Page 3 Flashcards
In what Tennessee City does State 4-H Electric Camp take place?
What Nashville weather man was a 4-H member from Dyer County, an emcees the State 4-H History Bowl?
Leland Statom
A demonstration should last how long?
3-5 minutes
The 4-H pledge was adopted in what year?
What does it cost to join 4-H in Tennessee?
Absolutely nothing!
What is the 4-H emblem?
A Four-Leaf Clover
What are oral reasons?
A verbal or spoken justification of why you placed a JUDGING class a certain way.
In what grade is 4-H first offered?
4th grade
Which 4-H group actually has adopted a fifth “H”?
The 4-H Honor Club (The H stands for Honor)
What is the name of the inspiration ceremony which takes place at 4-H camp right after sunrise?
Flag Raising
What does the TAE4-HW mean?
The Tennessee Association of Extension 4-H Workers
What was the first state-wide 4H event in Tennessee?
State 4-H Roundup (started in 1923 originally called “State Club Camp”)
Which 4-H officer’s main duty is to get someone to do parts of the program?
The VIce-President
What is the award given to the 4-H family who has shown “Exceptional participation in all phases of 4-H club work”?
The Hale Master 4-H family
What is the name of the 4-H All-Star officer who serves as secretary?
The Scribe
What was the original use of the 4-H camp at Crossville?
World War II Prisoner of War Camp