Paeds - Cardiology Flashcards


KEY What is a cyanotic heart disease (pathophysiology)

Examples of heart defects that can cause cyanotic heart disease? 5

What is Eisenmenger syndrome?


Cyanosis occurs when deoxygenated blood enters the systemic circulation. Cyanotic heart disease occurs when blood is able to bypass the pulmonary circulation and the lungs. This occurs across a right-to-left shunt. A right-to-left shunt describes any defect that allows blood to flow from the right side of the heart (the deoxygenated blood returning from the body) to the left side of the heart (the blood exiting the heart into the systemic circulation) without travelling through the lungs to get oxygenated.

Heart defects that can cause a right-to-left shunt, and therefore cyanotic heart disease, are:

Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
Atrial septal defect (ASD)
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
Transposition of the great arteries
Tetrallogy of fallot

**Transpoition and Tetrallogy of fallot are actually cynatic from birth, the other three just might evenutally caus eisenmenger. **

Patients with a VSD, ASD or PDA are usually not cyanotic. This is because the pressure in the left side of the heart is much greater than the right side, and blood will flow from the area of high pressure to the area of low pressure. This prevents a right-to-left shunt. If the pulmonary pressure increases beyond the systemic pressure blood will start to flow from right-to-left across the defect, causing cyanosis. This is called Eisenmenger syndrome.

Patients with transposition of the great arteries will always have cyanosis because the right side of the heart pumps blood directly into the aorta and systemic circulation.

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It is really important to understand the fetal circulation. This will help you to understand the changes that happen in a baby at birth, the circulation of a newborn baby and the causes of murmurs in babies and young children.

Function of the umbilical vessels?

What is the purpose of the 3 fetal shunts and what are they?

What happens at birth? Pressures?


This first bit is me.
Purpose of the fetal heart isn’t just to pump oxygenated blood around the body, it is also to pump semi-deoxygenated blood (from the IVCs) back to the placenta. The 2 umbilical arteries branch off of the internal iliac arteries and carry deoxygenated blood to the palcenta for exchange. The umbilican vein delivers oxygenated blood from the placenta to the portal vein.

The 3 Fetal Shunts

Ductus venosus: This shunt connects the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava and allows blood to bypass the liver. (me - bypass the portal vein so that oxygen-rich shunted to the other organs)

Foramen ovale: This shunt connects the right atrium with the left atrium and allows blood to bypass the right ventricle and pulmonary circulation.

Ductus arteriosus. This shunt connects the pulmonary artery with the aorta and allows blood to bypass the pulmonary circulation.

At Birth

In the fetus, the pulmonary vascular resitance is high because the alveola are closed (not space for vessels). Blood shunts from right to left - through the ductus arteriosus and the foramen ovale. The first breaths the baby takes expands the alveoli, decreasing the pulmonary vascular resistance. The decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance causes a fall in pressure in the right atrium. At this point the left atrial pressure is greater than the right atrial pressure, which squashes the atrial septum to cause functional closure of the foramen ovale, similar to a closed valve with nothing flowing through it. This then gets sealed shut structurally after a few weeks and becomes the fossa ovalis.

Prostaglandins are required to keep the ductus arteriosus open. Increased blood oxygenation causes a drop in circulating prostaglandins. This causes closure of the ductus arteriosus, which becomes the ligamentum arteriosum.

Immediately after birth the ductus venosus stops functioning because the umbilical cord is clamped and there is no flow in the umbilical veins. The ductus venosus structurally closes a few days later and becomes the ligamentum venosum.

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What are flow murmurs in children?

What features of a murmur are concerning?

KEY - this came up


Innocent murmurs are also known as flow murmurs. They are very common in children. They are caused by fast blood flow through various areas of the heart during systole.

Innocent murmurs have typical features, all beginning with S:

Systolic - me note that a lot of pathological murmurs are also systolic
Situation dependent, particularly if the murmur gets quieter with standing or only appears when the child is unwell or feverish

Clear innocent murmurs with no concerning features may not require any investigations - THIS IS WHAT THEY TESTED. Features that would prompt further investigations and referral to a paediatric cardiologist would be:

Murmur louder than 2/6
Diastolic murmurs
Louder on standing
Other symptoms such as failure to thrive, feeding difficulty, cyanosis or shortness of breath

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Investigations for heart murmurs


The key investigations to establish the cause of a murmur and rule out abnormalities in a child are:

Chest Xray

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What is patent ductus arteriosus?

one key risk factor?


