Paeds: treatment planning of the carious dentition Flashcards
How can you allow a child to feel in control during the appointment?
Child responsible for saying “stop” and “go”. Rehearse a signal to stop i.e. hand raise.
Tell, show, do approach: explain what you are going to do, trial it out (praise the patient if they do well), then proceed with procedure
How can you get a child to behave in the chair?
Reinforce positive behaviours “that helps me when you do this”
Ignore negative behaviours.
How could you encourage a child to endure a potentially upsetting procedure?
Structured time: break down what you are doing into timed sections the child can comprehend.
“I’ll buzz your tooth while I count to three, then stop. Is that Ok? 1…2…3…. Well done!”
What is silver diamine fluoride treatment?
SDF is a topical medicaments that can manage and prevent dental caries, as well as relieving dentinal hypersensitivity.
Why can silver diamine fluoride compounds prevent caries?
Silver —> antimicrobial
Fluoride —> remineralisation of enamel
Why might you be cautious with SDF?
Formation of a silver oxide layer (black) will stain most oxidisable surfaces.
Orthodontic separators
Useful to open proximal contacts and create space (can aid Hall technique, caries diagnosis, placing of proximal sealants).
How long should orthodontic separators be placed on the tooth for? before treatment
Describe the purpose of the Hall technique
a method of “sealing in” caries within a primary molar tooth.
What are the requirements to place a preformed metal crown on a tooth?
- No clinical or radiographic signs of pulpal pathology.
- CLEAR band of dentine between cavity and pulp.
What would you put into a preformed metal crown before placing it over the tooth?
Glass ionomer luting cement
How could you tell the preformed metal crown is seated properly?
The surrounding gingiva will often blanche.
What measurement is important to document in the notes when doing the hall technique?
OVD - occlusal vertical dimension —> has it changed significantly post-procedure (~2mm is normal).
Can be taken using probe.
What would you reassure the patient of after performing the Hall technique?
Advise the patient that the bit will feel high but this will resolve in a week or two.
What chemical would you use on a soaked cotton pellet to achieve haemostasis when doing a pulpotomy?
Ferric sulphate (for 1-2minutes)
What would you place on exposed pulp after achieving haemostatsis during a pulpotomy?
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA)
What would you fill the cavity with once completion of a pulpotomy?
Zince oxide eugenol material
When would you avoid using silver diamine fluoride?
Silver allergy, irreversible pulpitis or periapical periodontitis, infection
What could this be?
- Clinical signs of caries
- Not TTP
- No abnormal mobility
- No signs of infection (i.e swelling, sinus or suppuration)
- Pain is short and doesn’t linger
- Pain only in direct response to stimuli
Reversible pulpitis
What could this be?
- Clinical signs of caries
- Not TTP
- No abnormal mobility
- No signs of infection (swelling sinus suppuration)
- Spontaneous pain
- Prolongered and lingers after removal of stimuli
- Wakes up in the night
Irreversible pulpitis
What could this be?
- Clinical signs of caries
- Increased motility
- Signs of infection (swelling, suppuration and sinus tract)
- Often acute symptoms gone
- dull throbbing pain
- can be assymptomatic
Periradicular/apical periodontitis