Pancreas Flashcards
What does glucagon do, what’s it’s produced by in what organ part specifically and how is it released
Glucagon raises blood glucose and is produced by alpha cells of the tail of the pancreas in islets of Langerhans; it is released via marginalisation and exocytosis
What chain polypeptide is glucagon and does it have a disulphide, is it flexible
Single chain polypeptide without disulphide and its flexible
Does glucagon increase or decrease
NE and E
GI tract hormones and Ach
Increases glycogenolysis so decreases glycongenosis
Increases gluconeogenesis by decreases fructose 2,6 biphosphate
Increases ketogenesis
Increases NE and E
Decreases GI tract hormones and Ach
How does glucagon phosphorylate target cell enzymes
Binds to GPCR activating adenylate cyclase which increases cAMP which activates PKA
What 2 aa stim glucagon secretion
Arginine and alanine
What does insulin do and what’s it produced by in what
Movers blood glucose into cells and is produced by beta cells in the pancreas islets of langerhans
What is insulin structure
2 polypeptide chains and 2 disulphide bridges inter chain and 1 intrachain with a short half life
How do glucose move into beta cells and how does this lead to a chain resulting in marginaiton and exocytosis of insulin
Glucose moves into beta cells via FD through GLUT2 which causes depolarisation of ATP sensitive K+ channels which open Ca+ channels causing Ca+ influx which causes marginaiton and exocytosis of insulin
What is the anabolic nature of insulin in muscle, liver, adipose
- muscle and liver have increased glycogenesis and decreased glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis (more glycogen less glucose)
- adipose increases glycolysis so more glucose and decreases lipolysis and increase lipogenesis and esterfication of FA (more lipids less FA)
-liver decreases aa breakdown and increases aa uptake and protein synthesis (less aa, more protein)
Effects on Ach and GI tract hormones and NE and E on insulin
Ach and GI stim insulin while NE and E inihibit insulin
How is insulin produced from mRNA
mRNA to preproinsulin which inserts into RER and single peptide at Nterminal is cleaved producing pro insulin
In ER endopeptidases remove C peptide between making mature insulin and c peptide
Insulin is stabilised/ storage/ secretion by Zn in Golgi appertus
2 types of insulin
Pulsatile clears absorbed after a mean ANDREW
Protracted for cell growth, division, protein synthesis, DNA replication
How does insulin cause glucose uptake from binding to a specific dimmer receptor
2 alpha and beta subunits of insulin bind to dimer and alpha folds around insulin moving beta chains together which activates TK and starts phosphorylation cascade leading to GLUT 4 expression (glucose transporter thats insulin dependent on striated muscle and adipose) - glucose uptake
How does insulin inhibit ketoacid formation
Decrease fatty acid breakdown which decreases acetyl CoA in liver so inhibits ketoacid formation
What are the exocrine and endocrine parts of the pancreas
Islets of langerhans are endocrine while acini and duct systems are exocrine
What does alpha beta delta gamma and epsilon produce
Glucagon, insulin, somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide for GI function, gherlin to increase appetite
What’s re enteroendocrine cells
Found in gut wall and secrete gastrin and secretin as well as other peptide and amine hormones to regulate GI tract, pancreas and ANS activity