Does PDA cause Symptoms? Why?


When the ductus arteriosus fails to close after birth.

Usually, the ductus arteriosus normally stops functioning within 1-3 days of birth, and closes completely within the first 2-3 weeks of life. The reasons why it fails to close are unclear, but it may be genetic or related to maternal infections such as rubella. Prematurity is a key risk factor - preterm infants have higher levels of prostaglandins which keeps it open

A small PDA can be asymptomatic, cause no functional problems and close spontaneously. Occasionally patients can remain asymptomatic throughout childhood and present in adulthood with signs of heart failure.

Murmur: a continuous crescendo-decrescendo “machinery” murmur.

Yes like VSD, PDA presents with SOB, poor feeding, failure to thrive.

The pressure in the aorta is higher than that in the pulmonary vessels, so blood flows from the aorta to the pulmonary artery. This creates a left to right shunt where blood from the left side of the heart crosses to the circulation from the right side. This increases the pressure in the pulmonary vessels causing pulmonary hypertension, leading to right sided heart strain as the right ventricle struggles to contract against the increased resistance. Pulmonary hypertension and right sided heart strain lead to right ventricular hypertrophy. The increased blood flowing through the pulmonary vessels and returning to the left side of the heart leads to left ventricular hypertrophy.

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PDA card 2:




Ix - Echo

The diagnosis of PDA can be confirmed by echocardiogram. The use of doppler flow studies during the echo can assess the size and characteristics of the left to right shunt. An echo is also useful for assessing the effects of the PDA on the heart, for example demonstrating hypertrophy of the right ventricle, left ventricle or both.


Patients are typically monitored until 1 year of age using echocardiograms - small PDAs can close spontanouesly. After 1 year of age it is highly unlikely that the PDA will close spontaneously and trans-venous catheter or surgical closure can be performed.

Symptomatic patient or those with evidence of heart failure as a result of PDA are treated earlier.

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What is an Atrial Septal Defect (ADS)?

Atrial septal defect a cyanotic heart disease? Direction of typical shunt?

Key - when do symptoms occour?

what is eisenmenger syndrome?

3 types of ASD?


Second most common CH defect.

An atrial septal defect is a defect (a hole) in the septum (the wall) between the two atria. This connects the right and left atria allowing blood to flow between them. The atrial septum forms from the fusion of two walls, the septum primum and the septum secondum

An atrial septal defect leads to a shunt, with blood moving between the two atria. Blood moves from the left atrium to the right atrium because the pressure in the left atrium is higher than the pressure in the right atrium. This means blood continues to flow to the pulmonary vessels and lungs to get oxygenated and the patient does not become cyanotic.

Unlike VSD, ASDs rarely present in childhood with Sx (just a murmur) but if they are not closed then overtime they cause problems in older children and adults. Slightly different to Z2F

If untreated ASD can gradually lead to increased blood flow to the lungs, which eventually (years later i think) may result in pulmonary hypertension and eventually Eisenmenger syndrome. This is where the pulmonary pressure is greater than the systemic pressure, the shunt reverses and forms a right to left shunt across the ASD, blood bypasses the lungs and the patient becomes cyanotic.

3 Types:
Ostium secondum, where the septum secondum fails to fully close, leaving a hole in the wall.

Patent foramen ovale, where the foramen ovale fails to close (although this not strictly classified as an ASD).

Ostium primum, where the septum primum fails to fully close, leaving a hole in the wall. This tends to lead to atrioventricular valve defects making it an atrioventricular septal defect.

