Pages 1-4 Flashcards
Devotion to your country
Mountains near Austria Hungary and Serbia where WWI began
Promote your military
Triple alliance
Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy
Triple Entente
Great Britain, France, Russia
Francis Ferdinand
Arch Duke of Austria-Hungary, his assassination started WWI
Where Ferdinand was assassinated
Gravrilo Princip
Assassinated Ferdinand
Allied Powers
France, Russia, Great Britain, Serbia
Battle of the Marne
Proved that trench warfare would dominate the western front
5 new weapons of WWI
Machine guns, tanks, poison gas (chlorine, mustard), air planes, submarines
No man’s land
Land between trenchs
Total number of soldiers who are killed, wounded, taken prisoner, MIA
Melting pot
German-Americans and Irish-Americans
Believed war was none of Americas business
Weapons that you would sneak into a country
May 7th, 1915 British passenger ship carrying 128 Americans was sunk by Germany
French passenger ship sunk by German subs
Sussex Pledge
Germany pledged not to sink anymore unarmed ships
By the end of 1915, president Wilson began making preparations for US involvement in war
“He kept us out of war”
Woodrow Wilson’s campaign slogan
Zimmerman Note
If the US declared war on Germany then Germany would help Mexico take back Arizona, New Mexico, Texas
Selective service act
Authorized a draft of young men for military service in Europe
Western front
Whoever won the western front would win the war
Believed US should play in a role in world affairs just not wars