Paeds #2 Flashcards
A 13-year-old girl is admitted to the emergency department having been hit
by a car. She opens her eyes on command but not spontaneously. She is
talking, but not appropriately, shouting out occasional words. She will
not follow simple commands but when you press on her nail bed she
uses her other arm to push you away.
What is her Glasgow Coma Score?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13
E. 14
B – 11
The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is a useful tool for objectively recording the conscious
state of a patient, both as an initial and continuing assessment. The
maximum score is 15, which implies full consciousness, and the minimum
score is 3, which implies deep unconsciousness. The scale comprises three
tests: eye, verbal and motor responses. It is the best response which is used in
the score. In this case, the patient scores 3 for eyes as she opens them to
speech; 3 for verbal as she is only using inappropriate words; and 5 for motor
as she localizes to pain
A 2-year-old girl presents to the general practitioner with a fever and vomiting.
On examination, there is no obvious focus for infection. A urine sample
is obtained and sent for urgent microscopy and culture. Before sending, a
urine dipstick analysis is performed.
Which of the below dipstick results most likely represents a urinary tract
A. Leucocytes negative, nitrites negative
B. Leucocytes negative, nitrates positive
C. Leucocytes 2þ, nitrates negative
D. Leucocytes 2þ, nitrites positive
E. Leucocytes 2þ, nitrates positive
D – Leucocytes 2þ, nitrites positive
All children with a non-specific fever should have a urine sample taken. The aim
of urine collection is to obtain a good quality sample from which the diagnosis of
urinary tract infection (UTI) can be confidently confirmed or excluded. A clean
catch is preferable but is often not possible. Non-invasive collection methods
include urine collection pads in the nappy, or a collection bag that goes over
the penis or vulval area. Where none of these are possible a suprapubic aspiration
can be performed.
Where possible an urgent microscopy and culture should be performed and
depending on the result action can be taken as appropriate.
An 8-year-old boy presents to his general practitioner with jaundice. About
a week earlier he had a brief period of what his mum thought was food
poisoning after a scout camp. During this time he had a fever, nausea and
diarrhoea. These symptoms have now resolved and he has developed
Which of the following is the most likely causative agent?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis D
E. Hepatitis E
A – Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A accounts for more than half of cases of viral hepatitis in children. It is
transmitted via the faecal–oral route and often presents as a bout of food poisoning.
Hepatitis E is also transmitted via the faecal–oral route but is endemic
only in certain areas.
Viral hepatitis presents as follows. There is a preicteric phase, characterized by
headache, anorexia, malaise, abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting,
followed by an icteric phase (jaundice and tender hepatomegaly).
The treatment of hepatitis is mainly supportive, with rest and hydration. Hospitalization
may be required if there is severe vomiting and dehydration.
Deranged liver function (abnormal clotting) and hepatic encephalopathy
would also be an indication for admission.
An 8-year-old child is undergoing a routine operation. At pre-assessment
she appears well but slightly pale. Examination is unremarkable. Her
blood film reveals a microcytic, hypochromic anaemia and haemoglobin
electrophoresis shows increased levels of HbA2 and HbF. No HbH is seen.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. a-Thalassaemia trait
B. b-Thalassaemia major
C. b-Thalassaemia trait
D. Iron deficiency anaemia
E. Sickle cell anaemia
C – b-Thalassaemia trait
Microcytic, hypochromic anaemia is seen in both thalassaemias and iron
deficiency anaemia. ‘Haemoglobinopathies’ is the collective name for a group
of blood disorders where there is an abnormality in haemoglobin synthesis.
It includes the thalassaemias as well as sickle cell anaemia. They range from
asymptomatic forms to severe and even fatal forms. To understand thalassaemia
it is useful to know the normal structure of haemoglobin.
Normal haemoglobin is composed of a tetramer of globin chains (two a-globin
and two non-a-globin chains). In the fetus the two a chains pair up with two g
chains to produce fetal haemoglobin (HbF). In adults the majority of the haemoglobin
is HbA (two a chains and two b chains). About 2% of adult haemoglobin
is HbA2 (two a chains and two d chains). About 1% of adult haemoglobin is in
the fetal form (HbF).
b-thalassaemia major is an autosomal recessive disorder in which there is a complete
lack of production of the haemoglobin chain b-globin. It occurs mainly in
Mediterranean and Middle Eastern families and is due to a point mutation on
chromosome 11. Because patients with b-thalassaemia major have mutations
on both alleles and cannot synthesize any b-globin, they cannot produce functioning
adult haemoglobin (HbA – a2b2). This condition typically presents
within the first year of life when the production of fetal haemoglobin (HbF –
a2g2) begins to fall. Affected children become generally unwell and fail to
thrive secondary to a severe microcytic anaemia. Ferritin levels are normal
since there is no iron deficiency. A compensatory increase in the synthesis of
HbF and haemoglobin A2 (HbA2 – a2d2) occurs which can be detected on
serum electrophoresis.
An 8-year-old boy with known sickle cell disease arrives at hospital complaining
of severe pain in his fingers. He appears relatively well with no
evidence of infection. You place him on oxygen as his oxygen saturations
are 94% in air.
What is the next most important treatment to give him?
A. Hydroxycarbamide
B. Intravenous antibiotics
C. Intravenous sodium bicarbonate
D. Pain relief including opioids
E. Pain relief avoiding opioids
D – Pain relief including opioids
This boy is presenting with a painful crisis and requires analgesia immediately.
Sickle cell disease is a homozygous inheritance of faulty b-globin genes that is
the most common in African, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries. A
single amino acid substitution (glutamine ! valine) results in abnormal haemoglobin
(HbS). When exposed to low oxygen tensions or acidaemia, highly structured
polymers become brittle and distorted, leading to sickling (crescentic
shape) of the red cells. This means they are prematurely destroyed in the
spleen (mean life of the red cell is reduced to 10 to 12 days). Sickled cells can
also become trapped in the microcirculation, leading to thrombosis and ischaemia.
HbS can be detected on haemoglobin electrophoresis.
Children develop a progressive anaemia from about 3 months of age. Splenic
infarction can lead to asplenia and an increased risk of infections. Frontal
bossing (prominent forehead and supraorbital ridges) may be seen secondary
to excess erythropoiesis in the marrow of atypical sites. Most affected children
experience ‘crises’ throughout their life varying in frequency and severity.
Duncan is a 6-year-old boy who has been at school for almost 2 years. The
teachers are concerned that he has a lot of energy associated with difficulties
in maintaining attention on tasks. They feel this is significantly
impairing his academic development.
Which of the following is not true regarding attention deficit hyperactivity
A. The behaviour should persist for at least 6 months
B. The behaviour should be inconsistent with the child’s developmental
C. The symptoms should only occur in one setting
D. There must be a significantly impaired social or academic development
E. There should be no other explanation for the symptoms
C – The symptoms should only occur in one setting
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) usually presents before the age
of 7 and is present in approximately 1% of school-aged children. Boys are far
more likely to be affected. The symptoms of ADHD have a significant impact
on a child’s development, including social, emotional and cognitive functioning.
These symptoms cause significant morbidity and dysfunction for the
child, their family and their peer group.
The core symptoms of ADHD comprise developmentally inappropriate levels of:
† Inattention (difficulty in concentrating)
† Hyperactivity (disorganized, excessive levels of activity)
† Impulsive behaviour
It is possible to have just one of these features without the others, e.g. marked
hyperactivity without inattention or impulsive behaviour.
In addition to the above core symptoms the following criteria should be fulfilled:
† The behaviour should have persisted for at least 6 months
† The behaviour should be inconsistent with the child’s developmental age
† There must be clinically significant impairment in social or academic
† The symptoms should occur in more than one setting
† There should be no other explanation for the symptoms, e.g. psychiatric
The diagnosis is difficult and requires gathering information from all those
involved in the child’s life.
Treatment packages are tailored to the child’s needs. These include psychosocial
intervention (e.g. family-based psychosocial intervention of a behavioural type
for the treatment of co-morbid behavioural problems), educational support and
social services support. If pharmacological intervention is required to manage
behavioural symptoms, psychostimulants (e.g. methylphenidate) are the firstline
treatment, followed by tricyclic antidepressants.
A 5-month-old girl presents with fever and irritability. A ‘clean catch’ urine
specimen is sent from the emergency department. Once on the ward the
nurse informs you she’s had a phone call from the lab and that the
microscopy of the urine has revealed a Gram-negative bacillus.
Which of the following organisms is causing this girl’s urinary tract
A. Campylobacter jejuni
B. Escherichia coli
C. Group A streptococcus
D. Niesseria meningitidis
E. Treponema pallidum
B – Escherichia coli
The presence of organisms on microscopy confirms a urinary tract infection.
Medically important bacteria can be classified depending on their morphology
and staining reactions. In clinical life, a microbiologist will be at hand to type
organisms, however organism classification comes up in exams. There is no
easy way to overcome this, you just have to learn them. For more information,
see Lecture Notes on Medical Microbiology
Gram-positive cocci
Staphylococcus ! S. aureus, S. epidermidis
Streptococcus ! S. pneumoniae, S. pyogenes
Gram-positive bacilli Bacillus ! B. anthracis, B. cereus Clostridium ! C. difficile, C. tetani, C. perfringens Corynebacterium ! C. diphtheriae Listeria ! L. monocytogenes
Gram-negative dipplococci
Niesseria ! N. meningitidis, N. gonorrhoeae
Gram-negative bacilli Escherichia ! E. coli Klebsiella ! K. pneumoniae Proteus ! P. mirabilis Salmonella ! S. typhi Shigella ! S. sonnei Yersinia ! Y. enterocolitica, Y. pestis Pseudomonas ! P. aeruginosa Bordatella ! B. pertussis Haemophilus ! H. influenzae Legionella ! L. pneumophila
Gram-negative comma-shaped/curved bacteria
Vibrio ! V. cholerae
Campylobacter ! C. jejuni
Helicobacter ! H. pylori
Spiral-shaped bacteria
Treponema ! T. pallidum
Borrelia ! B. burgdorferi
Acid-fast bacteria
Mycobacterium ! M. tuberculosis
Cell-wall deficient bacteria
Mycoplasma ! M. pneumoniae
A 6-year-old girl is seen in the paediatrics follow-up clinic. She was an
inpatient 5 months ago with meningococcal meningitis. Since discharge
she has been drinking excessively and passing large amounts of urine.
