Page 1 Theo studyguide Flashcards
what something is
who someone is
2 greatest mysteries of the Faith:
God & Jesus
mystery of the inner life of God
God becoming man
Trinity in words:
divine person
Hypostatic Union:
union of 2 natures in 1 person
Who is Jesus:
Eternal word; 2nd person of the trinity
what is jesus:
true God & true man
Trinity of persons in Godś intellect:
power to think, know, understand, & contemplate
love, desire, and choose –> power to do these things
when we are made in the image and likeness of God:
we have a spiritual soul w/ intellect and will
how do we know we are made in the likeness:
By knowing and loving him
Human Faith:
the thing that can be known through human reason.
Divine Faith:
things that transcend this world and can’t be known through human reason.
Believed through the credibility of who reveals it.