Paeds things Flashcards
Definition of BRUE
Less than 12 months old
Duration <1min (typically 20-30 seconds)
Sudden onset, accompanied by return to baseline state
Characterised by 1+ of:
- cyanosis or pallor (COLOUR)
- absent, decreased or irregular breathing (BREATHING)
- marked change in tone (hypertonia or hypotonia) (TONE)
- altered level of responsiveness (ALERTNESS)
- not explained by identifiable medical conditions
Low risk BRUE criteria
No concerning features on history or examination and all of:
- age >60 days
- born 32+ weeks gestation and corrected gestational age 45+ weeks
- no CPR by trained healthcare professionals
- first event
- event lasted <1 minute
Pyloric stenosis key facts
2-6 weeks of age
Progressive non-bilious vomiting
Risk factors
- male
- first born
- parental history of HPS (especially if mother affected)
Hypochloraemic hypokalaemia metabolic alkalosis
Management priorities
- treat dehydration + electrolytes as indicated
- allow to continue feeding (with NG sited) for comfort, unless concerns about aspiration
- USS diagnosis
- surgical referral
Jaundice key points
Risk factors MATERNAL - blood group O, Rh - - FHx, East Asian/mediterranean descent - poorly controlled diabetes - previously jaundiced baby requiring phototherapy NEONATAL - breast fed, and/or low volume feeds - haematoma or bruising - polycythaemia - haemolytic factors - bowel obstruction - infection, preterm, male
Urgent investigation if <24 hours old, including septic screen
If over 24 hours and well child, plot TSB on nomogram
If conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia, further workup required
T: trauma (including NAI), tumour, thermal
H: heart disease, hypovolaemia, hypoxia
E: endocrine (CAH, DM, thyroid)
M: metabolic disturbances (electrolytes)
I: inborn errors of metabolism
S: seizures or CNS abnormalities
F: formula dilution or over concentration (Na+)
I: intestinal catastrophes (intussusception, volvulus, NEC)
T: toxins (including home remedies eg baking soda for burping)
S: sepsis
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome pentad
F: fever
A: anaemia (microangiopathic haemolytic)
T: thrombocytopaenia
R: renal problems
N: neurological problems (headaches, confusion, seizures) - more likely in TTP
Intussusception peak incidence and clinical features
PEAK: 4-10 months (range up to 36 months)
- abrupt onset
- intermittent, colicky abdominal pain
- episodes of crying and pulling the knees up
- pallor (with episodes)
- vomiting
- often quite well between episodes
Limp in a toddler (1-4 yrs)
Developmental hip dysplasia
Toddlers fracture
Transient synovitis of the hip (irritable hip)
Child abuse/NAI
Limp in a child (4-10 yrs)
Transient synovitis of the hip (irritable hip)
Perthes disease
Limp in an adolescent (10+ years)
Slipped upper femoral epiphyses (SUFE)
overuse syndrome
Limp in any age group
Infections (OM, septic arthritis, soft tissue, viral myositis)
Malignancy (ALL, bone tumour)
Rheumatological disorders and reactive arthritis
Intra-abdominal pathology (eg appendicitis)
Inguinoscrotal disorders (eg testicular torsion)
Irritable hip
3-8 years
history of recent viral URTI
usually able to walk but painful
child otherwise well
mild-moderate ROM loss, especially IR
diagnosis of exclusion
Perthes disease
Avascular necrosis of capital femoral epiphysis
2-12 years (mostly 4-8)
20% bilateral
restricted ROM on exam
Late childhood/early adolescence
Often overweight
Hip or knee pain + limp
Hip appears externally rotated and shortened
Decreased ROM especially IR
May be bilateral
Kawasaki disease diagnosis
Fever at least 5 days without any other explanation, plus 4 of 5:
- bilateral bulbar conjunctival injection
- oral mucous membrane changes, including injected or fissured lips, injected pharynx, or strawberry tongue
- peripheral extremity changes, including erythema of palms or soles, oedema of hands or feet, periungual desquamation
- polymorphous rash
- cervical lymphadenopathy (at least one LN >1.5cm diameter)
Kawasaki disease treatment
- aspirin (30-50mg/kg daily in 4 divided doses)
- +/- steroids
monitor for complications
- coronary artery aneurysms
- heart failure
- arrhythmia
- MI
- peripheral arterial occlusion
Bronchiolitis: risk factors for more serious illness
gestational age <37 weeks
chronological age at presentation <10 weeks
postnatal exposure to cigarette smoke
breastfed for less than 2 months
failure to thrive
chronic lung disease
chronic neurological conditions
Paediatric appendicitis score
For use in kids 3-18 years
- RLQ tenderness to cough, percussion, or hopping (+2)
- anorexia (+1)
- fever (+1)
- nausea or vomiting (+1)
- tenderness over RIF (+2)
- leukocytosis WCC >10 (+1)
- left shift (+1)
- migration of pain to RLQ (+1)
0-3 = appendicitis unlikely 4-6 = appendicitis considered 7+ = appendicitis likely
DKA in kids (definition)
- BSL 11+
- Ketones 0.6mmol/L + or 2+ (urine)
- pH <7.25
- Bicarbonate <15
Complex febrile seizure criteria
Fever and ANY of
- focal features at onset or during the seizure
- duration >10 minutes
- incomplete recovery within 1 hour
- recurrence within the same febrile illness
- age <6 months or >6 years
HSP tetrad
- Purpura - most often present on areas of pressure or gravity dependent
- arthritis or arthralgia
- abdominal pain (can be complicated by intusussception)
- renal involvement - possible IgA nephropathy, nephrotic syndrome, HTN
Red flag features of ataxia
altered conscious state focal neurology signs of raised ICP meningism posterior column loss weakness reduced reflexes