Pain, Predictive Coding, and the Placebo Effect Flashcards
Name two different models that have been proposed regarding perception by the brain. (2)
Passive reactionary process
Active anticipatory process
Describe the ‘passive reactionary process’ model of brain perception. (3)
The brain passively absorbs sensory input,
processes this information in some way,
and then reacts by controlling motor and autonomic responses to these ‘passively experienced’ sensory stimuli.
Describe the ‘active anticipatory process’ model of brain perception. (3)
Based on the intended goal of a person’s actions (movement),
the brain actively searches for and anticipates the information that it expects to be present in that particular environmental setting.
The end goal, and a person’s motivation to action that outcome, will influence how the brain perceives and reacts to constantly changing environmental and sensory stimuli.
Fill the gaps relating to perception by the brain. (4)
The active anticipatory process model of perception incorporates the activity of neural systems that regulate …………………….., ………………………, and …………………. pathways.
These pathways are partly driven by the neurotransmitter ……………………….
The pathways are necessary to achieve a desired outcome.
Fill the gaps relating to perception by the brain. (3)
The goal of the brain is to ……………………. the information that will be given, …………………. unwanted stimuli, and ……………….. the action that it will take.
filter out
Fill the gaps relating to perception by the brain. (4)
The methods that the brain uses to process sensory information may have evolved to ………………. identify and focus on events and stimuli in the outside world that are …………………….. or …………………….. and to ……………… to them accordingly.
Describe what is meant by a generative model. (3)
The brain generates models of the world
and continually uses data input from sensory organs
to update, refine, and optimise these generative models.
Give another name for a surprising or unpredictable stimulus, when thinking of perception as a process of probabilistic inference and Bayesian information processing. (1)
Statistical irregularity
Fill the gaps relating to perception by the brain. (8)
The brain has an idea of what the world should look like. It makes ………………………. based on the probabilities and patterns of events occurring in the world, and these models are constantly being ……………………. as the brain is exposed to more …………………..
This means that in unfamiliar situations, the brain can immediately focus in on the ………………………..
The constant updating of models means that the brain can more accurately ……………………… and not be ……………………………
When the brain encounters something that it did not expect and did not predict, a ………………………….. is sent to the brain. This signal then helps to update the ……………………….
generative models
sensory input
unexpected aspect
predict the future
surprised (by the unexpected)
prediction error
generative model
The brain is constantly trying to predict future sensory input. What is the signal called which is sent to the brain when we encounter something that was not predicted? (1)
Prediction error
What is meant by ‘probabilistic inference’? (3)
The process of calculating the probability of a certain event happening
depending on prior and current evidence.
The evidence is constantly being updated based on new sensory stimuli and experiences.
Why does perception by the brain use probabilistic inference to predict the future? (2)
To optimise future motor commands
necessary to achieve a desired outcome.
Fill the gaps relating to probabilistic inference and perception by the brain. (6)
Perception is a process of probabilistic inference. ………………….. in the brain need to compute and ……………………. the expected statistical …………………….. (otherwise known as ……………………. patterns) of the outside world.
Thus, the brain applies a probabilistic model to generate …………………….. about future events.
The brain may then generate motor commands based on ………………………………… to occur.
Neural networks
the most (statistically) likely events
Is perception a true reflection of reality, or a mixture of reality and what we determine to be the most ‘statistically plausible’ event given our prior experiences in similar situations? (1)
Don’t know - this is the question that scientists are trying to answer.
When looking at a graph representing Bayesian probability and information processing, what are the curves called? (1)
Probability density functions
When looking at a graph representing Bayesian probability and information processing, what does the area under the curve always equal? (1)
When looking at a graph representing Bayesian probability and information processing, what is on the Y axis? (1)
When looking at a graph representing Bayesian probability and information processing, what are the three elements represented by the curves? (3)
Prior belief
Posterior belief
What is meant by ‘prior belief’? (1)
How we expect the world to behave in a given situation (the brain’s generative model).
What is meant by ‘likelihood’ in Bayesian information processing? (1)
The sensory stimuli being received, which will determine the likelihood of an event happening the way we think it will.
What is meant by ‘posterior belief’? (1)
The updated belief, based on the prior belief and the sensory stimuli (evidence; likelihood). The event that is perceived.
In Bayesian information processing, what is the difference between the likelihood and the prior belief called? (1)
Prediction error
Describe what is meant by ‘precision’ in Bayesian information processing, and how this is shown on the graph. (2)
How does the precision affect the posterior belief? (1)
How accurate the prior or sensory information is.
More precise = taller curve and less precise = flatter and more spread out curve
The posterior belief will be weighted towards either the prior or sensory stimuli depending on which is more precise.
Describe the precision of the prior expectation and the weighting of the posterior belief in a completely novel situation (in Bayesian information processing). (2)
Imprecise prior
Posterior weighted towards sensory input
Describe what is meant by the following sentence:
‘Our brains use probability (Bayesian inference) to predict the future.’
The brain integrates prior beliefs with incoming sensory information
to predict the future and decide how best to optimise our movements and act.
Fill the gaps relating to information processing by the brain. (7)
The probabilistic model that the brain uses is thought to adhere to ……………………. theorem.
The Bayesian brain can be conceptualised as a ………………….. machine that constantly makes ……………………… about the world and then updates them based on information that it receives from the …………………….
The theorem permits the brain to compute an ………………… probability that something is true, based on the ………………….. probability of something being true with the addition of ………………………………
new information
In an example of Bayesian information processing in the brain, a person touches a normal-looking fence, but it is actually electric.
