Page 61 onwards Flashcards
What are the strong form equations in 2D?
dσxx/dx + dσxy/dy + bx = 0
dσyx/dx + dσyy/dy + by = 0
How do you integrate by parts the strong form equation in 2D?
- multiply by an arbitrary displacement and integrate over the volume
- Integrate by parts the first term in the x direction
- integrate by parts the second term in the y direction
When converting between string and weak form in 2D what does the left and right hand side of the equation represent?
LHS: Represents K * d
RHS: Represents external forces. The first two terns are boundary forces and the last term is the body forces
What do we know at every point on the boundary and for every direction?
We eitehr know the force or the displacement.
Therefore if u is known the du = 0 and if the distributed force is known n * σ = t, where t is the reactions (force).
What does Γ, Γe and Γn mean?
Γ = total boundary
Γe = Boundary where ui is known
Γn = Boundary where t is known
What does σ =?
σ = D * L * u
D = Elastic tensor E/(1+v)(1-2v) […]
L = Deformation tensor [d/dx,0,0 ; 0 d/dy ….]
u = displacement vector
What does B and N =?
B = L * N = [ dN1/dx, 0 , dN2/dx ….] 3x4 matirx for N =2
L = [ d/dx,0 ; 0,d/dy ; d/dy,d/dx] 3x2
N = [N1,0,N2,0 ; 0,N1,0,N1] 2x4
How is the isoparametric formulation achieved?
By mapping the geometry from a global (cartesian) XY-coordinate system to a ξη-coordinate system (local).
The region in the xy-plabe is the global domain and the ξη region from +1 to -1 is called the parent domain.
How do yoiu denote going from global to local and vise versa?
From global to local:
ξ = ξ(x,y), η = η(x,y)
From local to global:
x = x(ξ,η), y = y(ξ,η)
What are the shape functions in terms ξ & η for a 4-noded element?
N1(ξ,η) = 1/4 * (1 - ξ)(1- η)
N2(ξ,η) = 1/4 * (1 + ξ)(1- η)
N3(ξ,η) = 1/4 * (1 + ξ)(1+ η)
N4(ξ,η) = 1/4 * (1 - ξ)(1+ η)
What does the Jacobian matrix equal and how is it used?
J = [ dx/dξ , dy/dη ; dx/dη , dy/dξ]
converts the shape function from local to glable coordinates
{dN/dx ; dN/dy} = J^-1* {dN/dξ ; dN/dη}
How is the stiffness matrix [K] found using parental domain
[k] = ∫(1 to -1) ∫(1 to -1) B^T * D * B * det( J ) * dξdη
When doing Guass integration what do the number of points, integration points and associated weight factor refer to?
The number of integration points:
Is the number of points along the element that you integrate under. This equal 2n - 1 where n is the order of the integral.
Integration points is the distance from 0 to the integration point
The associated weight factor is the length of the base pf the integration out of 2.
How would you use Guass integration in 2D?
[K] = ∫∫ f(ξ,η) * dξdη = Σi=1Σj=1 wi * wj * f(ξi,ηj)
How do you convert inertia forces (-ρu..) into weak form?
Integrate it over the volume and times it by an arbitrary displacement.
V ∫ du * (ρ * u..) dV
u.. = acceleration
ρ = mass density