Paediatrics Haematology Flashcards
What is haemoglobin made from?
4 protein subunits
Fetal haemoglobin (HbF) = two alpha and two gamma
Adult haemoglobin (HbA) = two alpha and two beta
Draw the oxygen dissociation curve for fetal and adult Hb?
When does the production of HbF decrease?
From 32 to 36 weeks gestation (HbA is produced in greater quantities)
What is the problem in sickle cell disease?
Genetic abnormality for the beta subunit responsible for causing the sickle shape of the RBCs (doesn’t happen in fetal haemoglobin)
What is the treatment in sickle cell disease?
Hydroxycarbamide to increase production of fetal Hb
What is anaemia?
Low level of Hb in the blood (not a disease - the result of one)
What is haemoglobin?
Protein found in RBCs (iron is needed to make it)
What are the causes of anaemia in infancy?
Physiologic anaemia of infancy
Anaemia of prematurity
Blood loss
Twin-twin transfusion
What are the causes of haemolysis in a neonate?
Haemolytic disease of the newborn
Hereditary spherocytosis
G6PD deficiency
When does physiologic anaemia of infancy occur and why?
At six to nine weeks of age in healthy term babies - high oxygen delivery to tissues caused by high Hb levels at birth cause negative feedback - production of erythropoietin by the kidneys is suppressed and there is reduced production of Hb by the bone marrow
Why do premature neonates become anaemic?
Less time in utero receiving iron from mother
RBC creation can’t keep up with rapid growth in first few weeks
Reduced erythropoietin levels
Blood tests remove a significant proportion of circulating volume
How to test for haemolytic disease of the newborn?
direct Coombs test (DCT)
What are the 2 main causes of anaemia in older children?
Iron deficiency anaemia secondary to dietary insufficiency
Blood loss from menstruation in older girls
What are the rarer causes of anaemia in children?
Sickle cell anaemia
Hereditary spherocytosis
Hereditary eliptocytosis
Sideroblastic anaemia
What is a common cause of chronic anaemia and iron deficiency worldwide?
Helminth infection with roundworms, hookworms or whipworms
Can be very common in developing countries
What is the treatment of helminth infection?
What are the causes of microcytic anaemia?
T – Thalassaemia
A – Anaemia of chronic disease
I – Iron deficiency anaemia
L – Lead poisoning
S – Sideroblastic anaemia
What are the causes of normocytic anaemia?
A – Acute blood loss
A – Anaemia of Chronic Disease
A – Aplastic Anaemia
H – Haemolytic Anaemia
H – Hypothyroidism
What are the two types of macrocytic anaemia?
Megaloblastic (result of impaired DNA synthesis preventing cell from dividing normally - vitamin deficiency)
What are the causes of megaloblastic anaemia?
B12 deficiency
Folate deficiency
What is normoblastic macrocytic anaemia caused by?
Reticulocytosis (usually from haemolytic anaemia or blood loss)
Liver disease
Drugs e.g. azathioprine
What are the symptoms of anaemia?
Shortness of breath
Worsening of other conditions
What symptoms are specific to iron deficiency anaemia?
Pica - dietary cravings for abnormal things e.g. dirt
Hair loss - iron deficiency anaemia
What are some generic signs of anaemia?
Pale skin
Conjunctival pallor
Raised resp rate
What are the specific signs of iron deficiency anaemia?
Koilonychia (spoon shaped nails)
Angular chelitis
Atrophic glossitis (smooth tongue due to atrophy of papillae)
Brittle hair and nails
What sign is specific to haemolytic anaemia? and Thalassaemia?
Haemolytic = Jaundice
Thalassaemia = bone deformities
What are the initial investigations for anaemia?
Full blood count for haemoglobin and MCV
Blood film
Reticulocyte count
Ferritin (low iron deficiency)
B12 and folate
Bilirubin (raised in haemolysis)
Direct Coombs test (autoimmune haemolytic anaemia)
Haemoglobin electrophoresis (haemoglobinopathies)
What does a high level of reticulocytes indicate in anaemia?
Active production of RBCs to replace lost cells - anaemia is due to haemolysis or blood loss
What is the management of anaemia?
Establish underlying cause and direct treatment accordingly
If severe then may need blood transfusions
What are the causes of iron deficiency?
Dietary insufficiency - most common
Loss of iron e.g. in heavy menstruation
Inadequate absorption e.g. in Crohn’s
Where is iron mainly absorbed?
Duodenum and jejunum
In what form is iron mainly absorbed? What can interfere with this?
In the soluble ferrous (Fe2+) form - when less acid in stomach it changes to the insoluble ferric (Fe3+ form)
PPIs can interfere and coeliacs / Crohn’s disease
How does iron travel around the blood?
As ferric ions bound to carrier proteins called transferrin
What is the total iron binding capacity (TIBC)?
Total space on the transferrin molecule for the iron to bind
What is the transferrin saturation?
Serum iron / TIBC
What is ferritin?
Form that iron takes when it is stored in cells (extra is released when there is inflammation e.g. with infection or cancer)
What can cause low / high ferritin?
Low = iron deficiency (could still be normal especially if infection)
High = difficult to interpret and means inflammation usually
Is serum iron a useful measure?
No - significantly varies throughout the day - higher levels in the morning and after eatin iron containing meals
On its own its not a useful measure
What can increase the levels of serum ferritin, serum iron and TIBC?
Supplementation with iron
Acute liver damage (lots of iron is stored in the liver
What is the management of anaemia?
Treat underlying cause
Iron supplemented with ferrous sulphate or ferrous fumarate - slowly corrects the iron deficiency (causes constipation and black coloured stools - unsuitable for malabsorption)
Blood transfusions are very rarely necessary
What is leukaemia?
Cancer of a particular line of the stem cells in the bone marrow - causing unregulated production of certain types of blood types (chronic is slow and acute is fast) cell line myeloid or lymphoid
Draw out cell lineage?
What are the types of leukaemia?
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is rare
What age does ALL and AML peak?
ALL peaks aged 2-3 years
AML peaks aged under 2 years
What is the result of the excessive production of a single type of cell?
Low RBCs (anaemia)
Low WBCs (leukopenia)
Platelets (thrombocytopaenia)
What is the main environmental risk factor for leukaemia?
Radiation exposure
Which conditions are predisposing to leukaemia?
Down’s syndrome
Kleinfelter syndrome
Noonan syndrome
Faconi’s anaemia
Which conditions are predisposing to leukaemia?
Down’s syndrome
Kleinfelter syndrome
Noonan syndrome
Faconi’s anaemia
How does leukaemia present in children?
Persistent fatigue
Unexplained fever
Failure to thrive
Weight loss
Night sweats
Pallor (anaemia)
Petechiae and abnormal bruising (thrombocytopania)
Abdo pain
Generalised lymphadenopathy
Unexplained or persistent bone or joint pain
What is the first step if leukaemia is suspected?
FBC within 48 hours