Pancreas anatomy test 4 Flashcards
Where is the pancreas found intra or retroperitoneum?
What kind of tissue is pancreatic tissue?
not smooth
no outside lining to help us see it
What are the landmarks around the pancreas?
anterior pararenal space
posterior to the lesser sac
What is the technical challenge of US pancreas?
ileus-dilate loops of bowel without peristalsis (blockage of bowel)
What organ is the anterior boundry of the panc?
posterior: Ao and IVC
What lies in the anterior pararenal space?
the pancreas
What is the typical measurement of the panc?
12cm x 2cm
What are the four sections of the panc?
head, neck, body, and tail
What kind of position does the panc lie?
horizontal-oblique line
from the concavity of the duodenum to the hilum of the spleen
Where does the head of the panc lie?
anterior to the ivc and left renal vein
inferior to the caudate lobe and portal vein
finish slide 9
What artery is above the panc?
the celiac trunk (superior)
find seagull sign and angle down to see panc
What structure does the superior mesenteric vein cross?
crosses anterior to the uncinate process of the head of the gland and posterior to the neck and body of the pancreas
What is the uncinate process?
the small, curved tip at the end of the head of the pancres
lies anterior to the inferior vena cava and posterior to the superior mesenteric vein
What passes through a groove posterior to the pancreatic head and the gastroduodenal artery?
the common bile duct
What vessel lives in the pancreatic notch?
notch - space between head and uncinate process