She has been passing so much urine that she is having to get up during
the night to urinate and has had a number of episodes of nocturnal enuresis
despite previously being dry for 3 years. She passes large volumes of urine
even when she is not drinking much. You insert a cannula and take
routine electrolytes
You receive the following blood results: Na 152 (135–145 mmol/L) K 4.2 (3.5–5.0 mmol/L) Urea 6.2 (1.5–4.5 mmol/L) Creatinine 83 (40–110 mmol/L) pH 7.37 (7.35–7.45) Glucose 4.2 (3.4–5.5 mmol/L) Which of the following is the most likely cause of the electrolyte disturbance?
A. Chronic renal failure
B. Conn’s syndrome
C. Diabetes insipidus
D. Diabetes mellitus
E. Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion
C – Diabetes insipidus
This girl most likely has central diabetes insipidus (DI) secondary to previous
meningitis. Her potassium and pH are normal, making Conn’s syndrome less
likely. Chronic renal failure is possible in meningococcal sepsis due to an insult
to the kidneys, but the serum urea and creatinine levels would be markedly
deranged. Diabetes mellitus would cause a high blood sugar level.
The differential diagnosis of polyuria and polydipsia include diabetes mellitus,
chronic renal failure, DI (central or nephrogenic) and psychogenic polydipsia.
DI is characterized by the excretion of excessive quantities of dilute urine with
thirst and is mediated by a lack of active antidiuretic hormone (ADH). ADH is
secreted by the posterior pituitary gland and has the function of increasing
water reabsorption in the kidney. There are two types of DI: cranial DI (which
is due to a lack of ADH secretion from the pituitary) and nephrogenic DI
(which results from a lack of response of the kidneys to circulating ADH).
Causes of cranial DI include infections (this case), head injury, surgery, sarcoidosis
and the DIDMOAD syndrome (characterized by Diabetes Insipidus,
Diabetes Mellitus, Optic Atrophy and Deafness). Nephrogenic DI can be due
to metabolic abnormalities (hypokalaemia, hypercalcaemia), drugs (lithium,
demeclocycline), genetic defects and heavy metal poisoning.
Patients with DI may pass up to 20 L of water in a day. The diagnosis of DI is confirmed
using the water deprivation test. The patient is deprived of water and the
urine and plasma osmolalities measured every 2 hours. If there is a raised plasma
osmolality (.300 mOsm/kg) in the presence of urine that is not maximally concentrated
(i.e. ,660 mOsm/kg) then the patient has DI. At this point in the test,
the patient is given an intramuscular dose of desmopressin (a synthetic analogue
of ADH). If the patient now starts concentrating their urine, then they
have cranial DI. If the urine osmolality remains ,660 mOsm/kg, then nephrogenic
DI is confirmed.
The treatment of cranial DI is with desmopressin. Nephrogenic DI is improved
by thiazide diuretics.
A 5-month-old boy presents to the emergency department with a short
history of irritability and poor feeding. He is systemically unwell, poorly
perfused and has a fever of 398C. The admitting doctor performs a septic
screen and starts antibiotics. You are called by the on-call microbiologist
with the following results of a lumbar puncture:
Blood sugar 4.8 mmol/L CSF sugar 3.9 mmol/L CSF protein 0.18 g/dL (range 0.2–0.4 g/dL) CSF white cell count 36 lymphocytes/mm3 CSF red cell count 50 red cells/mm3 Microscopy No organisms seen
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Bacterial meningitis
B. Intracranial haemorrhage
C. Normal result
D. TB meningitis
E. Viral meningitis
E – Viral meningitis
Appearance of fluid
White cell
Protein Glucose
Normal Clear 0–5 0.2–0.4 g/dL .50% of
blood sugar
Bacterial Turbid .5 (neutrophils) Raised ,50% of
blood sugar
Viral Clear .5 (lymphocytes) Low Normal
Clear/viscous Very high number
of lymphocytes
Very high Very low
In this case the emergency doctor was right to perform a septic screen and start
antibiotics. The lumbar puncture (LP) result is suggestive of viral meningitis.
However, you would want to continue antibiotics until the blood culture and
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture return as negative.
There are several contraindications to performing an LP. Antibiotics should never
be delayed while waiting to perform an LP as the CSF result can still be interpreted
after antibiotics have been commenced.
Contraindications to LP include:
† Airway compromise
† Respiratory instability
† Cardiovascular instability
† Coagulopathy
† Clinical signs of raised intracranial pressure (high blood pressure,
† Focal neurological signs
A 2-year-old boy presents to the emergency department with a stridor and
harsh cough. He has been unwell for 2 days with a runny nose and temperature
of 388C. When you arrive, he is sat up and drinking from a bottle. He
has a loud stridor and harsh cough.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Epiglottitis
B. Infectious croup
C. Laryngomalacia
D. Subglottic stenosis
E. Upper respiratory tract infection
B – Infectious croup
Infectious croup (also known as laryngotracheobronchitis) now accounts for the
vast majority of laryngotracheal infections. Parainfluenza virus is the most
common causative organism. Peak age is the 2nd year of life. Croup presents
over a period of days with coryza followed by a severe cough. Affected children
are unwell and usually have a low grade fever. The stridor is harsh and it is very
unusual for children to drool or not be able to drink (unlike epiglottitis).
Epiglottitis is now rare due to the introduction of the HiB vaccine; however, you
should always be aware of it. Never examine the tonsils of a child who has a
stridor as it could potentially exacerbate airway obstruction. Epiglottitis has
a very acute onset with no preceding coryza, the child looks septic and has a
high grade fever (.38.58C). Children with epiglottitis have a very quiet cough
and quiet stridor, and they often drool as they are reluctant to swallow. Laryngomalacia,
where the cartilage of the upper larynx is too soft and collapses during
inspiration causing partial airway obstruction, is a common cause of stridor
which may appear at birth but most commonly appears at 2 to 4 weeks of
life. Symptoms are often worse when the child is supine or agitated. The
stridor usually resolves in the first year of life without intervention.
A 3-year-old boy has been followed-up by the paediatricians due to poor
language skills and delayed social development. He also displays ritualistic
behaviour. It is thought that he may have autism.
Which of the following statements is true regarding autism?
A. Aetiology is well described
B. Affects girls more commonly than boys
C. Language skills do not help predict long-term function
D. Presents before the age of 3 years
E. There is no increased risk of autistic disorder in siblings
D – Presents before the age of 3 years
Clinical manifestations of autism should be present by 3 years of age. If the
delays occur later than this, then a different developmental disorder should
be considered.
The following are true regarding autism:
† Affects boys more commonly than girls
† There is an increased risk of autistic disorder in siblings
† The aetiology is unknown
† Language skills and IQ are the best predictors of long-term function
The criteria for the diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder are based on a triad of
1. Social
† Impaired, deviant and delayed or atypical social development, especially
interpersonal development
2. Language and communication
† Impaired and deviant language and communication, verbal and nonverbal
† Impairment in pragmatic aspects of language
3. Thought and behaviour
† Rigidity of thought and behaviour and impoverished social imagination
† Ritualistic behaviour, reliance on routines, impairment of imaginative play
Management is tailored to each child. Preschool intervention within the home
environment/nursery is possible if the diagnosis is made early. Schooling
varies; many will attend mainstream school with support, and others require
support through a special unit. Schooling often requires a highly structured
environment to minimize disruption. Speech and language assessment and
input is also required to aid communication skills. Autistic spectrum disorder
not only affects the child but all members of the family, so adequate social
support including respite care is important
A mother brings her 6-week-old baby boy to the general practitioner as she
is worried he is vomiting. He weighs 4.6 kg and is bottle-fed. He is taking 4
oz (120 mL) every 4 hours but vomits after nearly every bottle. The vomiting
is occasionally projectile. Baby is not taking his feeds well and is crying
excessively. Examination is unremarkable and he displays normal growth.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Colic
B. Gastro-oesophageal reflux
C. Normal variant
D. Overfeeding
E. Pyloric stenosis
B – Gastro-oesophageal reflux
Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) is extremely common in infants, partly as their
lower oesophageal sphincter is not competent. Babies with reflux often present
with difficult feeding. They can appear to be in pain (arching their back and
crying) during or soon after a feed. While parents may describe the vomiting
in GOR as ‘projectile’ it is technically regurgitation as the stomach contents
are emptied effortlessly. An exact description from parents or observation of
the vomiting is helpful in the diagnosis. More severe symptoms of GOR
include apnoeic episodes, aspiration, failure to thrive, and a chronic cough or
A 4-year-old boy presents to the emergency department with a 36-hour
history of feeling unwell. He has a temperature of 38.18C and his cheeks
are bright red. He also has a maculopapular blanching rash covering
his limbs.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chickenpox
B. Fifth disease
C. Measles
D. Meningococcal sepsis
E. Scarlet fever
B – Fifth disease
Fifth disease (also known as erythema infectiosum, slapped cheek syndrome):
† Organism: Erythrovirus (parvovirus B19)
† Incubation period: 6–14 days
† Main features: Initially presents with appearance of slapped cheeks followed
by maculopapular rash on limbs, malaise and fever
† Complications: Arthralgia, aplastic anaemia
† Investigation findings: Full blood count to rule out aplastic crisis
Varicella (also know as chickenpox):
† Organism: Varicella zoster
† Incubation period: 14–21 days
† Main features: Rash on trunk and scalp made up of pustules, vesicles and
pustules. The onset of fever coincides with the pustular phase of the rash
† Complications: Encephalitis (presenting as ataxia), pneumonitis and conjunctival
lesions. If infection occurs with damaged skin (e.g. eczema),
then the risk of serious illness is much higher
† Organism: Measles virus
† Incubation period: 1–12 days
† Main features: Miserable child, fever, coryza, cough, conjunctivitis,
macular or maculopapular rash starting on the face working down to the trunk. Koplik’s spots (white pin heads) are found in the mouth. The
fever and coryza precede the rash by approximately 4 days
† Complications: Pneumonia, otitis media and encephalitis
Meningococcal sepsis
† Meningococcal disease: 25% septicaemia alone, 60% septicaemia þ
meningitis, 15% meningitis alone
† Organism: Neisseria meningitidis (Gram-negative diplococcus)
† Incubation period: 2–10 days
† Main features: Mild non-specific symptoms followed by shock, fever and a
widespread macular rash which becomes purpuric (non-blanching)
† Complications: Brain damage, loss of digits and limbs, deafness, blindness
and death
† Investigation findings: N. meningitidis can be grown from pharyngeal
swabs, blood cultures, aspirate of skin lesions or cerebrospinal fluid. Diagnosis
is increasingly relying on polymerase chain reaction
Scarlet fever
† Organism: Group A b-haemolytic streptococcus, e.g. Streptococcus
† Incubation period: 1–7 days
† Main features: Tonsillitis, erythematous rash predominantly on the trunk
and a sore coated tongue (strawberry tongue), desquamation (peeling)
of skin of palms and soles (towards end of the illness)
† Complications: Otitis media, rheumatic fever, acute nephritis
† Investigation findings: Raised antistreptolysin-O titres, group A streptococcus
on throat swab
A 15-year-old girl was recently started on the oral contraceptive pill. A few
weeks later she presented with a urinary tract infection which was successfully
treated with trimethoprim. Now, a month later, she has developed a
cold sore which is associated with multiple skin lesions over her lower
limbs. The lesions are round and deep red with a central area of pallor.