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Complications of atrial septal defects - 4

  • Stroke in the context of venous thromboembolism (see below)
  • Atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter - if not closed the increased blood shunting to the right side causes dilitation of the right atrium and therefore the SAN.
  • Pulmonary hypertension and right sided heart failure
  • Eisenmenger syndrome

TOM TIP: It is worth remembering atrial septal defects as a cause of stroke in patients with a DVT. Normally when patients have a DVT and this becomes an embolus, the clot travels to the right side of the heart, enters the lungs and becomes a pulmonary embolism. In patients with an ASD the clot is able to travel from the right atrium to the left atrium across the ASD. This means the clot can travel to the left ventricle, aorta and up to the brain, causing a large stroke. An exam question may feature a patient with a DVT that develops a large stroke and the challenge is to identify that they have had a lifelong asymptomatic ASD. OMG James’s PE colleague had a DVT-> stroke!

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Atrial Septal Defects:

Murmur? 2

How do they present?

Management? 2


- mid-systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur - (systolic makes sense tbf)
- split second heart sound (increase volume in right side delays the closure of the Pulmonary valve)

Unlike VSD, often Asx in childhood. Typical symptoms in childhood (i think larger defects) are:

Shortness of breath
Difficulty feeding
Poor weight gain
Lower respiratory tract infections

small and asymptomatic ADS: watching and waiting can be appropriate. DOACs for adults to prevent stroke.

Symptomatic ASDs: transvenous catheter closure (via the femoral vein) or open heart surgery.

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What is a ventricular septal defect?

common causes?

- cyanotic or acynotic?
- why do symptoms occour and when do they appear?
- what symptoms occour?
- when does it become cyanotic


The most common congenital heart defect

A ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a congenital hole in the septum (wall) between the two ventricles. This can vary in size from tiny to the entire septum, forming one large ventricle. VSDs can occur in isolation, however there is often an underlying genetic condition and they are commonly associated with Down’s Syndrome (partiuclarly AVSDs) and Turner’s Syndrome.

Due to increased pressure blood there is a L to R shunt, which causes increased blood flow to the lungs.

Therefore intially VSD are acyanotic because the blood still gets oxygenated in the lungs before flowing round the body (no L to R shunt).

Symptoms appear when the pulmonary vascular reistance has fallen (continously decreases after birth) and a large volume is shunted into to the right side.

Sx- tachypnea, poor feeding and failure to thrive.
This is because there is pulmonary oedema from the increase blood that is shunted over. And when babies feed they have to hold their breath and exert themselves - they cant manage this when they have extra fluid in the lungs. left to right shunt leads to right sided overload, right heart failure and increased flow into the pulmonary vessels.

Over time:
The extra blood flowing through the right ventricle increases the pressure in the pulmonary vessels over time, causing pulmonary hypertension. If this continues, the pressure in the right side of the heart may become greater than the left, resulting in the blood being shunted from right to left and avoiding the lungs. When this happens the patient will become cyanotic because blood is bypassing the lungs. This is called Eisenmenger Syndrome.

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symptoms of a ventricular septal defect?

Examination findings?


Key complication?



Often VSDs are initially symptomless and patients can present as late as adulthood. They may be picked up on antenatal scans or when a murmur is heard during the newborn baby check.

Typical symptoms include:

Poor feeding
Failure to thrive

Examination Findings - Patients with a VSD typically have a pan-systolic murmur

Treatment - similar to ASD!

Treatment should be coordinated by a paediatric cardiologist:
- watchful waiting - small VSDs with no symptoms or evidence of pulmonary hypertension or heart failure can be watched over time. Often they close spontaneously.
- surgical correction using a transvenous catheter closure via the femoral vein or open heart surgery.

  • If symptomatic - high calory feeds, furosemide diuretics and ACE inhibitors (less afterload so more blood through aorta, less through VSD)

There is an increased risk of infective endocarditis in patients with a VSD. Antibiotic prophylaxis should be considered during surgical procedures to reduce the risk of developing infective endocarditis.

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What three underlying lesions can result in eisenmenger syndrome?


How does cyanosis affect the blood?

Management? - 6


Eisenmenger syndrome occurs when blood flows from the right side of the heart to the left across a structural heart lesion, bypassing the lungs. There are three underlying lesions that can result in Eisenmenger syndrome:

Atrial septal defect
Ventricular septal defect
Patent ductus arteriosus

Transpisotion of the great vessels is the other cause of cyanotic heart disease but it doesnt cause a right to left shunt.

