Pain Management - Non Pharmacological Flashcards
Who can help in non pharmacological methods of pain relief
Physio, PT
Clinical psychologist
Osteopath, chiropractors, acupuncturist, complementary therapists
Distraction techniques
Mild, moderate pain
-descending pathways inhibit pain messages
Guided imagery
Imagination used to guide thoughts, can help improve relationship with pain
Can be done in a group or individual setting
Listening to music
Decrease muscle tension
Promote relaxation, sleep, endogenous opioids
Physical activity, exercise
Can be aerobic, strength-based, balance, flexibility
Modifiable if movement is restricted
Release of endorphins => relaxation
Increase muscular support for arthritic joints
Weight loss, better sleep, mood, CV function
Can be supported by physio, self motivation
Small battery operated device => low intensity electrical impulses
High frequency - Ab fibres stimulated and competes with Ad/C fibres => inhibition
-tingling, pins and needle like
Low frequency - stimulates production of endogenous opioids
-pulsing, tapping with contractions
Used in labour, neuropathic pain
-not suitable for all patients
- undiagnosed painful condition
- pacemaker
- epilepsy
- first 6 months of pregnancy
- broken/inflammed skin
- directly on tumour site
- allergic reaction to electrodes
Not to be placed on
- head, carotid sinus
- areas of altered sensation
- transdermal patches
Evidence for effectiveness if mixed
Process that helps people to
-question their current beliefs
-reframe them
so their emotional response is not as distressing, does not worsen pain
Fear avoidance - work on proving your past unhelpful beliefs wrong
Can be done individually, guided by a therapist or in a group
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - encourages people to identify values that are important to them in their life
Encourages psychological flexibility, acceptance of chronic pain whilst separating pain from their suffering
Psychological therapies
Mood disorders can exacerbate pain and vice verse
-important to keep mental wellbeing in mind whilst working with patients
Patient resources
Professional organisations
Pain charities or initiatives
Charities for specific painful conditions
Self management for persistent/chronic pain
Promotion of self management whenever possible
Pain Management Programmes run by MDT can help address many domains that contribute to chronic pain