Which of the following is the cause of the rash?
A. Echovirus
B. Escherichia coli
C. Herpes simplex
D. Oral contraceptive pill
E. Sulphonamide antibiotic
C – Herpes simplex
This child has erythema multiforme (EM) most likely caused by herpes simplex
(herpes labialis, or cold sore). All of the listed options are causes of EM except the
oral contraceptive pill which causes erythema nodosum. Trimethoprim is commonly
used to treat urinary tract infections. It is also commonly used in conjunction
with sulphonamides in the form of co-trimoxazole. EM presents with
characteristic target lesions (1–3 cm oval or round, deep red, well-demarcated,
flat macules), though it may also present with macules, papules, wheals, vesicles
and bullae.
Stevens–Johnson syndrome is a severe form of EM with mucosal bullae in the
mouth, anogenital region and conjunctiva. Treatment is based on identifying
and treating the underlying cause and providing symptomatic support. Steroids
are given in severe cases. Most cases in children are caused by the herpes
simplex virus. Herpes simplex virus DNA is detected in approximately 80% of
You are referred a girl from primary care as the parents are worried she is the
shortest in her class. She enjoys school and is doing well. On examination,
you find her height to be below the 2nd centile and her weight to be on the
50th centile. She is 15 years old and has developed some pubic hair but still
has little breast tissue and has not started her periods yet, though mum tells
you she was a late developer. You also notice slightly low set ears and a
lowish hairline. She otherwise looks normal and has a normal examination.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Congenital hypothyroidism
B. Klinefelter’s syndrome
C. Noonan syndrome
D. Normal child
E. Turner syndrome
E – Turner syndrome
This girl has Turner syndrome, one of the most common chromosomal disorders,
which was first described in 1938. It is due to the absence of an X
chromosome or the presence of an abnormal X chromosome (45XO).
Features of Turner syndrome include:
† Webbing of the neck
† A low hairline
† Shield-shaped chest
† Widely spaced nipples
† Wide carrying angle (arms turn out at the elbow).
† Low set ears in 80%
† Lymphoedema of hands and feet in the neonatal period
† Normal intelligence, though often have problems with spatial temporal
As with most syndromes, features are variable and not always present. However,
nearly all girls with Turner syndrome have slow growth and early ovarian failure.
Kidney abnormalities, coarctation of the aorta, dissection of the aorta, bicuspid
aortic valve, otitis media and autoimmune thyroiditis are all seen in increased
frequency in girls with Turner syndrome.
Turner syndrome is often not diagnosed until adolescence when the girl fails to
go through puberty. Premature ovarian failure occurs and there are usually
characteristic ‘streak’ gonads instead of functioning ovaries. Adrenarche, the
beginning of pubic and axilla hair growth, usually occurs at a normal age as
this is not under the influence of oestrogen. Breast development and menstruation
do not occur except in a small minority. Infertility is almost universal. The
structure of the uterus, vagina and external genitalia is normal and pregnancy
with a donor egg is possible.
A 4-year-old boy who was born prematurely is known to have HIV. He is
asymptomatic and his latest CD4 count was 1250/mL. For the last
48 hours he has had a ‘cold’ but no associated temperature. He had an
acute exacerbation of his asthma 2 months ago which was treated with a
week course of prednisolone 30 mg. He is known to have an allergy to
eggs but this does not cause anaphylaxis. He is due his MMR booster.
Why is the MMR vaccine contraindicated in this child?
A. Egg allergy
B. HIV infection
C. Prematurity
D. Steroid treatment for asthma
E. Upper respiratory tract infection
D – Steroid treatment for asthma
The Department of Health states that ‘Almost all individuals can be safely vaccinated
with all vaccines. In very few individuals, vaccination is contraindicated or
should be deferred. Where there is doubt, rather than withholding vaccine,
advice should be sought from an appropriate consultant paediatrician or physician,
the immunisation co-ordinator or consultant in health protection.’
All vaccines are contraindicated in those who have had a confirmed anaphylactic
reaction to a previous dose of a vaccine containing the same antigens, or a confirmed
anaphylactic reaction to another component contained in the relevant
Live vaccines can cause severe, or fatal, infections in severely immunocompromised
children. This is due to extensive replication of the vaccine strain. Children
treated with high dose oral or rectal steroids are immunocompromised for up to
3 months after the course has finished. A week-long course of prednisolone is
significant (particularly if greater than 2 mg/kg). Not only does this child
need to have his MMR delayed but he most likely needs to see a respiratory paediatrician
regarding his asthma management as he is very young to require such
a prolonged course of oral steroids.
In general, vaccination should be postponed if the child is suffering from an acute
illness. Minor illnesses without fever or systemic upset are not contraindications.
Hypersensitivity to egg is a contraindication to the influenza vaccine, yellow fever
vaccine and tick-borne encephalitis vaccine. The MMR vaccine can be safely
given to most children with a history of egg allergy. For children who have had
a confirmed anaphylactic reaction, specialist advice should be sought with a
view to immunization under controlled conditions.
Children with HIVare at risk from live vaccines. They can, however, receive the live
vaccines for MMR and varicella unless they are severely immunocompromised
(CD4 count ,500/mL, or ,200/mL in children over 6 years of age). HIV-positive
individuals should never receive BCG or yellow fever vaccines.
A 4-year-old girl presents to the emergency department with a 7-day history
of fever. She also complains of abdominal pain. On examination, she has a
widespread rash, red conjunctiva and cervical lymphadenopathy.
Bearing in mind the most likely underlying cause of her symptoms, which
one of her features does not fulfil the diagnostic criteria?
A. Abdominal pain
B. Cervical lymphadenopathy
C. Conjunctivitis
D. Fever of at least 5 days duration
E. Polymorphous rash
A – Abdominal pain
Kawasaki disease is a vasculitis that occurs during childhood. Most children
(85%) with Kawasaki disease are under the age of 5 years and it is most
common in Japanese boys. The cause is still unknown; however, the peak
during winter and spring months have led to the theory of an infective origin.
The diagnostic criteria for complete Kawasaki syndrome are as follows:
Fever of at least 5 days duration plus 4 out of the following 5 criteria (plus the
lack of another known disease process that could explain the illness):
† Bilateral conjunctival injection without exudates
† Oral mucosal erythema: red, fissured lips, strawberry red tongue
† Polymorphous rash
† Extremities changes: peripheral oedema/erythema and periungual
† Cervical lymphadenopathy
There may also be thrombocytosis. Kawasaki disease is the leading cause of
acquired paediatric heart disease as it causes coronary aneurysms, myocardial
infarction, myocarditis and pericarditis. The mainstay of treatment is intravenous
immunoglobulins which have been shown to reduce the length of symptoms
and also significantly reduce the rate of cardiac complications.
A 10-year-old boy has recently been diagnosed with type-1 diabetes. He
wants to discuss the type of treatment regimen which would best suit
him. He does not particularly like giving the injections but has got
used to it and would like to have as tight a control as possible. However,
he is very unwilling to give himself any injections while at school as he is
embarrassed in front of his friends.
What treatment regimen would be best suited?
A. Diet control alone
B. Insulin pump
C. Multiple dose insulin regimen
D. Three daily injection insulin regimen
E. Twice daily injection insulin regimen
D – Three daily injection insulin regimen
There are various insulin regimens and different children are suited to different
forms. The traditional two-injection regimen is still used especially in young children.
Its advantage is the need for only two injections per day but it is often hard
to achieve tight control without experiencing hypoglycaemic events. It is also
not as useful when children or young adults are not eating at regular times of
the day or are exercising.
In this case, a three-injection regimen would be most suited. This is when longacting
insulin is given at night with mixed insulin (short and long acting) given
in the morning and rapid acting insulin given at teatime to cover the evening
meal. It allows for tighter control than a two-injection regimen and allows the
child not to give any injections at school. However, with different insulin preparations
being given at different times, confusion can occur and the flexibility
which comes with a multiple-injection regimen is not present.
The multiple-injection regimen (‘basal-bolus’) has become very popular. It consists
of an injection in the evening of long-acting insulin (e.g. glargine) which
gives a background level over 20–24 hours. Short-acting insulin whose action
lasts approximately 4 hours (e.g. novarapid) is then given with meals and
snacks during the day. Usually 50% of the child’s calculated insulin requirement is given as the long-acting form. Carbohydrate counting is used to determine
how much short-acting insulin is needed with each meal. The advantage of
this regimen is that when compliance is good the glycaemic control can be a
lot tighter and they are less likely to have episodes of hypoglycaemia compared
with the two- or three-injection regimen. It also allows the child to eat at
anytime and makes glycaemic control easier during an intercurrent illness.
The disadvantages include having to inject more frequently, as well as injecting
when they are at school
A 9-month-old girl presents with shortness of breath. She started having a
‘runny nose’ 24 hours ago and her mother says she felt hot to touch.
She now has a high-pitch cough. Examination reveals bilateral crepitations
and a wheeze.
