Paediatric Therapeutics Flashcards
Chamomilla (whole plant in flower)
Chief affinity with nervous system Over-excitability, hypersensitivity, abrupt, aversion to others, capricious General irritation, restlessness, heat Intolerable pain, better for cold Wants to be carried and rocked
Colic, teething, diarrhoea (chopped spinach)
Fever - one cheek red, one cheek pale
Labour, yelling to get out + wanting to be held
Atropa belladonna (whole plant when it begins to flower)
Great intensity of symptoms, quick to come and go
Inflammation, fever, bright red flushing
Throbbing pain, heat
Highly sensitive to light, noise, touch
Irritable, sudden fits of anger
May desire acidic drinks or foods
Pulsatilla (whole fresh plant)
Changeability in moods, symptoms
Yielding, soft, gentle, mild, timid
Emotional, sympathetic, affectionate, weep easily
Aggravated from heat, sun, being alone, don’t want to part from parents
Better for company, consolation, attention
Greenish, yellow discharge
Otitis media, delayed menses, conjunctivitis, rhinitis
Nux vomica (seeds)
Irritable, impatient, passionate, fastidious
Self-reliant, pragmatic intelligence
Rash, audacious, forceful, expressive
Work hard, play hard, cannot accept limitations; get overwhelmed, overstressed
Craving for stimulants, thrill seeking
Stomach and digestion conditions Constipation, colic Insomnia, wake 3-4am, can’t sleep Migraines and headaches, hangovers Hay fever, allergies, coryza in day dry at night
Ipecacuanha / Ipecac (dried root)
Hard to please, discontented, attaches great importance to trifles
Dictatorial, dogmatic, talking with air of command
Ailments and pains accompanied by constant nausea, not ameliorated by vomiting
Clean tongue
Accumulation of mucus, respiratory complaints
Worse for damp, change of weather
Suppressed anger