What was the prior belief? (1)
What was the prediction error? (1)
What is the likely posterior belief? (1)
This fence will not cause pain
The action potentials produced in nociceptive neurones that were not predicted
Some fences are electric
Describe the advantage for the brain of it sending down predictions and not having to process every bit of sensory information. (2)
Processing all information would require too much energy
so by processing only the information that it did not predict, the brain is more energy efficient and can save energy for the future.
Fill the gaps relating to Bayesian information processing. (2)
Bayesian learning allows us to minimise the ……………………….. that reach the brain.
Any of these signals that do reach the brain will help to update …………………………
prediction errors
the prior belief system
Describe the posterior belief in terms of probability of the hypothesis and the evidence. (1)
P (H/E)
(Probability that the hypothesis (prior) is true given the evidence).
When observing a string or sequence of evidence regarding a hypothesis, describe how the posterior and prior change while observing the evidence. (2)
For every new piece of evidence, the old posterior becomes the new prior.
Therefore, the prior (our model of the world) changes with each step.
Describe how Bayesian computation in the brain is linked to learning. (3)
Bayesian computation facilitates learning
as the brain ensures our priors are as accurate as possible
by using new evidence to update our predictions.
Fill the gaps relating to Bayesian computation in the brain. (6)
Our memory may actually be a ………………… of the brain trying to ……………………..
Our accounts of past experiences may exist in our memory as a byproduct of using them to …………………………….
The brain is always trying to ……………………………….. and be one step ahead. If we encounter something we have never seen before, we have to update our ……………………………. for next time. This is a form of …………………………..
predict the future
update our beliefs about the world
predict the future
Fill the gaps relating to Bayesian information processing in the brain. (5)
The brain is thought to be capable of computing …………………………. and making precise predictions with the help of ………………….. that it receives.
Through the coordinated firing of ……………….., the brain represents sensory information in the form of ……………………………
This relates to ………………………., where a group of neurones is activated and produces a neural code. The brain then has to predict the exact sensory input that has caused the particular firing pattern that it receives.
Bayesian probabilities
neural input
neural networks
probability distributions
population coding
In the context of Bayesian information processing and population coding, what do neuronal tuning curves represent? (1)
The response of that neurone to different stimuli.
Describe what is meant by the ‘free energy principle’ in the context of information processing. (5)
The free energy principle is a theoretical framework
that considers the brain to be a prediction machine
that uses information from previous experiences (memory)
to predict future events (intelligence)
in order to reduce surprise or uncertainty about the outside world.
Fill the gaps relating to information processing in the brain. (4)
The brain continuously updates its prior beliefs (also known as ………………………………..) about the outside world based on the ………………… it receives from the ………………………
This is a form of …………………………..
generative models
neural signals
sensory organs
Fill the gaps relating to information processing by the brain. (2)
Learning and memory have evolved to more precisely ………………………., which from an evolutionary perspective, is beneficial and necessary for the organism’s ……………………………..
predict the future
continued survival
Fill the gaps relating to the free energy principle. (3)
The free energy principle focusses on the brain’s ability to minimise …………………… and optimise its ……………….. by constantly updating its ……………………… about the future.
prediction error
The so-called ‘free energy principle’ posits that perception and action selection are governed by one overarching objective, which is…
To avoid surprises and minimise prediction errors
Fill the gaps relating to the Bayesian brain. (2)
The Bayesian brain attempts to maintain homeostasis at a ‘set point’ of ………………………….. that remains free of ………………………….
neural network activity
prediction errors
Briefly describe the two ways that the brain has of avoiding prediction errors under the free energy principle. (2)
Prediction fulfilled by choosing appropriate action.
Brain uses surprise as a teaching signal to adjust prior beliefs.
Describe how the brain may minimise prediction error by choosing appropriate actions. (2)
- Moving the sensory organs (eyes, limbs, body) to parts of the environment where the sensory inputs better match the predictions
- Eg. keeping eyes on road while driving to avoid surprises
Describe how the brain may minimise prediction error by using surprise as a teaching tool to adjust prior beliefs. (3)
Learning or updating generative model
so that the current prediction error is explained away
and more accurate future predictions become possible.
Describe what is meant by ‘predictive coding’. (3)
Instead of the brain computing all of the neural information that is present in the sensory data it receives from sensory organs
it may be preferable to only represent the prediction error
which is the difference between what the brain predicts will happen and what actually happens.
Define ‘prediction error’ and give a formula for it. (2)
The difference (or maybe ratio) between the sensory input and the predicted signal (i.e. the prior belief).
Prediction error = input - prediction
Fill the gaps relating to predictive coding. (3)
One reason the brain may use predictive coding schemes is that, if the prediction is correct, very little ……………….. is wasted and costly spikes (i.e. …………………………….) are kept to a minimum, thus improving the ……………………… of the brain.
energy intensive action potentials
computational efficiency
By what cellular mechanism does the brain send out predictions? (1)
Action potentials
Describe how predictions from the brain interact with pain pathways. (4)
- Predictions from higher centres activate endogenous pain modulatory systems
- Which release 5HT and NA onto the spinal cord interneurones
- The interneurones can then release GABA and enkephalins
- To inhibit activity of second order neurones and prevent a large number of nociceptive action potentials going to the brain
Give a name for the nociceptive signals in the pain pathway that travel up to the brain because they have not been predicted and inhibited. (1)
Prediction errors
What happens in the pain processing pathway if the brain did not make a prediction about pain? (2)
- No descending control
- Lots of action potentials (prediction errors) reach the brain regarding pain
Describe a hypothesis relating to spontaneous brain activity and predictive coding. (1)
Spontaneous activity measured in the brain may actually be the brain making predictions and sending the predictions down to the spinal cord.