Which of the following organisms is most likely to be responsible?
A. Adenovirus
B. Influenza virus
C. Mycoplasma
D. Parainfluenza virus
E. Respiratory syncitial virus
E – Respiratory syncitial virus
Extra respiratory noises include wheeze (expiratory noise caused by lower
airway obstruction) and stridor (inspiratory noise caused by upper airway
This child has bronchiolitis which is most commonly caused by the respiratory
syncitial virus. The other organisms given here do cause bronchiolitis but far
less commonly. Diagnosis is confirmed by nasopharyngeal aspirate. Bronchiolitis
is very common, especially during the autumn and winter months. These children
present with respiratory distress, coryza, fever, hyperinflation, widespread
crackles and a wheeze. Management is supportive with adequate oxygen and
hydration. Rarely some children will need intensive management with ventilatory
support. Antibiotics, steroids and bronchodilators are not effective.
Children at high risk of severe bronchiolitis include ex-premature infants with
chronic lung disease, infants with congenital heart disease and immunocompromised
A 5-year-old boy presents to the emergency department as his mum has
noticed he is puffy around his eyes and ankles. He is normally fit and
well but has been lethargic over the last few days and has vomited on a
few occasions.
Urine dipstick reveals:
Protein 4þ
Leucocytes Negative
Nitrites Negative
A preliminary diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome is made.
Which of the following results would establish this as the correct diagnosis?
A. Albumin 20 g/L
B. Blood pressure 150/80
C. Microscopic haematuria
D. Urea 9.0
E. Weight gain .10%
A – Albumin 20
Nephrotic syndrome is not a disease as such but a kidney disorder. It is characterized
by a triad of proteinuria (.0.05 g/kg/day), hypoalbuminaemia (usually
,30 g/L) and oedema. Hyperlipidaemia is also often present.
Oedema is characteristically periorbital but occurs throughout the body and is
more pronounced in the morning. Children can develop transudate ascites
and are at risk of spontaneous pneumococcal peritonitis. They are at risk of infection
due the renal loss of IgG proteins. Other symptoms include abdominal pain,
diarrhoea, vomiting and lethargy. Renal function is usually normal but renal
failure can develop in a few cases. Blood pressure must be monitored as it can
be raised. Haematuria is occasionally seen in nephrotic syndrome but is not a
diagnostic requirement. Affected children are often hypovolaemic despite
being oedematous. Diuretics and intravenous albumin may be necessary if
fluid retention is severe. Patients are also placed on prophylactic penicillin due
to the susceptibility to infection from the loss of IgG. Nephrotic syndrome in
children often responds well to steroids especially if it is a minimal change
Causes of nephrotic syndrome include glomerulonephritis, congenital nephrotic
syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, Henoch–Scho¨nlein purpura and
certain drugs such as penicillamine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) and paracetamol. The majority of children with nephrotic syndrome
(90%) have minimal change glomerulonephritis.
Remember the rule of thirds for prognosis regarding minimal change
† One-third have only a single episode
† One-third develop occasional relapses
† One-third have frequent relapses, which stop before adulthood
A mother brings her 2-year-old son to the development clinic as he is not
walking yet and does not use many words. He only says ‘mama’ and
‘dada’. He is able to sit unsupported and commando-crawls but cannot
stand or walk. He feeds himself with a spoon and fork and is able to build
a tower of three bricks. On examination, he does not appear dysmorphic,
but has enlarged calf muscles. Chromosomal analysis is normal.
Which investigation is most likely to reveal the diagnosis?
A. Brain CT
B. Creatine kinase
C. Electroencephalogram
D. Genetic testing
E. Metabolic screen
B – Creatine kinase
Global developmental delay is defined as significant delay in two or more developmental
domains. First-line investigations include chromosomal analysis,
fragile-X DNA testing, creatine kinase (CK), urea and electrolytes (U&Es), full
blood count (FBC), ferritin, thyroid function tests and biotinidase levels.
Chromosomal analysis brings the highest yield of abnormal results. Syndromes
such as Down’s, DiGeorge, Williams all can present with developmental delay.
The DNA-based test for the fragile-X gene should also be routinely performed
as this inherited cause of learning difficulties has subtle dysmorphia and is difficult
to diagnose clinically. Biotinidase should be tested early as biotinidase
deficiency is treatable and may present with global developmental delay
without other symptoms. Iron deficiency should be tested for, as it can be associated
with developmental delay and is easily treated. Thyroid function tests are performed as congenital hypothyroidism needs to be treated promptly, and
certain syndromes are associated with hypothyroidism.
This boy is likely to have Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). All boys presenting
with developmental delay, especially gross motor delay, should have
CK levels measured to rule out DMD. DMD is an X-linked recessive disorder
resulting in a lack of dystrophin production in the muscles. This leads to progressive
muscle weakness, wasting and eventually death. Children present in
the first 5 years of life with delayed walking, frequent falling, difficulty climbing
stairs and pseudohypertrophy of the calves. Gowers’ sign (where the child uses
their hands to climb up their legs when rising from the ground) is usually
positive. Some boys also have delayed speech or global developmental delay.
CK is raised, often 100 times above normal, and a muscle biopsy establishes
the diagnosis (shows reduced dystrophin).
A 7-year-old boy presents with tonsillitis associated with a painful rash. He
has multiple lesions over his shins. They are 1–5 cm in size, are raised,
tender and hot to touch. He has recently been started on antibiotics for
his tonsillitis.
Which of the following is the cause of the rash?
A. Epstein–Barr virus
B. Group A streptococcus
C. Reaction to erythromycin
D. Systemic lupus erythematosus
E. Tuberculosis
B – Group A streptococcus
The rash described here is erythema nodosum (EN), in this case caused by a
group A streptococcal tonsillitis. EN presents with red, nodules or plaques
which are symmetrical, tender and hot to touch. They are most commonly
found on the shins but may also be found on the thighs, ankles, knees, arms,
face and neck. Frequently no cause is found. Treatment is based on identifying
and treating the underlying cause.
An 18-month-old girl presents with a recurrent cough which is occasionally
productive. She is small for her age. Mum reports multiple episodes of
Which of the following is the gold standard investigation to confirm her
A. Chest X-ray
B. Genetic mutation analysis
C. Immune reactive trypsin
D. Nasal potential difference
E. Sweat test
E – Sweat test
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal autosomal recessive disease of
Caucasians. There is a carrier rate of 1 in 25 leading to the disease affecting
approximately 1 in 2500 of the UK population. CF is caused by an abnormal
gene coding for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator protein (CFTR),
located on chromosome 7. CFTR is a cyclic AMP-dependent chloride channel
blocker. The most common mutation in CF is the DF508 mutation, although
well over a thousand different mutations have been identified. The poor transport
of chloride ions and water across epithelial cells of the respiratory and pancreas
exocrine glands in CF results in an increased viscosity of secretions. The
range of presentations is varied, including recurrent chest infections, failure to
thrive from malabsorption and liver disease. In the neonatal period, infants
may present with prolonged neonatal jaundice, bowel obstruction (meconium
ileus) or rectal prolapse.
The gold standard investigation for CF is the sweat test. The abnormal function
of sweat glands results in the excess concentration of sodium chloride (NaCl) in
sweat. Sweat is stimulated by pilocarpine iontophoresis, collected on filter paper
and analysed.
Normal sweat NaCl concentration ¼ 10–14 mmol/L
Sweat NaCl concentration in CF ¼ 80–125 mmol/L
A 2-year-old girl is found to be anaemic. She has been growing well and
drinks plenty of milk and fruit juices. Her mother feels she is well in
herself apart from looking slightly pale. Examination is unremarkable.
Her full blood count shows reveals the following:
Hb 8.2 g/dL (range 9.5–14.0)
MCV 70 fL (range 85–105)
MCH 19 pg/cell (range 23–31)
What is the most likely cause for her anaemia?
A. b-Thalassaemia trait
B. Folate deficiency
C. Haemolytic anaemia
D. Iron deficiency
E. Lead poisoning
D – Iron deficiency
This child is likely to have iron deficiency as she has a microcytic, hypochromic
anaemia. Iron deficiency is the most common form of anaemia in children and
can be seen in up to 50% in certain populations. It is often due to poor intake of
iron-rich foods. Children who drink a large amount of cow’s milk are particularly
vulnerable as only 10% of iron is absorbed from the milk compared with 50% in
breast milk. All formula milk and most cereals are fortified with iron.
Anaemias are often categorized according to the morphology of the red cells.
The three different classifications for the size of the red cell are: microcytic
(small), normocytic and macrocytic (large).
In microcytic anaemia there is a failure or insufficiency in haemoglobin synthesis.
The red blood cells are smaller than normal, i.e. mean cell volume (MCV) ,85
fL. The red cells are often hypochromic (pale in colour). This is quantified by a
low mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH). A good way of remembering the
causes of microcytic anaemia is by using the acronym ‘TAILS’ (Thalassaemias,
Anaemia of chronic disease, Iron deficiency anaemia, Lead poisoning and
Sideroblastic anaemia). Sideroblastic anaemia is the inability to completely
form haem molecules. Lead poisoning is uncommon in the UK. It presents
with irritability, failure to thrive, abdominal pain, pica (eating non-nutritious
substances) as well as microcytic anaemia.
Normocytic anaemia occurs when the overall haemoglobin levels are decreased.
The red blood cells are of normal size (MCV 85–105 fL). Causes include acute
blood loss, anaemia of chronic disease, aplastic anaemia (bone marrow
failure) and haemolytic anaemias. Remember that chronic disease can also
cause a microcytic anaemia.
Macrocytic anaemia is usually due to a failure of DNA synthesis. The red blood
cells are larger than normal (MCV .105 fL). The most common cause is megaloblastic
anaemia which is due to either a deficiency in vitamin B12 or folic acid,
or pernicious anaemia. Other causes include liver disease and hypothyroidism.
A 5-year-old boy is seen in clinic and is found to have an undescended testis
on the right side. You are unable to palpate a testis either in the scrotum or
inguinal canal. An abdominal ultrasound is performed and shows an intraabdominal
testis on the right.
Which of the following is a reason to perform an orchidopexy?
