Paediatrics Flashcards
Kavasaki Disease age range and fever for at least how many days
Common in under 5yr olds
Persistent fever >38 for at least 5 days
Kavasaki Disease features
Temperature >5 das
Erythema - redness and swelling of hands/feet
Mouth - dry/crackled lips, strawberry tongue
Pace- treat early
Eyes - blood shot eyes
Rash - polymorphic blanching rash
Swollen neck gland (unilateral)
Child cannot sit unsupported referral time
12 months
Child walks at what age
12-18 months
Child waves bye bye age
First sign of testicular growth
12yrs (4mls)
max growth spurt in boys
breast development age
menarche age
precocious puberty age in boys
precocious puberty age in girls
talks in short sentences age
vocabulary of 6 words
12-18 months
combine 2 words
12 months
knows and respond to own name
1 year
Most common cause if hypertension in children
Renal parenchymal disease
Febrile convulsions chance of recurrence
Formula fed babies with reflux and feeding issues that are not distressed
Reduce feeds to 150mls/kg and in smaller and more frequent feeds
development milestone palmer grip
6 months
development milestone draws circle
development milestone make Tower of 3-4 blocks
18 months
Unilateral undescended testicle - review at 3 months - if persistent
refer to paeds surgeon
Bilateral undescended testes
senior review within 24 hours
At what age would the average child start to say ‘mama’ and ‘dada’?
9-10 months
Thyroid function testing annually recommended in which 2 genetic conditions?
Turners syndrome
Downs syndrome
UTI <6months atypical or recurrent investigation
US during acute infection
DMSA in 4-6months
MCUG if us abrnomal
UTI <6months typical pathogen investigation respond to abx in 48 hrs
US in 6 weeks
UTI 6m - 3yrs investigation typical
no investigation
UTI 6m - 3yrs atypical infection
US in acute infection
DSMA in 3-4 months
Diarrhoea duration in children
vomiting duration in children
5-7 days
3 days
Inguinal hernia and umbilical hernia in children management
Inguinal refer to surgery
Umbilical conservative resolve at 4-5 years old
Bed wetting referral age
Risk factors for development displasia
Large gestational age
Multiple pregnancy
Risk factors for neonatal sepsis
Group b strep
Prelabour rupture of membranes
Preterm birth before 37weeks
Prom >18 hours
Intrapartum temp more than 38
Antibiotics at time of labour or within 24 hours
Suspected infection n confirmed infection in another baby in multiparity
Developmental milestones red flag referrals
Head controll
Hold an object placed in hand
Reach for an object
Sit unsupported
Walk by 18m in boy and 2yr girl
Walk other than tiptoe
Point at objects
Run by
Head controll 3 months
Hold an object placed in hand is 5 months
Reach for an object 6 months
Sit unsupported 12 months
Walk by 18m in boy and 2yr girl
Walk other than tiptoe
Point at objects 2 years
Run by 2.5 years
speak three words by 12 months, use a spoon effectively by 18 months
Fragile X Syndrome
Learning disability
Large head
Developmental delay
Sturgeon Weber syndrome
Developmental delay especially speech
Capillary navels
Prader willi syndrome
Neonatal hypotonia
Swallowing difficulty
genital hypoplasia
Development miles stones motor red flags
Head control 3 months
Reach and roll by 6 months
Sit independently by 12months
Not cruising by 15 months
Not walking 18 months
Hands held in a fist when over 3 months red flag or not?
Red flag
Sign of hypertonia
Emla and ametop components
- Lidocaine and prilocaine
Development of a 10 month old
Pincer grip, cruise, play peak a boo, wave bye bye
1.Temperature that is high risk in u de 3 months
2.And intermediate risk in children 3m to 6 months
- 38
- 39
Risk factors for DDH
Family history
Fetal abnornalities - CP
Low and high weight
First born
Parent ductus arteriosus
Machine like murmur heard under left clavicle
Common in premature babies