Pallative, Neuro Flashcards
10 mg of morphine is the equivalent of
- ? tramadol
- ? Codeine + dihydrocodeine
- ? Oxycodone
- ? Diamorphine SC
- ?morphine SC
6.6mg ( /1.5)
3.3mg (/3)
5mg (/2)
In renal impairment what strong anaglesia would you consider
EGFR <30
- fentanyl
- buprenoprhine
- alfentail
- oxycodone
Morphine equivalent of
- Fentanyl 12mcg/hr
- bupreborphine 5mch/hr
30mg every 24hours
9-12 mg every 24hours
Names the laxative combo you could start in constipation related to opioid
Movical/docusate + senna
Can add naloxegol
What are some signs of opioid toxicity
Drowsiness, confusion, hallucinations, myoclonic jerks
Pin point pupils
What are some screening tools you could use for memory assessment
(Not GPCOG, AMSTE, MMSE - good for monitoring)
Name some drugs that have anti-cholengric burden
Amitripylline, paroxetine, chlorpheamie, promethazine, olanzpaine, Quintapine
What are the 3 drugs you use for mild - mod alzheimers
Some s/es
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor - Donepzil (insomnia), Galantamine, Rivastigmine
- N+v, cramps, dizziness, headaches, syncope, sick sinus
Caution BB and rate limiting CCB for bradycardia
Choice for mod (>10MMSE)
Memantine (Glutamate Recpetor antagonist)
Increase BP, sleepiness
What is license for levy body
Donepzil + rivastgaime
Severe memantine
PD: What is medication for motor symptoms with reduce QoL
Levodopa with carbidopa (Co-careldopa)
Reduced effectiveness with time, Dyskinesia, On/Off, dry mouth
PD: What is medication for motor symptoms which don’t reduce QoL
Dopamine agonists - Rotigotine, Prampiexole, Ropintile (Bromocriptine, Carbegoline)
S/E Impulse, excessive sleepiness, postural hypotension
MAO - B inhibitor - Selegiline, Rasagline
how soon should a first fit be reviewed in clinic
seen within 2 weeks
<2years is straight to paeds
what are DVLA rules regarding seizures
6months off after single seizure
1year after sleep seizure
1 year if structural cause/epilepsy seizure
options for focal/partial epilepsy
Lamotrigine or Levetiracetam
2nd line carbamazepine
options for generalised epilepsy
SV or lamotrigine in girls
2nd line levetiracetam
option for absence
ethosuximide, then SV or lamotrigene
Some side effects of sodium valproate
abnormal lfts, bone denisity, ataxia, weight gain, thrombocyotpenia, pancreatitis, fetus spinabifia, cleft
s/es of lamotrigene
SJS, agitation
both safe in pregnancy
what is the most frequnt complient for motor neuro disease (after developing weakness)
cognitive decline
When would you consider an urgent direct access MRI scan of the brain (to be performed within 2 weeks) to assess for brain or central nervous system cancer
in children within 48hours
in adults with progressive, sub-acute loss of central neurological function.
abnormal cerebellar or other central neurological function.
what reflex aids badys sitting at 6-9month
symmeterical tonic neck reflex
what aids the baby crawling (hip movmenet)
spinal galant reflex