A. Decrease the risk of direct hernias in later life
B. Decrease the risk of epididymitis
C. Decrease the risk of malignancy back to that of the normal
D. Psychological benefit
E. Significant improvement in fertility
D – Psychological benefit
Cryptorchidism is defined as failure of the testis to descend from its intraabdominal
location into the scrotum. The testes develop in the abdomen of
the fetus. They remain high in the abdomen until the 7th month of gestation,
when they move from the abdomen through the inguinal canal into the two
sides of the scrotum, guided by the gubernaculum (a fold of peritoneum).
This process is influenced by anti-Mu¨llerian hormone (AMH) and testosterone.
Maldevelopment of the gubernaculum, or deficiency or insensitivity to either
AMH or testosterone, can prevent the testes from descending into the scrotum.
A 6-hour-old baby is jaundiced. His mother is blood group O, rhesus
negative and her waters broke 2 days before she delivered. The baby is
breastfeeding well. On examination, the baby is clinically well.
Which of the following would you perform?
A. Bilirubin level
B. Blood culture
C. Direct antibody test
D. Full blood count
E. All of the above
E – All of the above
As many as half of newborn babies will be clinically jaundiced in the first week of
life. Bilirubin is produced by the breakdown of fetal haemoglobin (HbF) which is
replaced with adult haemoglobin (HbA).
Investigation is not required as long as the following criteria are fulfilled:
† Jaundice not apparent in the first 24 hours of life
† The infant remains clinically well
† The serum bilirubin is below treatment level
† The jaundice resolves by 14 days
In this case the most important single test at this point would be a bilirubin level.
This is because high levels of unconjugated bilirubin can cross the blood–brain
barrier and cause permanent neuronal damage (kernicterus). Jaundice can be
treated with phototherapy which converts unconjugated bilirubin into nontoxic
isomers which are then excreted.
A 5-year-old girl with epilepsy has some routine blood tests taken by the
general practitioner. She is currently on phenytoin and has been for a few
years. Her mother is worried she is a fussy eater and does not enjoy eating
meat. On examination, she has some ulceration at the corners of her
Her full blood count reveals:
Hb 8.9 g/dL (range 9.5–14.0)
MCV 109 fL (range 85–105)
What is the best treatment for her?
A. Intramuscular vitamin B12
B. Oral ferrous sulphate
C. Oral folic acid
D. Oral vitamin B12
E. Multivitamin tablet
C – Oral folic acid
This girl has macrocytic anaemia which is most likely due to folate deficiency.
Children who are on anticonvulsants, especially phenytoin, can display folate
deficiency as a side-effect. Clinical features of folate deficiency include glossitis
(a smooth, beefy red tongue), angular stomatitis (fissuring at the corners of
the lips), nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and anorexia. Folate deficiency
is easily treated with oral folate supplementation in the form of folic acid. A 4-
month course is generally sufficient to replenish body stores. Folate deficiency
is also seen during periods of rapid growth such as in infancy, and in malabsorption
due to coeliac and inflammatory bowel disease.
Another cause of macrocytic anaemia is vitamin B12 deficiency. Clinical features
of vitamin B12 deficiency are very similar to folate deficiency with the addition of
peripheral neuropathy, depression and dementia. Macrocytic anaemia is also
seen in malabsorption as well as in certain worm infestations (the fish tapeworm
competes for vitamin B12 and in chronic cases can lead to deficiencies). A rare
cause of vitamin B12 deficiency is pernicious anaemia. Parietal cells produce
intrinsic factor which is essential for the uptake of vitamin B12 in the terminal
ileum. Pernicious anaemia describes the autoimmune loss of parietal cells
and/or intrinsic factor, thus preventing the absorption of vitamin B12. It is
most common in women over 60 years. Around 90% of patients demonstrate
antiparietal antibodies (but some normal women also have it) and 60% are
found to have anti-intrinsic factor antibody (which is a more specific marker).
Vitamin B12 deficiency is treated with intramuscular injections of hydroxocobalamin
(a natural analogue of vitamin B12) rather than oral forms.
Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common anaemia in childhood. A microcytic
picture is seen (low mean cell volume [MCV]). It is treated with iron salts normally
in the form of ferrous sulphate. Gastrointestinal irritation is fairly common
in children taking iron salts and they can also lead to constipation and faecal
A 10-year-old girl presents to the emergency department with a seizure that
lasted 2 minutes before resolving on its own. Her mother described her as
suddenly collapsing to the ground, going stiff and then shaking all four
limbs. The girl has no recollection of the event and is still a little drowsy.
Her temperature is 36.28C and she was well before the event. Examination,
including a full neurological assessment, is normal. Baseline blood tests are
also unremarkable.
Which investigation should next be performed?
A. 12-lead ECG
B. Electroencephalogram
C. MRI head
D. Serum prolactin
E. None of the above
A – 12-lead ECG
This girl has experienced her first non-febrile seizure, likely an epileptic seizure.
There are both NICE1 and SIGN2 guidelines on what further investigations this
child would need. Many people believe that all children who have had a seizure
or fit of any kind need an EEG; however this is not the case. An EEG should be
performed to support a diagnosis of epilepsy and not be used in isolation, and
are not done until after a second seizure. Remember that EEGs produce both
false-positives and false-negatives. EEGs can be useful in determining seizure
type and epilepsy syndromes and thus enable children to be given accurate
Neuroimaging is warranted in certain circumstances, and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) would be the modality of choice. It should not be routinely
requested when a diagnosis of idiopathic generalized epilepsy has been
made. Indications for MRI include any suggestion of a focal seizure, if the
child is under the age of 2, or if the seizures are continuing despite medication.
In this case the girl has experienced only one generalized seizure and MRI is not
It is unclear as to whether all children suffering a non-febrile fit need an ECG. The
ECG may reveal a cardiac cause for the fit and in particular a prolonged QTc
interval needs to be excluded. As it is a non-invasive and relatively cheap investigation
it has been recommended in the SIGN guidelines that all children
should have one, whereas the NICE guidelines suggest it may only be necessary
when there is doubt if the episode is epileptic or not. The girl in this case collapsed
suddenly before fitting, so an ECG is warranted to exclude a cardiac
A 7-year-old child has absence seizures. She is currently on medication for
this which she takes twice a day. Her mother has noticed that she has put
on weight recently and wondered if this was a side-effect of her epilepsy
medication. She also tells you that when her daughter started her medication
she started to lose some of her hair, though this has now resolved.
What medication is she on?
A. Carbamazepine
B. Gabapentin
C. Lamotrigine
D. Phenytoin
E. Sodium valproate
E – Sodium valproate
The NICE guidelines recommend certain drugs in certain seizure types1. For children
with absence seizures the first-line drugs are sodium valproate and lamotrigine.
Recognized side-effects of sodium valproate include transient hair loss,
weight gain, liver damage and blood dyscrasias. Sodium valproate is also associated
with a higher risk of fetal malformations if taken in pregnancy, particularly
neural tube defects. Lamotrigine side-effects include skin rash, drowsiness,
insomnia and agitation
A 4-year-old girl presents to the emergency department with a swollen
right knee. She has a temperature of 38.38C. On examination, she looks
unwell and cannot move her right leg. Her hip joint is hot, red, swollen
and tender. Blood tests show a raised C-reactive protein and high white
cell count.
What is the advised treatment for this condition?
A. Immediate IV antibiotics, followed by joint aspiration the
following day
B. Immediate IV antibiotics, continuing for 4 to 6 weeks, with no need
for aspiration
C. Joint aspiration followed by IV antibiotics, continuing for 10 days
D. Joint aspiration followed by IV antibiotics, continuing for 4 to
6 weeks
E. Joint aspiration followed by high dose oral antibiotics for 3 months
D – Joint aspiration followed by IV antibiotics, continuing
for 4 to
6 weeks
This girl has septic arthritis, an infection within a joint. This is a medical emergency.
It can rapidly irreversibly destroy a joint and is life-threatening. Septic
arthritis presents with an unwell child with a fever and a short history of a hot
swollen joint. There is restricted movement in the joint with pain on passive
movement. The hip joint is most commonly affected in children although any
joint may be involved. In 5% of cases the child will have two or more joints
Investigations in a suspected case should include blood cultures, full blood
count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) or C-reactive protein (CRP).
Ultrasound can be useful in demonstrating an effusion in a deeply placed joint
such as the hip and can also be used to guide aspiration. Joint aspiration is
vital and yields yellowish pus which should be sent for an urgent Gram staining
and microscopy. Joint aspiration should be performed before starting antibiotics
so that culture and sensitivity are more accurate. High white cell counts and a
raised CRP are consistent with septic arthritis though these are also seen in transient
synovitis. Patients who have a negative microscopy and culture, but who
are still likely to have septic arthritis, must be treated as such.
Management of septic arthritis is by empirical intravenous antibiotics which
should aim to cover the most likely organisms (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus
sp., and Haemophilus influenzae type B in unimmunized children).
Which of the following is not a risk factor for surfactant deficiency?
A. Elective Caesarean section
B. Intrauterine growth restriction
C. Male gender
D. Prematurity
E. Sepsis
B – Intrauterine growth restriction
A preterm baby is defined as a baby born prior to 37 completed weeks gestation.
Intrauterine growth restriction describes a baby that is small for its corrected
gestation. Preterm babies develop respiratory disease because of a deficiency
of surfactant production by the type II pneumocytes in the lung. Surfactant is
required to reduce the surface tension within the lungs (i.e. make them less stiff).
The outcome of premature babies has been significantly improved by the production
of exogenous surfactant which can be administered directly into the
lungs via an endotracheal tube.
Causes of increased incidence of surfactant deficiency:
† Prematurity
† Male gender
† Sepsis
† Maternal diabetes
† 2nd twin
† Elective Caesarean section
A reduced incidence of surfactant deficiency is associated with:
† Female gender
† Prolonged rupture of membranes
† Maternal opiate use
† Intrauterine growth restriction
† Antenatal steroids
If a pregnant woman is between 24–32 weeks gestation and there is a strong
likelihood of her delivering prematurely then there is good evidence that
giving the mother two doses of glucocorticoid prior to delivery will significantly
improve the outcome for the baby.
A 9-year-old girl presents to the general practitioner with red urine. She is
complaining of some abdominal pain but is otherwise well. She has a
history of recurrent urinary tract infections, and she recently had a throat
infection which was treated for 3 days with oral penicillin. Examination
is unremarkable.
