Paediatric urology Flashcards
How common is congenital urogenital anomalies on prenatal ultrasounds?
up to 2%
What is the most common urogenital anomoly that is discovered on prenatal ultrasounds?
60% is hydronephrosis
How common is UPJ obstruction?
males 2:1 females in newborn
Differential diagnosis with hydronephrosis in newborns:
UPJ problems 43% VUR (vesicourethral reflux) 24% Megaureter 12% PUV (posterior urethral valves) 11% Duplex systems 10%
What carachterises Megaurethers?
More often males
More on the left side
Can be caused by obstruction and/or reflux
Is primary or secondary (PUV, neurogenic bladder)
If a hydronephrosis is not an obstruction, what else can it be a sign of?
VUR (vesicourethral reflux)
What information is needed from the antenatal ultrasound if a hydronephrosis is discovered?
Laterality, grade of dilatiation, echogenicitiy of the kidney With or without a dilated urether Bladder volume and emptying Sex of child Amniotic fluid volume
What is a VCUG?
Voiding CystoUrethroGram
Gold standard for imaging the bladder and urethra
Can detect: Vesicoureteral reflux urethral valves ureteroceles diverticula neurogenic bladder
What is a MAG3?
Type of Dynamic Renography
blood flow to the kidney
renal clearance
drainage function
When should UPJ obstruction be operated?
Decreased renal function <40% on affected side Increasing hydronephrosis Manifesting symptoms Poor drainage grade III and IV dilatation
What are the goals in diagnosing and treating UPJ obstruction?
Perserve renal function
Less: UTI Pain Hematuria Urolithiasis
What share of megaurethers will resolve spontaneously?
When should a megaurether be surgically corrected?
Progression in dilatation
Deterioration of renal function
What is more common, a complete duplex system or a partial?
What other conditions are a duplex collecting system associated with?
Ectopic urether
What are the most common sites for an ectopic urether?
Males: posterior urethra
Females: bladder neck, urethra, vagina
more common in girls
What is a ureterocele?
Malformation characteried by pseudo-cystic dilatation of the distal, intravesical portion of urethra
are often a source of obstruction
How common are ureteroceles?
How common are ureteroceles in duplex systems?
80% are found in upper pole urether
20% in single systems
How common are bilateral ureteroceles?
What is the ratio boys:girls in the prevalence of ureteroceles?
What is a Posterior Urethral Valve?
Obstructing membranous fold within the lumen of the posterior urethra
What is the most common urinary obstruction that affects newborn boys?
Posterior Urethral Valve (PUV)
1: 5000-8000 live births
is lifethreatening
35% renal insufficiency despite optimal treatment
How do you treat PUV and what is the result?
Fetal valve ablation
bladder decompression restoration of amniotic fluid lungs can expand restoration of surfactant no benefit for renal function
At what age is the foreskin most often retractable?
90% at 3 years old
How many boys still have physiological fimosis at 17?
How do you treat secondary fimosis?
Stereoid creme (class III-stereoids, twice daily 39 days)
Dorsal slit
What are the medical indications for circumcision?
Congenital urinary tract malformation to reduce risk for UTI
Secondary phimosis with recurrent UTI
BXO (balanitis xerotica obliterans)
What is the NNT to prevent UTI for circumcisions?
therefore not justified as a routine
What are the contraindications for circumcision?
acute infection
congenital anomalies
bleeding disorders
What is the complication rate for circumcision?
What is the incidence of hypospadias?
1:300 newborn boys
In hypospadias, how many are distal and how many are proximal?
Distal 80%
proximal 20%
What factors are associated with hypospadias?
Mainly unknown
low birth weight young and older mothers vegeterian diet during pregnancy IVF some genetic disorders disorders of sexual differentation
What are the indication for surgical correction of hypospadias?
Straighten the penis
Enable standing voiding
Enable normal sexual function
Meatal stenosis correction
cosmetic- foreskin reconstruction
What is the most prevalent procedure for correcting hypospadias?
Tubularised incised plate
if proximal, two stage procedure
with buccal or skin behind the ear
(important, skin without hair)
What are longtime complications after hypospadia surgery?
urethrocutaneous fistula 7-25%
Stricture/stenosis 5-15%
What is Epispadias?
Defect in the dorsal wall of the urethra
together with incontinence and small penis size
What is the incidence of epispadias?
1: 120 000 male births
How do you define a micropenis?
stretched penis length < 2,5 SD of age specific length
What other conditions are micropenises associated with?
Hypogonadism PAIS Chromosomal abberations -Klinefelter's syndrome -Prader- Willis syndrome Idiopathic
What other investigations should be conducted on a patient with a micropenis?
Hormonal analysis
hCG stimulations test
Paediatric endocrinologist
When is surgical intervention varranted for a hydrocele?
If persistent >12 months
Differential diagnoses for acute onset scrotal masses:
Torsion Trauma Abscess Orchitis Epididymnitis
Differential diagnoses for non-acute onset scrotal masses:
Hydrocele Hernia Spermatocele Varicocele Neoplasia
What is the most common age for testicular torsion?
12-20 years
What is the difference between regular testicular torsion and Neonatal testicular torsion?
Neonatal testicular torsion can be extravaginal
What are the most common viral causes for epididymo-orchitis in children?
What is Acute Idiopathic scrotal edema?
Inflammation, tenderness and swelling of scrotal skin
can extend to the perineum & abdomen
age 2-10
non-tender testis
spntanous resolution <72 hours
UL -thickening of scrotal skin
Colud be an allergic reaction
How common is cryptorchidism?
3% at birth
1% at 1 year
How often is cryptochidism bilateral?
How often is the testicle palpable in cryptochidism?
How often is the testicle absent in cryptochidism?
of those that are not palpable 20% are without testicle
When should cryptiochidism be corrected?
Before 1 year of age