Page 3 Flashcards
Adam did not tell God the cause of his ___________; he related only the symptoms of ____ to Him.
nervousness; fear.
If the heart is not cleansed daily of its cares and troubled thoughts, these accumulate and bring the Christian into chronic ___________, which is conflict in the soul between the old self ____ and the ____ ______.
nervousness; will; Holy Spirit.
When Christians leave out _____ fellowship with Christ because of worldly attractions and too many _________ duties he becomes easy prey for evil powers.
daily; religious.
Each small trouble, as it ______ must be taken to the Lord and put in His care.
Christians who cannot re-establish their relationship with God by _______ the Bible and ______ have not truly ________ of self(?), self(?), self(?), and self(?).
reading; praying; repented; will, love, trust, and exaltation.
The nervous Christian is ____________ about everyone except himself.
The patient with a neurosis suffers alone because he is not considered ___.
The patient in the throes of anxiety had a basis for the onset of these symptoms which did not come on suddenly; nor were created by a ______ in the patient’s life; but the symptom _______ developed over many years.
crisis; complex.
The term “nervous breakdown” is unscientific and very misleading, because emotional, so-called nervous patients do not suffer from nerves that are ________ ____, and their minds will not eventually ____.
breaking down; snap.
_______ brain diseases account for only a small part of mental diseases in or out of our mental institutions.
Overwork _____ of the chief factors in a so-called nervous breakdown. (Is, is not)
is not.