A urine dipstick reveals: Blood 3þ Leucocytes Negative Nitrites Negative What investigation would best reveal the cause of her haematuria?
A. Abdominal X-ray and ultrasound
B. Antistreptolysin O titre/throat swab
C. Full blood count
D. Serum complement C3
E. Urine for microscopy and culture
B – Antistreptolysin-O titre/throat swab
There are many causes of haematuria and it is important to establish whether
there is frank blood (macroscopic) or just blood indicated on dipstick testing (microscopic). Bright red macroscopic haematuria suggests lower urinary tract
pathology. Brown (cola) coloured urine suggests a renal origin. Both beetroot
and rifampicin can also cause the urine to turn red.
Fever, dysuria, frequency and urgency would indicate infection as the cause, and
a clean catch urine specimen for urinalysis, microscopy and culture should be
sent. Children, particularly infants, may have no other signs of infection, so all
children presenting with haematuria should have a urine sample sent. Once a
urine infection has been ruled out, further investigation is necessary.
Acute glomerulonephritis can cause haematuria. This is caused by damage to
the glomerulus secondary to an immune-mediated process. It is relatively rare
in the UK but the most common form occurs after streptococcal infection (typically
2 weeks after a throat or skin infection). An antistreptolysin-O titre and
throat swab are useful to establish if there has been a recent streptococcal infection
and, in the above case, this is the most likely cause for the haematuria.
Complement levels are sometimes low, particularly in nephrotic syndrome,
but this is not a reliable diagnostic test. The urine can look smoky and there
may be red cell casts visible on urine microscopy.
Pain, particularly severe colicky pain, may signal renal stones and an abdominal
X-ray with or without an ultrasound scan may reveal them. Henoch–Scho¨nlein
purpura (HSP) can cause haematuria and/or proteinuria. There is no definite
investigation for the diagnosis of HSP but a history of a purpuric rash with or
without joint pain would make it more likely.
A mother brings her 212
-year-old daughter to a drop-in speech and language
service. Mum is concerned that there are only a handful of words her
daughter uses that her mother understands but other people do not. She
is a bright girl who has good understanding and enjoys playing with
other children. Her mother has no concerns about her hearing. On assessment,
she has normal development in all the other areas and a normal
What is the likely cause for her speech delay?
A. Autism
B. Expressive language disorder
C. Global developmental delay
D. Hearing loss
E. Neglect
B – Expressive language disorder
By 21
2 years of age, children should use at least 50 words (some will use .400
words) and be able to use simple word combinations, understand two-stage
commands and be able to ask for food, drink, toys, etc. Speech and language
need to be separated. Speech is the act of communication through the articulation
of verbal expression, and is a motor act. Language is the knowledge of a
system of symbols (words, gestures, images) which enables communication.
It is the ability to understand (receptive) and express (expressive) speech and
is associated with meaning rather than sounds.
Speech delay in this age group can be due to numerous causes. This little girl is
likely to have an expressive language disorder. These children have normal intelligence
and understanding but have a problem ‘translating’ their ideas into
speech. They often do well with intervention from the speech therapists. Children
with maturation delay or ‘late bloomers’ tend to improve without the
need for intervention.
If a child has hearing loss, speech often does not develop normally. All children
with significant speech delay should have a hearing test, even if their parents are
not concerned with their hearing. Speech delay can be part of a general developmental
delay and an underlying chromosomal or neurological abnormality
may be detected. It is often seen in children with cerebral palsy. Children who
are autistic can present with speech delay. Autism is characterized by delayed and deviant language development, failure to develop the ability to relate to
others, and ritualistic and compulsive behaviours.
Neglect and social deprivation can lead to speech delay due to poor stimulation.
Speech development can be slower in twins, younger siblings, children in lower
socioeconomic classes and children exposed to more than one language. Structural
abnormalities can also cause problems with speech. This may include a
missed cleft palate or malocclusion of the jaw.
A 6-week-old boy presents with vomiting. He is described as a hungry baby
and will take 200 mL feeds every 4 hours. He weighs 5 kg and is gaining
weight along his centile (50th). After many feeds he will effortlessly
vomit into his mouth and down his clothes. He is otherwise clinically
well. Examination is unremarkable.
Which of the following is the most likely cause of this baby’s vomiting?
A. Abdominal colic
B. Gastro-oesophageal reflux
C. Malrotation of the gut
D. Overfeeding
E. Pyloric stenosis
D – Overfeeding
A 6-week old infant should be taking approximately 150–180 mL/kg/day.
Many parents will describe fluid volumes in ounces so it is well worth remembering
that there are approximately 30 mL in one ounce. The vomiting baby
is a very common problem. If a baby takes, or is given, too much milk the
stomach cannot hold the volume and the child will effortlessly vomit the milk
back. Advice should be given that the volume of feeds needs to be reduced,
even with the description of a ‘hungry baby’.
Effortless vomiting also occurs in gastro-oesophageal reflux, although you
would need to know if the symptoms continue on a normal feed volume
before making the diagnosis. Reflux leads to vomiting, oesophagitis, recurrent
apnoea, recurrent pulmonary aspiration and failure to thrive.
In pyloric stenosis, the vomit is forcefully ejected and is described as being projectile
(once seen never forgotten as it will travel the length of a room!). Examination
will reveal a smooth mass just below the right costal margin, which is the
hypertrophied pylorus. These infants are often dehydrated on presentation due
to recurrent vomiting and the inability of milk to get beyond the pylorus. In this
case the child is thriving and the vomiting is not projectile.
A 10-month-old baby boy presents for the second time to hospital with a
urinary tract infection. He recovers quickly with a course of antibiotics.
Your consultant asks you to organize follow-up for him.
What investigations does this boy need?
A. Inpatient renal USS
B. Renal USS in 1 week
C. USS and DMSA as outpatient
D. USS and MCUG as outpatient
E. USS, MCUG and DMSA as outpatient
C – USS and DMSA as outpatient
Investigations for children with urinary tract infections (UTIs) have been rationalized
in the last few years. They include ultrasound scan (USS) of the urinary
tract, dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scan and micturating urogram
(MCUG). A USS of the urinary tract is performed to check for structural abnormalities
such as obstruction. DMSA is a radiolabelled compound that becomes
fixed in functioning proximal renal tubular cells. DMSA is not taken up by
scarred, non-functioning areas of the kidney. A DMSA scan detects defects in
the renal parenchyma. An MCUG is performed to demonstrate the presence
of vesico-ureteric reflux. Contrast is injected via a catheter into the bladder
and X-rays are taken of the bladder and kidney while it empties. It is important
to establish the diagnosis of vesicoureteric reflux and the severity so that corrective
surgery can be performed early to prevent kidney damage.
A 7-year-old boy has a chronic cough and wheeze. He had a good response
to a b-agonist, demonstrated by his peak expiratory flow rate. He was
initially managed with a short-acting b-agonist but his symptoms persisted
and a regular inhaled steroid was added (400 mg/day).
If no improvement is seen, which of the following would be the next step
in the management?
A. Add an inhaled long-acting b-agonist
B. Add an oral leukotriene receptor antagonist
C. Increase the inhaled steroid dose
D. Increased the short-acting b-agonist dose
E. Start daily oral steroid
A – Add an inhaled long-acting b-agonist
The management of asthma is done in a structured step-wise manner according
to the British Thoracic Society (BTS) guidelines.
There are five steps for children between 5 and 12 years:
† Step 1 – Inhaled short-acting b-agonist
† Step 2 – Add inhaled steroid 200 to 400 mg/day
† Step 3 – Add inhaled long-acting b-agonist (LABA)
W 3a – Good response – continue LABA
W 3b – Benefit from LABA but not full control – increase inhaled
steroid dose
W 3c – No response to LABA – stop LABA, increase inhaled steroid dose
and/or trial of other therapies, e.g. leukotriene receptor antagonist or
slow-release theophylline
† Step 4 – Increase inhaled steroid dose to 800 mg/day
† Step 5 – Use daily steroid tablet
Pharmacological management can significantly improve symptoms but it is
important to consider lifestyle changes. These include allergen avoidance
You review a 2-year-old boy in clinic. He had a neural tube defect when he
was born which was operated on soon after birth. His mother describes it as
a sac of jelly at the base of his spine. On examination today he has a full
range of movement of both his arms and legs and his power, tone and
reflexes appear normal. He is still in nappies but his mother is beginning
to toilet train.
What was the neural tube lesion likely to be?
A. Anencephaly
B. Encephalocele
C. Meningocele
D. Myelomeningocele
E. Spinal bifida occulta
C – Meningocele
Since the introduction of folic acid supplementation in pregnancy, the incidence
of neural tube defects has decreased by 75%. It is now seen in 0.3/1000 births.
Such defects result from failure of the neural tube to close normally during early
This patient is likely to have had a meningocele – an exposed sac of meninges.
The spinal cord remains intact and functions normally and thus the child’s neurology
is normal, as in this case. The sac can rupture and there is an increase risk
of developing meningitis and hydrocephalus. Surgical correction is always
necessary and long-term follow-up is needed as neurological problems may
develop as the child grows.
In a myelomeningocele, a meningeal sac herniates through a defect in the lower
vertebrae and contains elements of the spinal cord and lumbosacral roots. The
majority (80%) are seen in the lumbrosacral region. Neurological deficits range
from minimal bladder dysfunction, mobility and intellectual problems in small
defects to loss of lower limb function, anaesthesia, and urine and faecal incontinence.
In spina bifida occulta the vertebral bodies fail to fuse posteriorly. Tethering of the
cord can occur with growth and is associated with neurological dysfunction.
There can be weakness of the legs with spasticity and abnormal gait. Sensory
abnormalities include paraesthesia. The loss of bladder and bowel control,
leading to incontinence or constipation, can be of sudden or gradual onset
and decreases in anal sphincter tone may be seen. There is no sac present in
the lumbosacral area but there may be cutaneous markers over the area including
tufts of hair, a sinus or port wine stain. Diagnosis can be made on ultrasound
scan (below the age of 2) or ideally magnetic resonance imaging. Bony
anomalies may also be seen radiologically.
