Paediatrics Flashcards
Anatomical features of paediatrics
- Head is larger and heavier in proportion to body
- Skin has greater surface area relative to body weight with thinner skin
- Weak ligaments and muscles (c1-c2 injuries occur more)
- Ribs more horizontal, less intercostal development (diaphragmatic breathers)
- Blunt trauma rarely causes fractures
- Abdomen more protuberant, more prone to distention with gas (cautious when ventilating)
Immune system:
- Less developed = more prone to infection
- Immature T cells, more susceptible to viral respiratory infections
Large epiglottis
Large tonsils and adenoids
Large tongue
Small jaw
Higher larynx and more anterior than adult
Higher metabolic demand = higher respiratory rate.
Poor sympathetic innervation but good parasympathetic innervation (poor tachy response)
Left ventricle under-developed (Fixed stroke volume)
Different mechanisms of cardiac arrest into bradyarrhythmias and asystole
Cardiac output greater per body weight
Less blood volume
More prone to infection, obstruction, constipation, malabsorption.
Smaller stomach capacity but large in comparison to body
Bones are more soft and pliable = bond likely to bend than break.
Tissue healing better than adults
Lack of amylase for 2-4 months
Susceptible to wide range of temperature
CNS not fully matured
Prone to febrile convulsions
Newborn and small infant values: (<3 months)
HR: 110-170bpm
BP: >60mmHg
RR: 25-60 breaths/minute
Large infant: (3-12 months)
HR: 105-165bpm
BP: >65mmHg
RR: 25-55
Small child: (1-4 years)
HR: 85-150bpm
BP: >70mmHg
RR: 20-40
Medium child: (5-11 years)
HR: 70-135bpm
BP: >80
RR: 16-34
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI’s)
Usually viral
Children experience these often (6-8 times a year)
URTI signs and symptoms:
- Runny nose
- Pharyngitis
- Fever
URTI treatment:
Paracetamol for discomfort
Ambulances are likely called for SOB
Usually viral
Sometimes so severe that upper airway obstruction occurs
Recurrent tonsilitis may require removal.
Signs and symptoms: (tonsilitis)
Swelling of tonsils and pharynx
May have white exudate on tonsils
Treatment: (tonsilitis)
Otitis Media:
Commonly caused by pneumonia or influenza
Especially common in Eustachian Tube dysfunction
Signs and symptoms: Otitis Media
Deafness and pain in one ear
Irritable child
Bulging red tympanic membrane
Treatment: otitis media
Most will resolve spontaneously
Symptomatic treatment
Antibiotics if bacterial
Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis
Common in children from 6 months to 6 years
85% viral
Causes narrowing of the pharnyx
Risk factors: croup
Late autumn and winter
Recurrent episodes
Signs and symptoms: croup
Usually preceded by a URTI Seal like barking cough Stridor Pale/lethargic Slower onset than epiglottitis
Treatment: croup
Oral steroid therapy (dexamethasone 600mcg/kg)
Nebulized adrenaline 5mg in 5ml
Paracetamol for pain
Severe, life threatening and progressive infection of the epiglottis and surrounding areas.
Children 2-7
Usually caused by haemophilus type B (which we have vaccines for)
Signs & symptoms: epiglottitis
High fever (unwell looking) Sore throat Inspiratory stridor Drooling and dysphagia Severe respiratory distress NO cough Septic and flushed
Treatment: epiglottitis
Avoid examination of airway as this may cause laryngospasm and respiratory arrest
Limit anxiety
Expedient transport
In hospital may intubate/surgical airway/antibiotics
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
Aka Hyaline Membrane Disease (HMD)
Leading cause of death in newborns - primarily preterm infants.
50-70& survival rate with treatment