Page 2 Flashcards
definition of hunger
“the mental and physical condition that comes from not eating enough food due to insufficient economic, family or community resources.”
definition of food security
Access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life. Minimally, food security includes:
◦The ready availability of nutritionally adequate & safe foods
◦An assured ability to acquire acceptable food in socially acceptable ways (no emergency food supplies, scavenging, stealing, etc.)
Causes of overweight and obesity
environmental- parents
inactivy and sedentary lifestyle
Obesity and hunger paradox
hunger causes obesity
the increased fat content of food eaten to prevent hunger at times when the family lacked the money to buy food
What are the federal nutrition programs combatting hunger in the US?
- The Food Stamp Program (FSP) now Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP)
- The Child and Adult Care Food Program
- School Nutrition Programs
- The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
YRBS 2013 stats on fruits and veggies?
20% ate “5-a-Day” fruits and veggies
CCS Programs were renamed to Children with Special Health Care Needs due to
the increasingly broad childhood population
Children with Special Health Care Needs
are those who have or are at increased risk for chronic, physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional conditions & who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally
1970s Developmental
Disabilities Legislation
- Organized services for individuals with developmental disabilities
- Established Developmental Disability Councils comprised of parents, representatives (developed state plan)
- Conditions targeted: mental retardation, cerebral palsy, & epilepsy
- DD were defined and included conditions manifested before 22 yrs of age
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- This act was designed to protect people with mental or physical disabilities from discrimination based on their disability
- Per this act, public facilities (including child care centers) must make reasonable modifications in policies, practices, and procedures to accommodate individuals with special needs
3 drs and 1 nurse per
WHO recommends 23 per
neonatal mortality rate
20% is pneumonia related to malnutrition
Haitian Health Foundation
- CT based NGO began in 1986
- Public health program began in 1987
- Health workers selected by village
- Began with 30 villages: 28,000 population
- Now 104 villages: 200,000 population
- High level of community ownership
- Public health focus on women and children
- Census based and computerized health information system
Colostrum in Haiti
- 1994 national survey 3% at 6 months
- “lok” given instead of colostrum
- 2004 national survey 24% at 6 months
- Campaign: colostrum is best lok
Pan America Sanitary Bureau
- established in 1902