Eisenmenger syndrome can develop after 1-2 years with large shunts or in adulthood with small shunts. It can develop more quickly during pregnancy, so women with a history of having a “hole in the heart” need an echo and close monitoring by a cardiologist during pregnancy.


Normally when there is a septal defect blood will flow from the left side of the heart to the right. This is because the pressure in the left side is greater than in the right. This means blood still travels to the lungs and gets oxygenated, so the patient does not become cyanotic.

Over time the extra blood flowing into the right side of the heart and the lungs increases the pressure in the pulmonary vessels. This leads to pulmonary hypertension. When the pulmonary pressure exceeds the systemic pressure, blood begins to flow from the right side of the heart to the left across the septal defect. This is a right to left shunt. Essentially it becomes easier for the right side of the heart to pump blood across the defect into the left side of the heart compared with pumping blood into the lungs. This causes deoxygenated blood to bypass the lungs and enter the body. This causes cyanosis.

Cyanosis refers to the blue discolouration of skin relating to a low level of oxygen saturation in the blood. The bone marrow will respond to low oxygen saturations by producing more red blood cells and haemoglobin to increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. This leads to polycythaemia, which is a high concentration of haemoglobin in the blood. Polycythaemia gives patients a plethoric complexion. A high concentration of red blood cells and haemoglobin make the blood more viscous, making patients more prone to developing blood clots.


Eisenmenger syndrome reduces life expectancy by around 20 years compared with healthy individuals. The main causes of death are heart failure, infection, thromboembolism and haemorrhage. The mortality can be up to 50% in pregnancy.

Ideally the underlying defect should be managed optimally or corrected surgically to prevent the development of Eisenmenger syndrome.

Once the pulmonary pressure is high enough to cause the syndrome, it is not possible to medically reverse the condition. The only definitive treatment is a heart-lung transplant, however this has a high mortality.

Patients with Eisenmenger syndrome will be closely followed up by a specialist. Medical management involves:

Oxygen can help manage symptoms but does not affect overall outcomes
Treatment of pulmonary hypertension, for example using sildenafil
Treatment of arrhythmias
Treatment of polycythaemia with venesection
Prevention and treatment of thrombosis with anticoagulation
Prevention of infective endocarditis using prophylactic antibiotics

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What condition is coartation of the aorta often associated with?

cyanotic or acyanotic?

presentation? 3 things i think!

management? - 2 scenarios


Coarctation of the aorta is a congenital condition where there is narrowing of the aortic arch, usually around the ductus arteriosus. The severity of the coarctation (or narrowing) can vary from mild to severe. It is often associated with an underlying genetic condition, particularly Turners syndrome.

It is non cyanotic but narrowing of the aorta reduces the pressure of blood flowing to the arteries that are distal to the narrowing. It increases the pressure in areas proximal to the narrowing, such as the heart and the first three branches of the aorta. (Brachiocephalic, Left common carotid, left subclavian)

- weak femoral pulses - four limb blood pressure gradient, lecturer stressed this!
- systolic murmour
- tachypnoea and increased work of breading
- poor feeding
- me: pulomnary congestion due to reduced left outflow.
- grey and floppy baby (no blood flow distal to the coartation)

LESS IMPORTANT: Additional signs may develop over time:
- Left ventricular heave due to left ventricular hypertrophy
- Underdeveloped left arm where there is reduced flow to the left subclavian artery or Underdevelopment of the legs

coartation is causing congestion in the heart and the lungs because of the increased resitance and this makes them tachypneic. PDA helps because even tho the blood is deogenated, it helps because mixes a bit around the coartcaton, some flow is better than no flow to the tissue distal to the coartation. Also Sx may not devolop until 2/3 days of life when the PDA closes.

- asymptomatic - no intervention required
- severe cases - emergency surgery after birth and Postroglandin E while waiting for surgery to maintian the ductus arteriosis (allows some blood flow flow through the ductus arteriosus into the systemic circulation distal to the coarctation). The PDA is then closed during the surgery.

