pain Flashcards
Nociceptive pain
ongoing activation of pain-sensitive neural systems by tissue injury or inflammation.
Nociceptive processing involves ascending and descending pathways that either facilitate or modulate information about noxious stimuli.
Peripheral Neuropathic pain
aberrant somatosensory processes in peripheral nervous system
AIDS polyneuropathy and entrapment neuropathy)
CNS Neuropathic pain
spinal cord injury and stroke
Psychogenic pain
Pain that is truly experienced by the patient, but best explained by psychiatric disease.
Idiopathic pain
Refers to pain for which no clear cause can
be identified be identified.
painful stimuli perceived as more painful
all stimuli (noxious and innocuous) are more intense
nonpainful stimuli are perceived as painful
unpleasant sensations
Spontaneous Pain
pain in the absence of a stimulus
Description of Bone pain
aching gnawing deep aching, gnawing
Description of Neuropathic pain
tingling, sharp, shooting, electric, burning
Description of Visceral pain
deep, aching, colicky, squeezing
hard to localize
Ascending pain pathway - PRIMARY order neuron
First/PrimaryOrder Neuron
Primary afferent fibers
Convey sensation from periphery to spinal cord (Dorsal horn)
Ascending pain pathway - SECONDARY order neuron
Secondary order neurons convey within CNS
- Spinal Thalamic Tract from Dorsal Horn to Thalamus