Pancreas Pathology - MT Flashcards
What are the cell types of the Endocrine pancreas?
What do they secrete?
What do the secretions cause to occur?
- Beta cells, insulin, lowers blood glucose levels
- Alpha cells, glucagon, increase blood glucose levels
- Delta cells, somatostatin, suppress insulin and glucagon release
- PP cells, pancreatic polypeptide, GI stim secretion of gastric/intestinal enzymes and inhibits intestinal motility
- DI cells, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, hyperglycemia and GI fluid secretion and secretory diarrhea
- Enterochromaffin cells, serotonin, source of pancreatic tumor with carcinoid syndrome
Recognize Slide and EM histology of granule types of different cells
slide 5 of ppt.
In the United States, Diabetes Mellitus is the leading cause of what 3 things?
End stage renal disease (nephrosclerosis)
Adult onset blindness
Non-traumatic lower extremity amputations from atherosclerosis of arteries
What is the term for a group of metabolic disorders sharing common feature of hyperglycemia?
Diabetes mellitus
What is normal blood glucose range?
70-120 mg/dL
How do you arrive at the diagnosis of DM? (types of measurements and their values)
- Fasting plasma glucose >= 126 mg/dL
- Random plasma glucose >=200 mg/dL
- 2 hour plasma glucose >=200 mg/dL during oral glucose tolerance test OGTT with loading dose 75 gm
- HbA1C (glycated Hb) level >=6.5%
What blood glucose levels characterize a prediabetic patient? (Impaired glucose tolerance)
- Fasting plasma glucose b/t 100 and 125 mg/dL (impaired fasting glucose)
- 2 hour plasm glucose b/t 140 and 199 mg/dL following a 75 gm glucose OGTT
- HbA1C b/t 5.7% and 6.4%
What causes Type I DM? (pathogenesis)
Autoimmune disease processIslet destruction primarily by immune effector cells against endogenous Beta cell antigens
Failure of self tolerance in T cells specific for islet antigens
Age group affected by Type I DM
Can occur at any age (previously thought to affect younger persons under 18)
What causes Type II DM? (pathogenesis)
- combination of:peripheral resistance to insulin
- inadequate secretory response by pancreatic Beta cells (genetic)
- Proinflammatory state
predominant type of diabetes in the diabetic population is?
DM II, most are overweight
why is prevalence of type 2 DM increasing in adolescents?
subtypes of type I DM?
Immune mediatedIdiopathic
Defining clinical feature of DM type I?Defining Pathology?
- Circulating islet autoantibodies(anti- insulin, anti-GAD, anti ICA512)
- Diabetic ketoacidosis in absence of insulin therapy
- Insulitis (Islet inflammatory infiltrate of T cells and Macrophages)
- Beta cell depletion, islet atrophy
Defining clinical feature and pathology of DM type II?
Obese patients,Non ketonic hyperosmolar comas more common
no Insulitis
Amyloid deposition in islet
mild Beta cell depletion
Recognize islet lymphocytic infiltration in Type I DM
slide 12
Recognize deposition of amyloid in islet in Type II DM
slide 13
What does the honeymoon period in Type I DM refer to?
initial 1-2 years following onset of overt Type I DM- exogenous insulin requirements may be minimal b/c of ongoing endogenous insulin secretion
- After this period, any residual Beta cell reserve is exhausted and inulin requirements increase dramatically
What event can hasten Beta cell destruction, which promotes transition from impaired glucose tolerance to over diabetes? (usually prolonged process)
- Infection (associated w/ increased insulin requirements)
Stages in development of Type I DM are?(precipitating events)
- Genetic predisposition
- Overt immunologic abnormalities (nml insulin release)
- Progressive loss insulin release (glucose nml)
- Overt diabetes
What may drive a patient with type 2 DM to get medical attention?
- unexplained fatigue
- dizziness
- blurred vision
Most of the time, when is the diagnosis of type 2 DM made?
- after routine blood testing in asymptomatic persons
*routine glucose testing recommended for everyone older than 45
What is the classic triad of Type I diabetes?
Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia (urination, thirst, hunger)
*when severe DKA can present
DKA arises in insulin deficient or resistant patients b/c?
Glucose stores cannot be utilized in muscle, fat, or liver tissue this leads to increased lipolysis and use of FFAs in Ketogenesis in the liver which produces Ketoacidosis presenting as diabetic coma and ketonuria