😫 Pain Flashcards
Where is your pain?
Donde esta tu dolor?
Tu = your, Su = his/hers
Do you have a headache?
Tienes dolor de cabeza?
Are you hurt?
Estas herido?
Herido = hurt (adjective)
!= Herir = to wound / to hurt // Herirse = to wound/harm onself
Are you both ok?
Estan bien (los dos)?
Are the two of you ok?
Both = Ambos, not in this context.
Are you all ok?
Estan todos bien?
How strong is your pain?
¿Qué tan fuerte es tu dolor?
Que tan fuerte = how strong
Point to your paint.
Senala a tu dolor.
Senalar = to point out/show // Apuntar = to aim/target
How is your pain, on a scale of 0 to 10?
Como esta el dolor en una escala de cero al diez?
How strong is your pain from 1 to 10?
Que tan fuerte es tu dolor del uno al diez?
Point out where it hurts.
Señala dónde te duele.
Does that hurt (more)? / That hurts (more)?
Duele (mas) eso? / Eso duele (mas)?
Are you in pain? (You hurt?)
Te duele?
Describe your pain.
Describa su dolor.
Me duele el/la ___.
My ___ hurts.
Dolor = to hurt
Is the pain tearing?
Es el dolor esta rasgando?
Rasgar = to tear
Is the pain burning?
Es el dolor esta quemando?
Quemar = to burn
Is the pain stinging (itchy)?
Es el dolor esta picando?
Picar = to sting / itch // Picazón = an itch
Is the pain throbing?
Es el dolor esta latiendo?
Latir = to beat (as in the heart) / throb
(Es que) Tengo un dolor punzante en [body part].
(It’s just that) I have a stabbing pain in my [body part].
Punzar = to prick / pierce / puncture // Punzante = sharp
Does the pain feel dull?
¿El dolor se siente sordo?
Sordo = dull / muted
Sordo also and adj. for deaf and a noun for deaf person.
Is the pain feeling tearing?
¿El dolor esta se siente rasgando?
Rasgando = present participle of Rasgar
Is the pain feeling burning?
¿El dolor esta se siente quemando?
Quemando = present participle of Quemar
Is the pain feeling stinging?
¿El dolor esta se siente picando?
Picando = present participle of Picar
Is the pain feeling throbing?
¿El dolor esta se siente latiendo?
Latiendo = present participle of Latir
Does the pain feel sharp?
¿El dolor se siente afilado?
Afilado = sharp / sharpening
Does that hurt more/less?
¿Eso duele mas/menos?
Mas = more / Menos = less
Do you feel pain anywhere else?
¿Sientes dolor en algún otro lugar?
Lugar = place / Otro = other, another
Does that hurt when I touch it?
¿Me duele cuando lo toco?
Tocar = to touch
Does it hurt when you move?
¿Te duele cuando te mueves?
Does it hurt when I press on it?
¿Duele cuando lo presiono?
Presionar = to apply pressure
Siento un ardor en [body part].
I feel a burning (sensation) in my [body part].
Ardor = a burning sensation / burning
Siento un escozor en [body part].
I feel a stinging (sensation) in my [body part].
Escozor = a stinging sensation
Do you feel any pain?
¿Sientes algún dolor?
Sentir = to feel