This standard specifies the minimum requirements for swine housing. It includes space requirement, feeding and watering facilities.
refers to a male breeding swine which is at least 8 months older
place for piglets inside the farrowing pen
creep area
rate of removing undesirable or unproductive animals within the herd
culling rate
unbred sows which have just been weaned; non-pregnant sows
dry sows
act of giving birth in swine
area in which a sow is confined during farrowing and lactation periods, but in which the sow can turn around
farrowing pen
device in which a sow is confined during farrowing and lactation periods and which prevents sow from turning around
farrowing stall/farrowing crate
swine raised for meat production usually starts at 15 kg
swine which are 66 kg and up
female swine that has not farrowed
swine from 40 to 65 kg
piglets born in one farrowing
piglets born in one farrowing
average number of farrowings of one sow per year
litter index/farrowing index
number of days an animal stays in a pen
any breeding female pig that has farrowed
piglet that has been recently separated from its mother
In this system, the sows are removed when the piglets reach weaning age. The pigs remain in the same building from farrowing until they reach the desired weight for slaughtering.
one-unit system
The sows and piglets remain in the farrowing house until the piglets are weaned. The weanlings are transferred to a growing-finishing house.
two-unit system
The sows and piglets remain in the farrowing house until weaning. The weanlings are moved to a nursery house and finally to a growing-finishing unit where they stay until they are ready for slaughter.
three-unit system
The sows and piglets remain in the farrowing house until weaning. After weaning, piglets are moved to a nursery house, then to a growing house and finally to a finishing house until they are ready for slaughter.
four-unit system
Minimum recommended space requirement for swine - Up to 10 kg
0.11 m^2/animal
Minimum recommended space requirement for swine - 11 - 20 kg
0.20 m^2/animal
Minimum recommended space requirement for swine - 21 - 40 kg
0.35 m^2/animal
Minimum recommended space requirement for swine - 41 - 60 kg
0.50 m^2/animal