Paeds - Trauma Flashcards
Name the diagnosis for: total displacement out of the socket?
Name the diagnosis for: displacement, mobility and several tooth movement
Alveolar fracture
Name the diagnosis for: displacement, mobility, single tooth with x-ray signs for root fracture?
Root fracture
Name the diagnosis for: displacement, mobility, single tooth with no x-ray signs for root fracture?
Name the diagnosis for: displacement, no mobility with protrusion/retrusion?
Lateral luxation
Name the diagnosis for: displacement, no mobility with intrusion?
Name the diagnosis for: no displacement but with loosening?
Name the diagnosis for: no displacement, no loosening but +ve TTP
Name the diagnosis for: no displacement, no loosening but -ve TTP and no fracture?
No trauma
Name the diagnosis for: no displacement, no loosening but -ve TTP and fracture below gingival margin?
Crown-root fracture
Name the diagnosis for: no displacement, no loosening but -ve TTP and no fracture below gingival margin?
Crown fracture
What is the treatment for an enamel dentine fracture?
Seal completely the involved dentine, with GIC to prevent microleakageIn larger fractures, the tooth can be restored with composite
What is the treatment for enamel dentine pulp fracture?
Partial pulpotomyPlace CaOH over the pulp, then covered with a lining such as RMGIC, then restore with composite
Follow-up procedure for enamel dentine crown fracture?
3-4 weeks
Follow-up procedure for enamel dentine pulp crown fracture?
1 week6-8 week with radio1 year with radio
What is the treatment for enamel dentine root fracture?
Fragment removal only, if fracture is only small part of root and fragment is large enough allows coronal restorationExtraction in other cases
Follow-up procedure for enamel dentine root fracture?
Fragment removal only:- 1 week- 6-8 week with radio- 1 year
What is the treatment for root fracture?
If coronal fragment not displaced no treatment is requiredIf coronal fragment displaced, extract the fragment, but apilca fragment left to be resorbed
Follow-up procedure for root fracture?
No displacement:- 1 week- 6-8 week - 1 year radioExtraction:- 1 year radio
What is the treatment for alveolar fracture?
Reposition any displaced segment and then splintStabilise segment for 4 weeks with splintMonitor
Follow-up procedure for alveolar fracture?
1 week3-4 week radio with splint removal6-8 week with radio1 year with radio
What is the treatment for concussion?
Follow-up procedure for concussion?
1 week6-8 week
What is the treatment for subluxation?
ObservationClean with chlorhexidine twice a day for a week
Follow-up procedure for subluxation?
1 week6-8 weekCheck for discolouration
What is the treatment for extrusive luxation?
Dependent on displacement, mobility, root formation and cooperationMinor extrusion (<3mm), reposition or leave tooth for spontaneous alignmentExtraction for severe extrusion
Follow-up procedure for extrusive luxation?
1 week6-8 week radio6 month radio1 year radioDiscolouration may occur
What is the treatment for lateral luxation?
No occlusal interference allow spontaneous repositionMinor occlusal interference, slight grinding necessaryMajor occlusal interference, needs to be gently repositioned with LASevere displacement, extraction is only choice
Follow-up procedure for lateral luxation?
1 week2-3 week6-8 weeks radio1 year with radio
What is the treatment for intrusive luxation?
If apex displaced towards or through labial bone plate, allow spontaneous repositionIf apex into tooth germ, extract
Follow-up procedure for intrusive luxation?
1 week3-4 week with radio6-8 week6 month with radio1 year with radio
What are the clinical findings for alveolar fracture?
Involves alveolar boneSegment mobility and dislocation are common
What are the clinical findings for concussion?
Tender to touchNormal mobility and no sulcular bleeding
What are the clinical findings for subluxation?
Increased mobility but not displacedBleeding from gingival crevice
What are the clinical findings for extrusive luxation?
Partial displacement out of socketTooth appears elongated and excessively mobile
What are the clinical findings for lateral luxation?
Tooth is displaced palatally/lingually or labillayUsually immobile
What are the clinical findings for intrusive luxation?
Tooth is displaced through the labial bone plate or impinging on succeeding tooth bud
What are the radiographic findings for intrusive luxation?
Apical tip can appear shorter
What are the radiographic findings for lateral luxation?
Increases PDL space apically
What are the radiographic findings for extrusive luxation?
Increases PDL space apically
What are the radiographic findings for alveolar fracture?
Horizontal fracture line to the apices