Pain (Surgery during the 1800s) Flashcards
What did the discovery of anaesthetics allow surgeons to do?
Allowed surgeons to take more time and attempt more complicated surgery.
Who discovered laughing gas? When? How?
Humphrey Davey 1979 accidentally discovered that inhaling nitrous oxide (Laughing gas) reduced the feel of pain.
Who was the first to use nitrous oxide, what was his profession and when did he use it?
The dentist Horace Wells was first to use laughing gas during tooth removal surgery. (1844)
When was Ether discovered?
William Morton (Dentist, 1846)
Which famous surgeon used ether?
Robert Liston
What are the problems with ether?
Explosive and flammable
Irritated eyes and lungs
Made patients vomit
Who discovered chloroform?
James Simpson (1847)
What event caused people to mistrust the use of chloroform?
The death of Hannah Greener because of overdose (1848)
Which famous person used chloroform during childbirth?
Queen Victoria (1853)
What are the negatives of chloroform?
Difficult to find correct dosage
Killed people if too much was used
People opposed chloroform for religious reasons
Who invented a way to provide a more accurate dosage of chloroform and what was his invention?
John Snow, the inhaler (1848)