Pakistan & World Affairs Flashcards
what is foreign policy?
the general plan of a country with regard to other countries of the world
geo political significance of pakistan? just name the points and explain any 3 points?
geo political significance of pakistan? describe 2 points
objectives of pakistan’s foreign policy? first 2
what is RCD when was it established
ECO when purpose
pg 26
name the location of the neighbouring countries
pg 26
SAARC when where pakistan hosted how many aism memeber full form
pg 27
what was the only country that voted against pakistan’s membership in the UN? reason? when? when were 3 mil reugees accepted
september 1947
this opposition
pak iran relations
Pakistan shares a long border with Iran.
We have always had strong fraternal relations because of our common border, religion, and culture.
Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan after its independence in 1947.
Pakistan and Iran had close cooperation in defense and trade before the Iranian revolution.
Iran provided full support to Pakistan during its wars against India.
In 1964, Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey established the RCD (Regional Cooperation for Development) to promote economic cooperation.
After the Reza Shah Pehlavi revolution in Iran, Pakistan was the first country to recognize the new revolutionary government.
Pakistan continued economic ties with Iran.
Both countries still have a joint economic committee to strengthen economic cooperation.
pak india relations? first indo pak war? 2nd war? lasted? india’s first nuclear test? when and where? east pak seperation?
how were there peace agreements? elaan-e-lahore? pak-india
pg 29
state of jammu and kashmir area? population? raja? why did maharaja started to disarm muslims living in? what resulted in genocide?
what happened after genocide?
how did the war start? what as UN’s solution? what happened in Kargil?
jammu and kashmir reorganization act 2019? signed by whom and when? what is it? why is Kashmir important for Pak? 3 reasons
pakistan’s relation with central asian countries? when did they join OIC? they have? what is the problem with them?
oic countries? full form? purpose? what happened in 1969? when did pakistan hold conference?
what happened in 2021?
pak turkey relations? khilafat movement? ankara agreement?
pak saudi relations
king saud bin abdul aziz came to pak in
for what when?
king faisal? when?
when did SA provide free oil supply?
what happened in Kaaba?
what happened in 1992?
what made pak egypt closer?
pak iraq relations? why did it start deteriorating? what happened in 1973?
iraq iran war
pak arab relations with uae lebanon algeria
pak bangladesh? causes of seperation? what happened in 1974 and 1971?
pak indonesia relations
pak malaysia relations? when did malaysia get independence? what happened? who established friendly relations with Pak? and when? imports?
pak america relations?
how did pak get involved?
when did pak join CENTO, SEATO& Baghdad pact? what were the other countries?
SEATO main objective?
when did Pak withdrew from SEATO & CENTO? why?
how did relationship with Russia improve?
when did Russian troops enter Afghanistan?
fall of soviet? when? 9/11?
pak china relations? china was established on? when did pak recognize it? what happened in the non-aligned conference? held at? when?
trans Karakoram tract? when did china get permanent seat in UN? what happened in 1978 & 1989?
pak uk relations? 1951?
pak european union? how many states? export? what happened in 2021?
pak japan? aid? 2002?
pak soviet? USSR full form? 1949? what made Russians inclined to India?
what happened in Ayub era?1960? Tashkent Pact? what is built with Russian help? soviet afghan war date? how did it start? who were mujahideen? when did soviet dismembered?
pak & UN?