An encephalocele is a cranium bifida, i.e. a protrusion of the meninges and brain
through a fault in the skull. Anencephaly is the most severe form of a neural tube
defect. There is absence of the skull vault, the skin and significant parts of the
brain are absent. Affected babies do not survive long, and many are stillborn.
A 7-year-old boy with a history of hypothyroidism presents with a limp.
Mum has noticed the limp over the last few weeks and it seems to come
and go. He is also complaining of pain in his left leg. He is generally well
on examination but has limited range of movement of the left hip. An Xray
reveals he has Perthes disease.
This boy is more likely to have Perthes’ disease than a slipped upper femoral
epiphysis because:
A. He is a boy
B. He is hypothyroid
C. He is obese
D. He is tall
E. He is 7 years old
E – He is 7 years old
Perthes disease (or Legg–Clave´ –Perthes disease) describes idiopathic avascular
necrosis of the femoral head, which is followed by revascularization and re-ossification over a period of 2–3 years. It usually occurs between the ages of 5
and 10 and is five times more common in boys. In 10% of patients the condition
is bilateral. Presentation is insidious with hip pain (which may be referred to the
groin or knee) and a limp. Examination may reveal a reduced range of movements
in all directions of the hip joint, secondary to irritation of the capsule,
though internal rotation and abduction are usually more affected. There may
be a fixed flexion deformity of the opposite leg (to compensate for shortening
of the affected leg) and there may be some muscle wasting on the affected
side. X-ray will show a collapsed, irregular, sclerotic femoral head (secondary
to osteopaenia of surrounding bone), with an increased joint space. Magnetic
resonance imaging may be more sensitive in detecting changes early on in
the condition. Treatment depends upon the extent of disease and the amount
of femoral head which is involved. Mild disease may be treated conservatively
with bed rest, analgesia and repeat imaging to monitor progress. More severe
disease may be treated by abduction bracing/splinting or by femoral osteotomy.
The prognosis is worse the older the child, in girls, and if more than half
the femoral head is affected. Complications include early osteoarthritis and
coxa magna (overgrowth of the femoral head).
A 2-year-old boy is known to have quadriplegic cerebral palsy. He was born
at 36 weeks gestation and required five inflation breaths at birth as he was
not breathing. He was briefly admitted to the special care baby unit to establish
his feeds and he required a day of phototherapy for jaundice, but was
discharged at 7 days. At 9 months of age he suffered from meningitis and
was admitted to paediatric intensive care and ventilated for 4 days. The
only other history of note was that he fell off his parent’s bed at the age
of 4 months and was observed in hospital for a few hours.
What is the most likely cause of his cerebral palsy?
A. Head injury
B. Hypoxic insult
C. Kernicterus
D. Meningitis
E. Prematurity
D – Meningitis
There are numerous causes of cerebral palsy and it is a misconception that the
majority of cases of cerebral palsy are due to birth asphyxia.
Premature babies are at a higher risk of cerebral palsy, because myelination of
the motor pathways occurs between 5 and 8 months postconception. In this
case the baby is already 36 weeks postconception making an association
between his spasticity and prematurity unlikely. Hypoglycaemia can also lead
to cerebral palsy. While hypoxic events at birth can lead to cerebral palsy,
only about 6% of cases are due to avoidable factors during labour. The child
needs to be moderately asphyxiated for damage to occur. Trauma, both at
birth and postnatally, can also lead to cerebral palsy, but a head injury needs
to be significant and in this case it is unlikely to be the cause.
A 3-year-old boy presents with a history of constipation since the age of 6
months. His general practitioner is worried he has Hirschsprung’s disease
and refers him to you. His mother describes his stools as being normal
until she started weaning him at the age of 6 months. Since then he has
never passed a proper stool and appears in pain and strains. He passes
small amounts of ‘rabbit poo droppings’ and is still in nappies as he soils
Which of the following investigations is required?
A. Abdominal X-ray
B. Examination under anaesthesia
C. Thyroid function tests
D. Rectal biopsy
E. No investigation required
E – No investigation required
This boy is likely to have simple constipation and no further investigation is
necessary at this stage. Constipation is the passage of stool, which is difficult
or painful, and is often associated with soiling. Fewer than three stools per
week are considered abnormal.
In simple or idiopathic constipation the rectum becomes distended with the
chronic loading of hard stool. The stretched rectum becomes desensitized
and does not convey a feeling of fullness and thus the urge to defecate,
which in turn leads to further distension with stool. Often loose stool, from
the proximal colon, passes around the impacted stool and due to the absence
of sensation, leaks out unnoticed, causing soiling. An inadequate intake of
food or fluid leads to constipation in children and it must be remembered
that large amounts of milk lead to hard stools.
No investigations are needed when simple or idiopathic constipation is thought
to be the diagnosis. An abdominal X-ray often shows faecal loading but this is an
unnecessary investigation unless bowel obstruction is thought to be the cause.
Constipation can occur in hypothyroidism. An anal fissure can lead to constipation
due to the pain caused on defecation, and this is usually associated
with fresh blood when passing a stool. It can be secondary to passing a large
hard stool but is also seen in Crohn’s disease, and examination under anaesthesia
is sometimes needed in small children to assess the anal area.
Hirschsprung’s disease is a congenital disorder with aganglionic stretches of the
bowel causing the area to be tonically contracted, resulting in obstruction. This
starts from the anus and progresses up the colon to differing levels. Colon
dilation is seen secondary to bowel obstruction. Diagnosis is made on rectal
biopsy and around 95% present in the first year of life. There is delay in
passing meconium in the first 24 hours of life followed by intermittent bowel
obstruction or chronic constipation. Very occasionally it can present later in
life but a normal bowel habit in the early months, as in this case, makes it a
very unlikely diagnosis.
A mother brings her 5-year-old son to the emergency department as he is
refusing to walk and is complaining his right hip hurts. There is no
history of trauma and the child is fit and well except for a mild cold he
had a week ago. On examination he appears well with a temperature of
36.88C. He has limited movement of his left leg and appears in pain on
passive movement.
Which one investigation will confirm the most likely diagnosis?
A. Full blood count
B. Hip MRI
C. Hip ultrasound
D. Hip X-ray
E. None of the above
E – None of the above
This boy has an irritable hip. Irritable hip (or transient synovitis) is common in
children and presents with a painful limp that gradually resolves. The cause is
uncertain and the diagnosis is one of exclusion. Infection and trauma are
thought to be precipitating factors. However, research has found that infection,
usually of the upper respiratory tract, is present in only 30% of cases, and significant
trauma in only 5% of cases. It is most commonly seen in boys between the
age of 2 and 12 years. There is a history of acute-onset hip pain and a limp. Often
knee pain and the inability to bear weight follows. It is usually unilateral but
rarely can be seen bilaterally. On examination, there is restricted movement in
the affected limb, especially of extension and adduction.
Investigations in irritable hip are performed to not only confirm the diagnosis
but to exclude other problems such as septic arthritis, osteomyelitis and
Perthes disease. Blood tests including full blood count (FBC), white cell count
(WCC), and C-reactive protein (CRP) are usually normal whereas in septic arthritis
or osteomyelitis they are deranged. X-rays are poor at demonstrating effusions
and therefore the imaging of choice is ultrasound which picks up 95%
of effusions where one is present. To definitely exclude septic arthritis the effusion
needs to be aspirated and cultured.
Symptoms usually persist for 1 to 2 weeks then resolve spontaneously. If symptoms
continue, consider other diagnoses such as Perthes disease, slipped upper
femoral epiphysis or malignancy.
An 8-year old child presents to the general practitioner with a history of
bedwetting. She is wetting the bed nearly every night and there has never
been a period when she has been dry at night. She does not wet during
the day and there is no history of constipation. On examination you find
no anomalies.
Which investigation needs to be performed before referral to the enuresis
clinic is made?
A. 24-hour blood pressure monitoring
B. Renal ultrasound
C. Spinal ultrasound
D. Urea and electrolytes
E. Urinalysis
E – Urinalysis
Enuresis refers to the involuntary passing of urine. It can be nocturnal or diurnal
(during the day) or both. It is common in school-aged children particularly boys;
affecting 15% of 5-year-olds and 5% of 10-year-olds.
History taking should seek to exclude urinary symptoms, a family history and
psychosocial problems. Clinical examination should include growth parameters,
and examining the abdomen and genitalia. Neurological problems, such as
spina bifida and cerebral palsy are rare causes of nocturnal enuresis but need
to be ruled out by a lower limb neurological and spinal examination.
Blood pressure should be performed which, if elevated, could indicate renal
disease. This only needs to be a spot check rather than 24-hour monitoring.
All children should also have a urine dipstick to rule out diabetes mellitus or
urinary tract infection. If urinalysis is positive, a urine culture should be
requested. Where appropriate, further investigation should be carried out to
exclude renal disease or a neurological problem. These would include a renal
ultrasound and possible spinal ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging,
but are not necessary unless there is a clinical concern.
A 10-month-old boy presents with a 4-day history of watery, sweet-smelling
diarrhoea. He had been vomiting but this had now settled though he is still
not eating anything. His mother is worried he is dehydrated and on assessment
you find him to have a normal capillary refill time but moderate dehydration.
What is the best treatment for this child?
A. Intravenous bolus of saline, followed by oral rehydration therapy
B. Rehydration with half strength formula milk
C. Rehydration with intravenous dextrose 5% and saline
D. Rehydration with oral rehydration therapy alone
E. Rehydration with oral rehydration therapy and erythromycin
D – Rehydration with oral rehydration therapy alone
Acute diarrhoea is most commonly caused by infection. The most common
infections in children are viral, as in this case, with rotavirus and adenovirus
being the main offenders. Patients with diarrhoea and vomiting are at risk of
becoming dehydrated and developing electrolyte imbalance, e.g. hypernatraemia,
hypokalaemia. The initial management of patients without severe dehydration
or electrolyte disturbance is with oral fluids, ideally in the form of oral
rehydration solutions which replace lost water and electrolytes. Intravenous
rehydration is only necessary if oral rehydration is not tolerated or is unsuccessful.
Half-strength formula milk should not be used and once the child has recovered
they can go straight back onto their normal milk.
Bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella and Shigella also cause diarrhoea.