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What is congential aortic valve stenosis


Patients with congenital aortic valve stenosis are born with a narrow aortic valve that restricts blood flow from the left ventricle into the aorta. The severity of the stenosis varies between patients and will determine the symptoms.

More significant aortic stenosis can present with symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness and fainting. Symptoms are typically worse on exertion as the outflow from the left ventricle cannot keep up with demand. Severe aortic stenosis will present with heart failure within months of birth.

Same as adults - The key examination finding is an ejection systolic murmur

ME - this is key, none of the others are Ejection systolic (apart from PS in TOF). PDA and ASD are crescedno descendo, VSD is pansystolic.

The gold standard investigation for establishing a diagnosis is an echocardiogram.

Options for treating the stenosis are:

Percutaneous balloon aortic valvoplasty
Surgical aortic valvotomy
Valve replacement

Pulomary valve stenosis has the same presentaiton (same murmur just loudest in pulmonary area) and the same management however, it causes right sided heart failure. Right sided pulomary valve stenosis is seen in tetralogy of fallot.

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What is tetrallogy of fallot?

pathophysiology for each 4?

cyanotic or acynatoic



Tetralogy of Fallot is a congenital condition where there are four coexisting pathologies:

Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
Overriding aorta
Pulmonary valve stenosis
Right ventricular hypertrophy

The VSD allows blood to flow between the ventricles. The term “overriding aorta” refers to the fact that the entrance to the aorta (the aortic valve) is placed further to the right than normal, above the VSD. This means that when the right ventricle contracts and sends blood upwards, the aorta is in the direction of travel of that blood, therefore a greater proportion of deoxygenated blood enters the aorta from the right side of the heart.

Stenosis of the pulmonary valve provides greater resistance against the flow of blood from the right ventricle. This encourages blood to flow through the VSD and into the aorta rather than taking the normal route into the pulmonary vessels. Therefore, the overriding aorta and pulmonary stenosis encourage blood to be shunted from the right heart to the left, causing cyanosis. ME - this is different from a standalone VSD where there is a L>R shunt, in TOF the pulomnary stenosis means there is a R>L shunt and deoxygenated blood enters the systemic circulation. Key point is that the reduced right ventricule outflow prevents them from oxygenating the blood in the lungs.

The increased strain on the muscular wall of the right ventricle as it attempts to pump blood against the resistance of the left ventricle and pulmonary stenosis causes right ventricular hypertrophy, with thickening of the heart muscle.

These cardiac abnormalities cause a right to left cardiac shunt. This means blood bypasses the child’s lungs. Blood bypassing the lungs does not become oxygenated. Deoxygenated blood entering the systemic circulation causes cyanosis. The degree to which this happens is related mostly to the severity of the patients pulmonary stenosis.

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Tetrallogy of fallot 2:
- key risk factors ?
- investigation?
- presentation?
- management of the tetralogy of fallot

Note - tet spells are tested on another card


risk factors
- rubella infection
- increasing maternal age
- alcohol consumption during pregnancy

- As with all structural congenital cardiac abnormalities, an echocardiogram is the investigation of choice for establishing the diagnosis
- CXR may show a pathognomonic boot-shaped heart due to RVH

- antenatal scan - most cases are picked up here
- Cyanosis (blue discolouration of the skin due to low oxygen saturations); acidosis; collapse
- lecture - they are not breathless - pulmonary stenosis protects the lungs from congestion
- Clubbing (cyanotic)
- Poor feeding
- Poor weight gain
- Ejection systolic murmur heard loudest in the pulmonary area (second intercostal space, left sternal border)
- “Tet spells”

Severe cases will present with heart failure before one year of age. In milder cases, they can present as older children once they start to develop signs and symptoms of heart failure.

- Total surgical repair by open heart surgery is the definitive treatment, however mortality from surgery is around 5%.
- Prognosis is poor without treatment.



What is ebstein’s anamoly and what two things is it associated with?


lower yeild


Ebstein’s anomaly is a congenital heart condition where the tricuspid valve is set lower in the right side of the heart (towards the apex), causing a bigger right atrium and a smaller right ventricle. This leads to poor flow from the right atrium to the right ventricle, and therefore poor flow to the pulmonary vessels. It is often associated with a right to left shunt across the atria via an atrial septal defect. When this happens blood bypasses the lungs, leading to cyanosis. It is also associated with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.

