Pages 30-31 Flashcards
Aural (adj.)
related to the sense of hearing
Bandwidth (n)
the capacity of a system or person to deal with tasks or information;
Bombard (v)
to attack or overwhelm someone or something with INFORMATION, QUESTIONS or OBJECTS.
Chair (of a company) (n)
the leader or head of a company or organization.
Congruent (adj)
in agreement or in harmony; also refers to geometric shapes that are identical in size and shape
Driver (n)
a person or thing that causes something to happen or develop
Fight-flight response (n)
a PHYSIOLOGICAL REACTION to a perceived threat, preparong the body to either fight or flee.
Profound (adj)
deep or intense; showing great knowledge or insight
Retailer (n)
a business or a person that sells goods directly to customers
Subtle (adj)
so nice as to be difficult to analyse or describe; Not obvious.
to stop or prevent something from being expressed or occuring/happening.