Page 242-250 Flashcards
What are the practical techniques of Positive Psychology ? (7)
BR 242
I - Improve ones signature strengths
B - Blessings - count them
S - Savor the pleasing things in life
W - Write down what one wants to be remembered for
E - Express appreciation
P - Practice kindness regularly
T - Think about happiest days in one’s life frequently
Mn: Patch Adams - “I be swept”
What are the pillars of Positive Psychology ? (5)
Shull video slide
P - Positive emotions - ability to be optimistic, view timeline in a positive fashion
E - Engagement - fully absorbed in the present moment
R - Relationships - (+) social connections
M - Meaning - purpose for why one is on the Earth
A - Accomplishiments - having ambition & accomplishing realistic goals.
1) What is the ideal ratio of positive to negative emotions ?
2) Why is this important ? (What does it predict ?)
BR 243
1) Ideal ratio of (+) to (-) emotions is >= 3 to 1 as negative emotions are more potent than positive ones.
2) Below 3:1 it’s unlikely people will be able to overcome the obstacle at the current time.
In terms of character virtues & strenghts, which ones are American adults usually LOWEST in ?
BR 243
Lowest in PERSistence & Self-Regulation
Mn: ‘Americans don’t know purser’ (PER, S-R)
What is a stress response vs Stress reaction ?
Is one better than the other ?
BR 243
Stress response: external event => internal conscious processing => person is MINDFUL of the situation & recognizes the influences & chain of event reactions => makes a DELIBERATE CHOICE.
- this conscious response allows a person to maintain better control over their emotions & keep a greater sense of calm and balance, to recover mentally & regain equilibrium.
Stress reaction:
External event => alarm => activation of sympathetic nervious system => overstimulation => internalization of the situation (‘internal event’) => maladaptive coping + breakdown of emotions.
What is suffering ?
What are the two kinds of suffering ?
BR 244
Suffering: the state of undegoing pain, distress, loss, damage, disability, hardship or death.
Necessary suffering: Illness, old age, separation from loved ones, death
Unnecessary - stems from egocentricity: our wants, likes, dislikes, attachments, cravings/aversions:
a) Wanting a different outcome than the one that has happened
b) Anticipatory thinking (imagining the worst)
c) Repeating stories about the past
d) Trying to resist pain
What are informal and formal mindfulness ?
What is the difference between mindfulness & meditation
BR 244 & 245
Formal: Meditation
Informal: attentiveness to routine activities (eg walking, washing hands).
WIth mindfulness you are fully present; people meditate to be somewhere else.
What are the attitudes of mndfulness ?
BR 245
S - Self-reliant
N - Non-judgmental (witnessing)
A - Acknowledging (not same as accepting)
P - Patient
N - Non-striving (relaxing)
B - Beginner’s mind
Mn: Kid w spoon from Matrix

What is the difference between acknowledging what is happening & accepting ?
BR 245
You can acknowledge but you don’t have to accept.
Many things people experience are not acceptable.
What does mindfulness practice investigate ?
BR 250
Mindfulness practice investigates the relationship between the mind & body & helps create awareness of the space between the stimulus & response in a situation.
- this allows more freedom & distance from the situation.
What are positive emotions ?
What are they signs of ?
List 5 positive emotions
BR 250
Positive emotions are emotions that broaden a person’s thoughts in the moment and expand one’s personal resources socially, physically, intellectually and artistically.
They are signs of well-being
They include: joy, interest, contentment, pride, and love.
Can new neurons grow ?
BR 246
The brain can grow approx 700 new neurons a day
List results of 8 weeks of mindfulness training
a) Anatomical/physiological
b) Psychological
BR 246
H - Hippocampus - inc grey matter density (responsible for learning & memory)
A - Amygdala - reduced grey matter density (correlates w reduced stress)
L - Left prefrontal cortex - increased activation - responsible for learning & memory.
Syx: lasting decreases in physical & psychological symptoms.
Hardiness & stress response
E’s: self-esteem, energy, enthusiasm for life
Relationships - develops compassion, empathy
Psych: anxiety, depression, addiction
Inflammation - chronic pain.
Mnemonic: HAL (Movie - 2001), SHERPI (like sherpa)
Compasssion is mantaining an attitude of kindness, friendlliness, and gentleness toward yourself and others.
RAIN - an easy to remember tool for practicing mindfulness:
R - Recognize what’s going on - acknowledge the thoughts, feels, and behaviors that are affecting us.
A - Acceptance - allow the experience to be there, just as it is.
I - Investigate with kindness - direct more focused attention to our present experience - “What is happening inside me ?”
N - Non-identification with the experience - rest in natural awareness.Occurs when identification with the small self is loosened & our sense of who we are is not fused with any limiting emotions, sensations, or stories.
What proportion of people are able to multi-task (simulation of driving & completing an auditory test) ?
BR 247
Only 2.5 % of people can multi-task in a simulation of driving & completing an auditory test
BR 247
List some common impediments to mindfulness (make it difficult for the pre-frontal cortex)
BR 247
Too much:
1) Distraction
2) Tasks
3) Stress
Too Little - B.E.D.S.
B - Breaks - downtime
E - Exercise
D - Diet
S - Sleep

What are the 5 pillars of positive psychology
Shull Video, slide ‘Emotional well-being’
P - Positive emotions
E - Engagement
R - Relationships
M - Meaning
A - Accomplishments
Mn: ‘REMAP’ (or PERMA)
Name 4 ways to increase emotional well-being
Shull Video, slide ‘Emotional well-being’
S - Stress managment
H - Healthy lifestyle behaviours
A - Absence of emotional distress
P - Positive Emotions
Mn: S-H-A-P => E (SHAPE)
E = emotional well-being
In terms of Resiliency:
1) What does resiliency help determine ?
2) What is the resiliency tipping point ?
Shull Video, slide ‘Resiliency’, BR 243
1) Resilency leads to higher life satisfaction
2) The resiliency tipping point is when the ratio of positive to negative emotions is >= 3:1
What are the character strengths which go with the following core virtues:
Wisdom + Knowledge
Wisdom => creativity, curiosity, love of learning
Courage => authenticity, bravery, persistence, zest
Humanity => kindness, love, social intelligence
Justice => fairness, leadership, teamwork
Temperance => forgiveness, modesty, purdence, self-regulation
Transcendence => appreciate beauty, gratitude, hope, humor, religiousness
What neurotransmitter changes do we see when we do OR witness acts of kindness ?
Shull Video, slide ‘Positive Psychology’
See increase in brain dompamine
Is positive psychology a treatment for mental illness ?
Shull Video, slide ‘Positive Psychology’
Positive psychology is NOT a treatment for mental illness, but can accompany treatments.
What is the single most important predictor of happiness & longevity ?
Shull Video, slide ‘Connectedness’
The single most important predictor of happiness & longevity is having social connections.