Symptoms in patients with an associated atrial septal defect often present a few days after birth, when the ductus arteriosus closes. Where there is a right to left shunt across an atrial septal defect the ductus arteriosus allows blood to flow from the aorta into the pulmonary vessels to get oxygenated. This minimises the cyanosis. When the duct closes the patient becomes cyanotic and symptomatic.

Medical management includes treating arrhythmias and heart failure. Prophylactic antibiotics may be used to prevent infective endocarditis. Definitive management is by surgical correction of the underlying defect.


What is transpoistion of the great vessels?

What is required for survival?

When do symptoms occour?


Management? 3



Transposition of the great arteries is a condition where the attachments of the aorta and the pulmonary trunk to the heart are swapped (“transposed”).

This means the right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood into the aorta and the left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood into the pulmonary vessels.

In this scenario are two separate circulations that don’t mix: one travelling through the systemic system and right side of the heart and the other traveling through the pulmonary system and left side of the heart.

The condition can also be associated with:

Ventricular septal defect
Coarctation of the aorta
Pulmonary stenosis

During pregnancy there is normal development of the fetus. The gas and nutrient exchange happens in the placenta, therefore it is not necessary for blood to flow to the lungs. After birth the condition is immediately life threatening as there is no connection between the systemic circulation and the pulmonary circulation. The baby will be cyanosed.

Immediate survival depends on a shunt between the systemic circulation and pulmonary circulation that allows blood flowing through the body an opportunity to get oxygenated in the lungs. This shunt can occur across a patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defect or ventricular septal defect. THINK ABOUT THIS, IF THERE WASNT ANOTHER DEFECT THE BABY WOULD DIE BECAUSE THESE SHUNTS ARE THE ONLY PLACES WHERE THE BLOOD MIXES!!

- often diagnosed on antenatal ultrasound scans
- presents with cyanosis at or shortly after birth - a baby with PDA or a ventricular septal defect can initially compensate. But they will be cyanotic, acidotic and may collapse

- postaglandins to maintain the ductus arteriosis
- balloon septostomy - into the formaen ovale to create an atrial septal defect - performed on the resusitur
- open heart surgery involving an arterial switch


Endocarditis in children

  • risk factors
  • pathophysiology
  • 2 most common causative organisms

Infectious disease of the heart and the surrounding vessels (including the valves)

Risk factors:
- congential heart defects - most commonly ventricular septal defects, patent DA, Aortic valve abnormalies, tetrallogy of fallot
- invasive instrumentation procedures

- IE requires endothelial damage - in the case of structural abnormalities, there is a significant preggure gradient creating turbulent flow (sheer stress force).
- following the endothelial damage there needs to be a bacteraemia which can adhere to the legion

Causative orgnaism
- staph aurues
- strept viridans - usually following dental procedures

Enterococcus is commonly found following GU or GI surgery


Paediatric Heart murmurs - outline the different types?


Atrial Septal Defect:
- Fixed Splitting of the second heart sound is where you hear the closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves at slightly different times because of increased blood on the right side.
- mid-systolic, crescendo-decrescendo

Ventricular Septal Defect:
- pan-systolic murmur

Patent Ductus arteriosus:
- continuous crescendo-decrescendo “machinery” murmur

Tetrallogy of fallot:
- Ejection systolic murmur heard loudest in the pulmonary area - due to pulmonary stenosis, ignore the VSD

Co-artation of the aorta:
- There may be a systolic murmur below the left clavicle

Splitting of the second heart sound:
- When the pulmonary valve closes slightly later than the aortic valve.
- Can be normal on inspiration, but if fixed (also present in expiration) then it is a sign of an ASD


Tetralogy of fallot card 3:

Pathophysiology of Tet spells?

Management of Tet spells?


