Page 18 Flashcards
sensus, sensus (m)
sensation, feeling, understanding, judgement, meaning
sordidus, sordida, sordidum
dirty, shabby, base, vile
sors, sortis (f)
lot, chance, fate, destiny, prophecy
spatium, spatii (n)
space, expanse, distance, interval, opportunity
tego, tegere, texi, tectus
to cover
tellus, telluris (f)
earth, land
rashly, heedlessly, at random
ulciscor, ulcisci, ultus sum
to punish, take vengeance on, avenge
ultimus, ultima, ultimum
farthest, extreme, remotest, final
ver, veris (n)
versus, versus (m)
vesper, vesperis (m)
evening, evening-star
volvo, volvere, volvi, volutus
to roll, turn over, resolve
hardly, with difficulty, with regret, with pain
aequalis, aequale
equal, level, even, contemporary