Palmoplantar Keratodermas Flashcards
What are the two broad types of palmoplantar keratodermas?
Diffuse versus Focal
What are the diffuse palmoplantar keratodermas?
Unna Thost, Vömer, Mal de Meleda, Gleiter, Mutilating (Vohwinkel), Papillon-Lefèvre, Naxos disease
What are the focal palmoplantar keratodermas?
Striate type/Areata type, Richner-Hanhart syndrome, Pachyonychia, Carvajal Syndrome, Howel-Evans syndrome
What is the inheritance pattern and genes involved in Unna-Thost diffuse plmoplantar keratoderma?
What is “transgrediens” in the setting of palmoplantar keratodermas?
A rare, isolated, diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma disorder characterized by red-yellow, moderate to severe hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles, extending to the dorsal aspects of the hands, feet and/or wrists and involving the skin over the Achilles’ tendon (transgrediens)
What is the age of onset for Unna-Thost palmoplantar keratoderma?
2-5 years sometimes later
Does transgrediens occur in Unna-Thost palmoplantar keratoderma?
What is the most common type of diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma?
The Vörner or epidermolytic PPK
Clinical appearance of Unna-Thost (Nonepidermolytic PPK)?
Diffuse, well-demarcated PPK w/ yellow hue; hyperhidrosis Histology w/ prominent orthokeratosis
What are the genes involved and the mode of inheritance for Vörner/epidermolytic PPK?
Keratin 1/Keratin 9 (KRT1/KRT9)
Does Vörner/epidermolytic PPK have transgrediens?
Clinical features of Vörner/epidermolytic PPK?
Clinically identical to diffuse nonepidermolytic PPK, but histology shows epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
What is the mode of inheritance and gene involved in Mal de Meleda PPK?
Clinical features of Mal de Meleda PPK?
Atopic dermatitis
- Transgradiens PPK erythematous w/ fissures/hyperhidrosis/maceration/ bad odor/often infected
- Dystrophic nails
Does Mal de Meleda have transgrediens?
What is the Greither form of PPK?
Gene: KRT1 (in some families)
Other name: Transgrediens and Progrediens PPK