“Tet Spells” are intermittent symptomatic periods where the right to left shunt becomes temporarily worsened, precipitating a cyanotic episode. This happens when the pulmonary vascular resistance increases or the systemic resistance decreases. For example, if the child is physically exerting themselves they are generating a lot of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a vasodilator that causes systemic vasodilation and therefore reduces the systemic vascular resistance. Blood flow will choose the path of least resistance, so blood will be pumped from the right ventricle to the aorta rather than the pulmonary vessels, bypassing the lungs.

Lecuture- infadibulum (by the pulmonary valve) goes into spasm so now even more restance in right outflow and more dexoygenated blood crosses the VSD.

These episodes may be precipitated by waking, physical exertion (feeding) or crying.

The child will become irritable, cyanotic and short of breath. Severe spells can lead to reduced consciousness, seizures and potentially death.


- Squatting (older children) or positioned knees to their chest (younger children) -> Squatting increases the systemic vascular resistance. This encourages blood to enter the pulmonary vessels.
- Supplementary oxygen is essential in hypoxic children as hypoxia can be fatal.
- Beta blockers can relax the right ventricle and improve flow to the pulmonary vessels.
- IV fluids can increase pre-load, increasing the volume of blood flowing to the pulmonary vessels.
- KEY - Morphine can decrease respiratory drive, resulting in more effective breathing. Lecutre - this is key, also helps with the infadibulum spasm.
- Sodium bicarbonate can buffer any metabolic acidosis that occurs.
- Phenylephrine infusion can increase systemic vascular resistance.



  • how can strep viridans be differentiated from strep pneumoniae on bacterial culture medium?

Viridans streptococci can be differentiated from Streptococcus pneumoniae using an optochin test, as viridans streptococci are optochin-resistant

Me - Viridins are virulent and as such resistant


What is the most common arrhythmia in children?

How does it appear on an ECG and how does it differ from Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter?

Key differential?

3 main types of SVT?

Management of Acute episode of SVT


Supraventricular tachycardia

Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) refers to when abnormal electrical signals from above (supra-) the ventricles cause a fast heart rate (tachycardia).

Normally, the electrical signal in the heart can only go in one direction, from the atria to the ventricles. Supraventricular tachycardia is caused by the electrical signal re-entering the atria from the ventricles. Once the signal is back in the atria, it again travels through the atrioventricular node to the ventricles, causing another ventricular contraction.

Supraventricular tachycardia looks like a QRS complex followed immediately by a T wave, then a QRS complex, then a T wave, and so on. There are P waves, but they are often buried in the T waves, so you cannot see them. It can be distinguished from atrial fibrillation by the regular rhythm and atrial flutter by the absence of a saw-tooth pattern.

It can be tricky to distinguish SVT from sinus tachycardia. SVT has an abrupt onset and a very regular pattern without variability. Sinus tachycardia has a more gradual onset and more variability in the rate. The history is also important, where sinus tachycardia usually has an explanation (e.g., pain or fever), while SVT can appear at rest with no apparent cause.



3 types:
Atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia is where the re-entry point is back through the atrioventricular node. This is the most common type of SVT.

Atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia is where the re-entry point is an accessory pathway. An additional electrical pathway, somewhere between the atria and the ventricles, lets electricity back through from the ventricles to the atria. Having an extra electrical pathway connecting the atria and ventricles is called Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. The extra pathway in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome may be called the Bundle of Kent

Atrial tachycardia is where the electrical signal originates in the atria somewhere other than the sinoatrial node. This is not caused by a signal re-entering from the ventricles but from abnormally generated electrical activity in the atria.

Children may report feeling chest flutters or palpitations, a very fast pulse, breathlessness and dizziness. In babies or children who are not able to communicate they may seem breathless, pale, irritable or unsettled, and you may be able to feel their heart racing by placing a hand on their chest.


Step 1: Vagal manoeuvres - vasalva/The diving reflex - submerge the baby in an ice bath!
Step 2: Adenosine - induces asystole briefly to reset
Step 3: Verapamil or a beta blocker
Step 4: Synchronised DC cardioversion and amioderone - STRAIGHT HERE IF SYNCOPE OR SHOCK (LIFE-THREATENING - usually only after 30 minutes…)

May need radiofrqeuncy ablation or long term rthyme control if returning.


A small card on Atrioventricular Septal defect (AVSD):

  • key risk factor?
  • presentation?