Bacterial gastroenteritis may result in diarrhoea which is more frequent but
lower in volume than viral causes, and blood and mucus are often apparent in
the stool. Again rehydration is the initial management. Antimicrobials are only
used in certain infections. Antimotility agents are not indicated for infectious
Other causes of acute diarrhoea include appendicitis, intussusception, overflow
from constipation and colitis due to inflammatory bowel disease. Chronic diarrhoea
can be found in inflammatory bowel disease, malabsorption (e.g. cystic
fibrosis, coeliac disease) and parasitic infestations. Toddler’s diarrhoea is a
normal variant whereby well thriving toddlers present with chronic non-specific
loose stools, often with bits of undigested food. Diagnosis is one of exclusion
and no treatment is required.
An 8-year-old boy presents with abdominal pain in the lower right part of
his tummy. He has had a cold for the last 3 days. On examination, he is
slightly tender in his right iliac fossa but he has no guarding or signs of peritonism.
His temperature is 37.98C. A urine dipstick reveals: leucocytes 1þ,
nitrites negative, blood negative.
What is the most likely cause of his abdominal pain?
A. Appendicitis
B. Constipation
C. Mesenteric adenitis
D. Pneumonia
E. Urinary tract infection
C – Mesenteric adenitis
Mesenteric adenitis describes inflammation of the intra-abdominal lymph
nodes. It usually is associated with, or follows, an upper respiratory tract infection
or gastroenteritis. Mesenteric adenitis often mimics appendicitis and commonly presents with right iliac fossa pain. Features that may be helpful in
distinguishing the two are a high grade fever (greater than 38.58C), shifting
tenderness, lack of rebound tenderness and absence of anorexia in mesenteric
adenitis. There is no specific investigation and it is a diagnosis of exclusion.
Mesenteric adenitis is a self-limiting condition and treatment is conservative
(analgesia and antipyretics).
Urinary tract infections can also present with abdominal pain but in this case the
urine dipstick does not support the diagnosis. Remember that in children pain
can be poorly localized and that lower lobe pneumonia can present with
abdominal pain. Constipation often causes abdominal pain, which can
present acutely. Children with constipation can present with overflow diarrhoea,
so they may open their bowels daily but no formed or substantial amount of
stool is passed. Hard, impacted faeces can often be felt when performing an
abdominal examination. Other medical causes of abdominal pain include gastroenteritis,
diabetic ketoacidosis and Henoch–Scho¨nlein purpura, due to widespread
You are called to see a 12-hour-old baby. On examination, the baby is jittery,
lethargic and has very blue peripheries. You are concerned about sepsis and
so perform a blood culture. Blood tests show haemoglobin 17 g/dL, haematocrit
0.69 and C-reactive protein ,5 mg/L. A chest X-ray is normal as is a
nitrogen washout test.
What is the most likely cause of this baby’s clinical features?
A. Congenital pneumonia
B. Polycythaemia
C. Sepsis
D. Tetralogy of Fallot
E. Transposition of the great vessels
B – Polycythaemia
Polycythaemia is defined as a central venous haematocrit of .0.65. Haematocrit
is a measure of blood viscosity and is also known as the packed cell
volume. Hyperviscosity can present with lethargy, hypotonia, hyperbilirubinaemia,
hypoglycaemia, seizures, stroke, renal vein thrombosis and necrotizing
Transposition of the great vessels and tetralogy of Fallot are both cyanotic congenital
heart defects. The nitrogen washout test (also known as hyperoxia test)
involves taking a preductal arterial blood gas and then repeating the blood gas
after applying 100% oxygen for 10–15 minutes (i.e. washing out the nitrogen).
A low PaO2 (,20 kPa) after 10–15 minutes of 100% oxygen suggests a fixed
right to left shunt, e.g. tetralogy of Fallot.
With these features you would be right to be concerned about congenital sepsis.
The C-reactive protein (CRP) of ,5 mg/L is very reassuring, though you would
want to start empirical antibiotics until the blood culture returns negative. The
key result described here is the haematocrit of 0.69 which is diagnostic of polycythaemia.
Management would initially involve intravenous fluids to ‘dilute’ the
blood. Exchange transfusion could also be considered.
A 7-year-old boy known to have insulin-dependent diabetes presents to
your unit. He is acutely unwell with polyuria, abdominal pain, vomiting
and confusion. He is clinically dehydrated and has lost more than 5% of
his body weight.
How quickly would you correct his dehydration?
A. 8 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 24 hours
D. 36 hours
E. 48 hours
E – 48 hours
To make a diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) the patient must have
ketones, in the urine or blood, and have a pH ,7.3 with hyperglycaemia. The
clinical history may include polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, abdominal pain, weakness, vomiting or confusion. This patient is dehydrated and will require
slow rehydration over 48 hours, initially with normal saline. Rapid correction
of dehydration and a rapid drop in the blood glucose can cause cerebral
During a period of hyperglycaemia the intracellular osmolality in the brain rises
slowly with the increasing glucose. If the blood glucose is dropped too quickly
an osmotic shift of fluid into the brain tissues can occur. Signs of neurological
deterioration include headache, irritability, slowing heart rate, raised blood
pressure and a reduced conscious level. The first step with these signs would
be to rule out hypoglycaemia. If raised intracranial pressure is suspected it
needs to be treated aggressively with fluid restriction (2/3 of the normal
intake), intravenous mannitol and ITU admission for ventilation
A one-year-old girl presents with fevers and vomiting for 2 days. She has
also passed two loose stools today. She is more lethargic than normal and
has not been feeding well. On examination, she is well perfused and
alert. You are unable to find any focus of her fever on examination,
although there appears to be some discomfort when you palpate her
lower abdomen.
Urine dipstick reveals:
Leucocytes 1þ
Nitrites Positive
Ketones Negative
What is the most likely cause for this baby’s vomiting?
A. Diabetic ketoacidosis
B. Gastroenteritis
C. Meningitis
D. Tonsillitis
E. Urinary tract infection
E – Urinary tract infection
Vomiting in children is a very non-specific symptom. The most likely cause of
vomiting in infants and young children is infection, but it is important to rule
out surgical causes. A surgical cause is often associated with a tender or distended
abdomen, no bowel movements and the cardinal sign of bilious vomiting,
which must always be taken seriously. Bilious vomit in the newborn is green.
Gastroenteritis is a common cause of vomiting, though other infections such as
tonsillitis and otitis media often only present with vomiting and fever. More
serious infections, such as meningitis and pneumonia, are also associated with
vomiting, as is diabetic ketoacidosis. More obscure causes such as intracranial
pathology, drugs, poisons and metabolic diseases should also be considered.
This child is most likely to have a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs in children
often present with fever and vomiting alone. Otitis media and tonsillitis are
ruled out by examination. Meningitis is unlikely with a relatively well child
with a positive urine dipstick.
You see a 6-week-old boy with a short history of projectile vomiting and
hunger. The paediatric FY2 takes a venous blood sample while inserting a
cannula. A blood gas revealed the following:
pH 7.48
PaCO2 5.8 kPa
Base excess þ5
PaO2 3.8 kPa
Normal reference ranges for arterial blood gas:
pH 7.36–7.44
PaCO2 4.7–6.0 kPa, 35–45 mmHg
Base excess +2
PaO2 .10.6 kPa, .80 mmHg (in air)
Which of the following is your interpretation of this blood gas?
A. Hypoxia
B. Metabolic alkalosis (uncompensated)
C. Metabolic alkalosis with some respiratory compensation
D. Respiratory alkalosis (uncompensated)
E. Respiratory alkalosis with some metabolic compensation
B – Metabolic alkalosis (uncompensated)
The history and results are strongly suggestive of pyloric stenosis. The classical
blood gas findings are that of a hypokalaemic, hypochloraemic metabolic alkalosis,
due to the loss of acid and the renal excretion of Kþ ions in return for Hþ
(in an effort to compensate for the alkalosis). The hypertrophied pylorus is often
palpable in the abdomen when giving the baby a feed (known as the test feed).
Definitive management is surgical ligation of the hypertrophied pylorus known
as Ramstedt’s procedure. On this blood gas the blood oxygen level appears low,
but this is to be expected as the sample was venous (deoxygenated) blood. An
arterial sample would give a more accurate representation of respiratory function
but is painful and difficult in this age group
You are fast-bleeped to the postnatal ward. A newborn baby has just stopped
breathing for a minute and ‘had a fit’ from which he has now recovered. He
is 12 hours old and is being breastfed.
Which of the following is the most important investigation to perform at
this point?
A. Blood culture
B. Blood gas
C. Blood sugar level
D. C-reactive protein
E. Lumbar puncture
C – Blood sugar level
If you had arrived while this newborn was apnoeic (not breathing) then the priority
would be to manage the airway and provide respiratory breaths with a bag
and mask. Use the mnemonic ABC-DEFG (do not ever forget glucose) in any
resuscitation situation involving children. This is particularly important if there
has been a seizure-like episode. In this case the blood sugar was 0.9 mmol/L.
A bolus of 10% dextrose (5 mL/kg) was given with success.
A newborn that has an apnoea and is hypoglycaemic could also easily have a
serious infection and you should therefore perform a full blood count, C-reactive
protein and blood culture. Empirical antibiotics (e.g. gentamicin and amoxicillin)
should be commenced until infection has been ruled out. A blood gas would
also be useful as metabolic disease can also cause hypoglycaemia and the
apnoea may be due to respiratory compromise.
You see a boy in clinic and are asked to perform a developmental assessment.
He can walk well and even runs but is not able to kick a ball. He
can create a tower of three blocks and scribbles, though he cannot copy a
straight line. He uses nearly 10 words but is not putting them together.
He is able to feed himself with a spoon but not able to use a fork. His
mother tells you he is always copying her when she does the housework.
What is his developmental age?
A. 12 months
B. 15 months
C. 18 months
D. 2 years
E. 212
C – 18 months
It is important to know the developmental milestones but it is also equally
important to know at what age to worry if a milestone has not been reached.
There are four areas of development:
† Gross motor
† Fine motor and vision
† Hearing and language
† Social
It is useful when assessing the child to look at the areas individually as some children
may be delayed in only one aspect of their development. Every book gives
slightly different milestones for different ages, so it is therefore useful to learn
ranges rather than exact ages.