PANCE Flashcards
What do you give in narrow complex tachycardia and terminates 90% of SVTs?
first line treatment in symptomatic sinus bradycardia
treatment for sick sinus syndrome
permanent pacemaker (PPM) with automatic implantable cardioverter defribillator (AICD)
management for A-flutter
vagal, CCB, b-blocker, DCC if unstable
radiofrequency ablation definitive tx*
what is included in the CHADS2 criteria?
congestive heart failure hypertension age >75 diabetes mellitus stroke, tia, thrombus (2 points)
high risk>2 –> warfarin
moderate: 1 –> warfarin or asa
what is wandering atrial pacemaker (WAP)? and what is Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT)?
WAP: HR <100 and >3 P wave morphologies
MAT if HR >100
what is MAT (multifocal atrial tachycardia) associated with?
severe COPD
what is a delta wave (slurred QRS upstrokc, wide QRS >0.12 sec) and short PRI associated with?
-accessory pathway (Kent bundle) “pre-excites ventricle”
what is the treatment for WPW?
vagal maneuvers
antiarrhythmics (procainamide**, amiodorone)
what is torsades mc due to?
ST elevation CONCAVE precordial leads
PR depressions seen in same leads with the ST elevations
NO reciprocal changes
EKG findings of acute pericarditis
what should you be cautious of using in an inferior (R-sided) MI?
nitroglycerin and morphine
why should you be cautious of using nitroglycerin and morphine in an inferior MI?
because they decrease preload and the R side is more dependent on preload (and stroke volume)
what is hyperadlosteronism associated with?
increased BP and hypokalemia
what is the most useful noninvasive test in evaluating patients with suspected coronary artery disease
stress test
risk factors for coronary artery disease
DM, hypoerlipidemia, smoking, HTN, males, age >65, family h/o CAD
EKG findings of CAD
ST depression* with exertion, T wave inversion, poor R wayve progression +/- normal (50%)
gold standard for cAD
coronary angiography
contraindication to pharmacologic stress testing
bronchospastic disease
contraindications for using nitroglycerin
SBP <90, RV infarction, use of viagra (sildenafil)
progression of an EKG in acute coronary syndrome
hyperacute (peaked ) T waves–> ST elevations –> Q waves –> T wave inversions
when does troponin peak and return to baseline?
peakes 12-24 hr, returns to baseline 7-10 days (appears 4-8 h)
side effect of enoxaparin (lovenox)
thrombocytopenia (obtain CBC prior to use)
what is clopidogrel?
plavix (ADP inhibitor) –> useful in initial tx of ACS in patients with ASA allergy
what is the MOA of betabolockers?
lowers myocardial O2 consumption, antiarrythmic effects
when are beta blockers contraindicated?
severe bradycardia (HR <50), hypotension, decompensated CHF, 2nd/3rd degree geart block, cardiogenic shock, cocain induced MI, severe asthma, COPD
when are beta blockers contraindicated in acute MI?
cocaine induced MI : use benzodiazepines bc b-blockers cause unopposed alpha vasoconstriction
what should yo ugive in a r ventricular (ninferior walle0 MI?
IV fluids for preload (cautious with IV nitrates and morphine use)
MC arrhythmia in MI
ventricular fibrillation
post MI pericarditis associated with fever and pulmonary infilltrates
dressler’s syndrome
chest pain usually at rest, not usually due to exertion
prinzmetal’s angina (coronary spasm –> transient ST elevations usually without MI)
diagnosis of pritzmetal’s angina
ECG shows transient ST elevations (symptoms and ST elevations rapidly resolve with CCB and nitro)
treatment: CCB
pathophys of cocaine induced MI
coronary artery spasm
absolute contraindications for thrombolytic use in ACS
any prior ICH, non-hemorrhagic stroke within 6 months or closed head/facial trauma within 3 months, intracranial neoplams, aneurysm, AVM, active internal bleeding, suspected aortic dissection
most common causes of L sided heart failure
coronary artery disease and hypertension
most common cause of r-sided heart failure
left sided heart failure
difference between systolic and diastolic HF
systolic: decreased EF associated with S3 gallop
diastolic: normal/increased EF associated with S4 gallop
MC symptom of L sided heart failure
dyspnea. initially exertional –> orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
pulmonary congestion/edema: rales, rhonchi, chronic nonproductive cough (commonly missed) esp with pink frothy sputum (surfactant)
MC cause of transudative pleural effusion
deeper faster breathing with gradual decrease and periods of apnea
cheyne stroke’s breathing (CHF PE)
clinical manifestions of R sided heart failure
peripheral edema, JVD, GI/hepatic congestion
most useful test to diagnose Heart failure
most important determinant in heart failure prognosis
ejection fraction (normal 55-60)
unless contraindicated, what two drugs should every patient with Heart failure be on?
ACEI (decreases mortality, hospitalizations, and directly reverses the pathology by decreasing renin and sympathetic stimulation) and diuretic
decrease preload/afterload, decrease aldosterone production