Common in Down’s sydrome (Trisomy 21)

Can lead to pulmonary hypertension more rapidly so all children with Down’s syndrome are screen for AVSD.

Similar symptoms to an VSD with poor feeding ,failure to thrive, tachypnoea

Also leads to hepatomegaly, oedema (just like ASD, VSD, PDA)


What condition is tetrallogy of fallot often associated with?


DiGeorge syndrome (22q11 deletion)

Lecture - All patients with TOF are investigated for a 22q deletion


What congential heart defects are commonly seen in:
- Trisomy 21
- Turner’s sydrome
- DiGeorge
- Williams
- Noonans


Trisomy 21 - AVSD (Or ASD+VSD), TOF, PDA

Turner’s - Coartaction + Biscupid Aortic valve

DiGeorge (22q11 del) - TOF, VSD, PDA

Williams syndrome - Supravlvaular AS and Pulmonary stenosis

Noonans - PS, LVH


4 Causes of Bradycardia?


Bradycardia refers to a slow heart rate, typically less than 60 beats per minute. There is a long list of causes of bradycardia, including:

  • sinus bradycardia - particularly in sleep, in healthy fit individuals (asymptomatic)
  • Medications (e.g., beta blockers)
  • Heart block
  • Sick sinus syndrome (idiopathic fibrosis of the SA node)

What are the three degrees of heart block?

Which ones have a risk of asystole?



First-degree heart block presents as a PR interval greater than 0.2 seconds (delayed conduction throught the AV node)

Second-degree heart block is where some atrial impulses do not make it through the atrioventricular node to the ventricles.
There are two types:
- Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach phenomenon) - the conduction through the atrioventricular node takes progressively longer until it finally fails, after which it resets, and the cycle restarts.
- Mobitz type 2 is where there is intermittent failure of conduction through the atrioventricular node - there is a set ratio of P waves to QRS complexes, for example, three P waves for each QRS complex (3:1 block).

Third-degree heart block is also called complete heart block. There is no observable relationship between the P waves and QRS complexes.

Risk of Asystole
- There is a risk of asystole with Mobitz type 2.
- There is a significant risk of asystole with third-degree heart block.

Note - 1st degree is always Asymptmatic, as is 2:1 for the majority of cases. These require no management.


Management 2:2 and 3rd degree:
If acutely sympatomatic then managed with:
- atropine
- Temporary pacing (e.g., transcutaneous or transvenous pacing)

Definitive longterm management is Permanent pacemaker implantation.


What is long QT syndrome


A cause of ventricular tachycardia

A condition characterized by prolonged repolarization of the heart, leading to an abnormally long QT interval on the ECG (440 in men, 460 in women). It increases the risk of life-threatening arrhythmias, particularly torsades de pointes (a type of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia). Torsades de pointes often presents as syncipe and will terminate spontaneously and revert to sinus rhythm or progress to ventricular tachycardia. Ventricular tachycardia can lead to cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death

Explaination - when the QT interval is prolongued, the time take for repolarisation to occour is prolongued. There may be spontaneous depolarisations before repolarisaiton of the some myoctes (afterdepolarisations). If there are recrruent afterdepolarisations and contractions without normal repolarisation, it is called torsades de pointe

- avoiding medications that prolongue the QT interval
- beta blocklers
- definative: Pacemakers or implantable cardioverter defibrillators

Acute management - Magnesium infusion and defibrillation


What are ventricular ectopics?


Ventricular ectopics (premature ventricular contractions or PVCs) are relatively common in children and are often benign.

Ventricular ectopics are premature ventricular beats caused by random electrical discharges outside the atria. Patients often present complaining of random extra or missed beats. They are relatively common at all ages and in healthy patients. However, they are more common in patients with pre-existing structural heart disease

Ventricular ectopics appear as isolated, random, abnormal, broad QRS complexes on an otherwise normal ECG.

Bigeminy refers to when every other beat is a ventricular ectopic.

Management involves:
- Reassurance and no treatment in otherwise healthy people with infrequent ectopics
- In patients with frequent symptoms or underlying heart disease - specialist management
- Beta blockers are sometimes used to manage symptoms