis?
- inc permeability of pancreatic duct epithelium —>
digestive enzymes into periductal interstitial tissue - proteins form plug blocking duct —> increase
pressure in duct —> distension —> issues with
membrane trafficking —> zymogen granules bind
with lysosomes —> digestive enzymes activated
What are the consequences of acute pancreatitis?
Tripsin activated —> activates:
1. Phospholipase A2 —> hypocalcaemia
—> pancreatic gangrene
- hypoalbuminaemia
- fat necrosis —> Ca2+ sequestration
2. Elastase —> hyperglycaemia
- necrosis of islets —> dec insulin release
3. Complement proteins —> pancreatic gangrene
- cell toxicity —> vessel erosion —> bleeding
4. Prothrombin —> pain
—> pancreatic gangrene
- thrombosis —> ischaemia
5. Kallikrein —> pain
—> shock
- vasodilation and plasma exudation
6. Systemic damage —> hypoxia
—> anuria
What are the symptoms and signs of acute pancreatitis?
- epigastric pain - radiates to back
- nausea and vomiting
- fevers
- haemodynamic instability —> tachycardic
—> hypotensive - peritonism (peritoneum inflammation)
- Grey-Turner’s sign —> bruising at sides (flanks)
- Cullen’s sign —> bruising around umbilicus
How is acute pancreatitis diagnosed?
Blood tests —> amylase
—> lipase
X-rays - erect CXR
USS —> look for gallstones
CT abdomen - only if still not found cause
MRCP - Magnetic Resonance
ERCP - Endoscopic Retrograde
How is the severity of acute pancreas assessed?
Glasgow criteria —> PANCREAS:
- PO2 —> hypoxia
- Age > 55
- N —> leukocytosis
- Calcium —> hypocalcaemia
- Renal —> uremia
- Enzymes - AST, LDH high
- Albumin —> hyperalbuminaemia
- Sugar —> hyperglycaemia
—> over 3 within 48hrs onset —> severe
CRP > 200 —> severe
How is acute pancreatitis treated?
- Fluid resuscitation - IV, catheter, monitoring
- Analgesia
- Pancreatic rest - sometimes nasojejunul (NJ) feeding
or parental nutrition (PN) - Determine cause
- most clear on their own (95%)
- severe —> HDU —> ICU
- antibiotics only if necrotic pancreatitis
- surgery v rare - only infected necrotic pancreatitis
—> necrosectomy
What are the 8 systemic complications of acute pancreatitis?
1. Hypocalcaemia
2. Saponification - fat in blood
3. Hyperglycaemia —> insulin dependent diabetes
4. SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome)
5. ARF (Acute Renal Failure)
6. ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
7. DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation)
8. MOF (Multi Organ Failure) —> death
What are the 8 local complications of acute pancreatitis?
- Pancreatic necrosis —> may be infected
- Pancreatic abscess
- Pancreatic pseudocyst
- Haemorrhage - small vessels —> haemorrhagic
- large vessels —> life-threat bleeds - Thrombosis - splenic vein, superior mesenteric vein,
portal vein
—> ascites
—> small bowel venous congestion/
ischaemia - Chronic pancreatitis development
What is a pseudocyst?
Collection of peri-pancreatic fluid within fibrous capsule
- fluid high in pancreatic enzymes
- presents >6 weeks
- 95% clear after 6 months
- intervention - only if symptomatic, compresses
surrounding structures or infected
—> drainage - percutaneously (CT scan)
- endoscopically —> stent
- surgically (laproscopic)
What are the 2 causes of chronic pancreatitis?
- Alcohol abuse
- Occlusion of main pancreatic duct
What are the 2 complications of chronic pancreatitis?
- IDDM (Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus)
- Steatorrhea
How is chronic pancreatitis treated?
- Endoscopically
- Surgically - drainage
- resection